< Proverbs 13 >

1 Children who are wise (pay attention/heed it) when their parents discipline/correct them; but foolish children do not pay attention when someone rebukes them [for their bad behavior].
Hikmətli oğul ata tərbiyəsinə qulaq asar, Rişxəndçi iradı qulaq ardına vurar.
2 Good people are rewarded [IDM] for the good things [MET] that they say, but those who desire to deceive others are [very] eager to act violently.
İnsanın dilində yaxşı söz olsa, onun xeyrini yeyər, Xain zorakılıq istər.
3 Those who are [very] careful about what they say [MTY] will live a long life; those who talk (without thinking/too much) will ruin themselves.
Dilini saxlayan canını qoruyar, Boşboğaz başını bəlaya salar.
4 People who are lazy want things very much, but they will not get anything [HYP]. People who work hard will get all that they want.
Tənbəl arzuladığına çatmaz, Çalışqan bolluğa qovuşar.
5 Righteous/Honest people hate/detest lies, but what wicked people do (is very disgraceful/stinks) [DOU].
Saleh adam yalana nifrət edər, Şər insanın sözləri xəcalət və rüsvayçılıq gətirər.
6 The behavior [PRS] of those who always do what is right will protect them, but sinful [behavior will] ruin wicked people.
Kamillik yolunda olanı salehlik qoruyar, Günahkarı şər yıxar.
7 Some people who have nothing pretend to be rich, but other people who are very rich pretend to be poor.
Adam var ki, heç nəyi yoxdur, özünü varlı göstərir, Adam var ki, malı çoxdur, özünü yoxsul göstərir.
8 Rich people are able to pay people who want to kill them, [with the result that they will be protected, not killed], but poor people [do not have to worry about that because] no one threatens to kill them.
Sərvət insanın canını təhlükədən qurtarar, Yoxsul isə hədə-qorxu eşitməz.
9 Righteous [people] are like a lamp [MET] that shines brightly, but wicked [people] are like [MET] a lamp that will [soon] be extinguished.
Saleh insanların işığı könlü sevindirər, Şər insanların çırağı sönər.
10 [People] who are arrogant/proud [always] cause strife; those who are wise ask [other people] for good advice.
Təkəbbürdən ancaq münaqişə yaranar, Yaxşı nəsihətə qulaq asanın hikməti var.
11 Those who acquire a lot of money quickly [by doing what is wrong, probably] will lose it [quickly], but if people earn money slowly, the amount of money they have will increase.
Kələklə gələn sərvət azalar, Zəhmətlə qazanılan sərvət isə artar.
12 When people do not receive the things that they are expecting to receive, (it causes them to despair/they become very sad); but if you receive what you are desiring to get, that [will be like a tree] [MET] [whose fruit gives you] life (OR, that will cause you to be joyful).
Gecikən ümid ürəyi xəstələndirir, Arzuya çatmaq həyat ağacıdır.
13 Those who despise [the good] advice [that others give them] are bringing ruin on themselves; those who pay attention to that advice will (be secure/succeed).
Öyüdə xor baxan öz canını həlak edər, Əmrə ehtiram edənlərə mükafat verilər.
14 What wise [people] teach is [like] a fountain whose [water] gives life [MET]; what they teach you will help you to escape when something dangerous is threatening to kill you [MET].
Hikmətli adamın təlimi həyat qaynağıdır, İnsanı ölüm tələsinə düşməkdən geri qaytarır.
15 [People] respect those who have good sense, but those who cannot be trusted are on the road to being ruined/destroyed (OR, will have a lot of difficulties/troubles).
Dərin ağlı olan lütf qazanır, Xainin yolu dolaşıqdır.
16 Those who have good sense always think carefully/wisely before they do something; foolish people show [by what they say and do] that they are foolish.
Uzaqgörən hər gördüyü işi bilir, Axmaq öz səfehliyini hamıya göstərir.
17 Messengers who are not reliable cause trouble, but those who faithfully [deliver their messages] cause people to act peacefully.
Pis qasid bəlaya düşər, Etibarlı elçi şəfa verər.
18 Those who refuse to pay attention when others discipline/correct them will become poor and disgraced; [people] respect those who accept it when they are rebuked [for their bad behavior].
Tərbiyəni rədd edən yoxsullaşıb şərəfdən düşər, Məzəmməti qəbul edən şərəfə yetişər.
19 It is delightful to receive what we desire; foolish people hate/refuse to turn away from doing evