< Proverbs 16 >

1 People plan what they want to do, but Yahweh is the one who decides [MTY] what really will happen.
Omuntu ateekateeka by’ayagala okukola mu mutima gwe, Naye okuddamu kuva eri Mukama.
2 People may think that their actions are right, but Yahweh really knows why people do what they do.
Amakubo g’omuntu gonna gaba matuufu mu maaso ge ye, naye Mukama y’apima ebigendererwa.
3 (Request/Rely on) Yahweh to direct what you plan to do; [if you do that], you will succeed in what you plan.
Emirimu gyo gyonna gikwasenga Mukama, naye anaatuukirizanga entegeka zo.
4 Yahweh knows why he does everything that he does; he has even prepared the wicked for the time that he will punish them.
Mukama buli kimu akikola ng’alina ekigendererwa, n’abakozi b’ebibi y’abakolera olunaku lwe batuukibwako ebizibu.
5 Yahweh hates/detests everyone who is proud [IDM]; you can be certain [IDM] that they will be punished [LIT].
Buli muntu alina omutima ogw’amalala wa muzizo eri Mukama; weewaawo talirema kubonerezebwa.
6 Be loyal to Yahweh and faithfully [obey] him; if you do that, he will forgive you for having sinned. If we revere him, nothing evil will happen to us (OR, he will prevent evil things from happening to us).
Olw’okwagala n’olw’obwesigwa, ekibi kisasulibwa, n’okutya Mukama kuleetera omuntu okwewala okukola ebibi.
7 When our behavior pleases Yahweh, he even causes our enemies to act peacefully toward us.
Amakubo g’omuntu bwe gaba gasanyusa Mukama, aleetera abalabe b’omuntu oyo okubeera naye mu mirembe.
8 It is better to have a small amount of money that is earned honestly than to have a lot of money that is acquired dishonestly.
Akatono akafune mu butuukirivu, kasinga obugagga obungi obufune mu bukyamu.
9 People plan what they want to do, but Yahweh directs/determines what they will [really] be able to do.
Omutima gw’omuntu guteekateeka ekkubo lye, naye Mukama y’aluŋŋamya bw’anaatambula.
10 [If] God directs what a king says, what he decides is [always] right/fair.
Kabaka ky’ayogera kiba ng’ekiva eri Katonda, n’akamwa ke tekasaanye kwogera bitali bya bwenkanya.
11 Yahweh wants us to use scales that are correct; the weights in his bag are correct, [because] he made them.
Ebipimo ne minzaani ebituufu bya Mukama, ebipimo byonna ebikozesebwa y’abikola.
12 Kings detest those who do evil, because [it is people doing what] is fair/right that causes their governments to be [MTY] strong.
Kya muzizo bakabaka okukola ebibi, kubanga entebe ye ey’obwakabaka enywezebwa butuukirivu.
13 Kings are delighted to hear people say [MTY] what is true; they love those who say what is right/honest.
Akamwa akogera eby’amazima bakabaka ke basanyukira, era baagala oyo ayogera amazima.
14 If a king becomes angry, he [may] command that someone be executed, [so] wise people will [try to] cause him to be calm.
Obusungu bwa kabaka buli ng’ababaka abaleese okufa, omusajja ow’amagezi alibukkakkanya.
15 If a king has a smile [MTY] on his face, he will enable people to have a [long] life (OR, he will not order people to be executed); his being pleased [with people] is [as delightful] as rain in the springtime [when seeds are planted].
Kabaka bw’asanyuka kireeta obulamu; n’okuganza kwe, kuli nga ekire eky’enkuba mu biseera ebya ttoggo.
16 Becoming wise is better than aquiring gold; getting good understanding/insight is better than acquiring silver.
Okufuna amagezi nga kusinga nnyo okufuna zaabu, era n’okufuna okutegeera kikira ffeeza!
17 Those whose behavior [MET] is good/right turn away from doing evil; those who guard their conduct [MTY] protect their lives.
Ekkubo ly’abagolokofu kwe kwewala ebibi, n’oyo eyeekuuma mu kutambula kwe, awonya emmeeme ye.
18 Being proud will (lead to your having/cause you to have) disasters; despising others will result in your being ruined.
Amalala gakulembera okuzikirira, n’omwoyo ogwegulumiza gukulembera ekigwo.
19 It is better to be humble and poor than [to associate with] proud [people] and [to become rich by] dividing with them (plunder/goods captured in a battle).
Okubeera n’omwoyo ogwetoowaza era n’okubeera n’abaavu, kisinga okugabana omunyago n’ab’amalala.
20 Those who heed good teaching/instruction will prosper; happy are those who trust in Yahweh.
Oyo assaayo omwoyo ku kuyigirizibwa alikulaakulana, era alina omukisa oyo eyeesiga Mukama.
21 People say that those who are wise learn what is right/good behavior, and those who talk pleasantly [are able to] influence others [to do what is right].
Abalina emitima egy’amagezi baliyitibwa bategeevu, n’enjogera ennungi eyongera okuyamba okutegeera.
22 Being wise is [like having] a fountain that gives life [MET], but foolish people are punished as a result of their acting foolishly.
Amagezi nsulo ya bulamu eri oyo agalina, naye obusirusiru buleetera abasirusiru okubonerezebwa.
23 Those who are wise think carefully before they talk, and as a result they are able to influence/persuade others [to do what is right].
Omutima gw’omuntu ow’amagezi gumuwa enjogera ennungi, era akamwa ke kayigiriza abalala.
24 Kind words are like honey [SIM]: We enjoy them both, and both cause our bodies to be healthy/strong.
Ebigambo ebirungi biri ng’ebisenge by’omubisi gw’enjuki, biwoomera emmeeme, ne biwonya n’amagumba.
25 There are some kinds of behavior [MET] that people think are right, but (walking on those roads [MET]/continually doing those things) causes those people to die.
Wabaawo ekkubo erirabika ng’ettuufu eri omuntu, naye ku nkomerero limutuusa mu kufa.
26 If a worker (has an appetite/is hungry), that urges him to work hard because he [SYN] wants to [earn money to buy things to] eat.
Okwagala okulya kuleetera omuntu okukola n’amaanyi, kubanga enjala emukubiriza okweyongera okukola.
27 Worthless people plan [ways to cause] trouble [for others], and [even] what they say [injures people] like a hot fire does [SIM].
Omuntu omusirusiru ategeka okukola ebitali bya butuukirivu, era n’ebigambo bye, biri ng’omuliro ogwokya ennyo.
28 Deceitful people cause strife/quarreling among other people; those who say false things about other people cause people who are friends to become enemies.
Omuntu omubambaavu asiikuula entalo, n’ow’olugambo ayawukanya ab’omukwano enfirabulago.
29 Those who act violently entice/encourage others [to also act violently] and lead them along a road that will end in disaster.
Omuntu omukyamu asendasenda muliraanwa we n’amutwala mu kkubo eritali ttuufu.
30 People [sometimes] show with [one of] their eyes [to signal to their friends that they are] planning to do something to harm [others]; they smirk when they are about to do something evil.
Omuntu atemya ku liiso ateekateeka kwonoona, n’oyo asongoza emimwa ategeka kukola bitali birungi.
31 Gray hair is [like] a glorious crown [MET] that is given to people who have always behaved righteously.
Omutwe ogw’envi ngule ya kitiibwa, gufunibwa abo abatambulira mu bulamu obutuukirivu.
32 Those who do not become angry quickly are better than those who are powerful; it is better to (control your temper/keep yourself from becoming very angry) than to conquer a city.
Omuntu omugumiikiriza asinga omutabaazi, n’oyo afuga obusungu bwe akira awamba ekibuga.
33 People (cast lots/throw marked stones) [to decide what should be done], but God is the one who truly decides what will happen.
Akalulu kayinza okukubibwa, naye okusalawo kwa byonna kuva eri Mukama.

< Proverbs 16 >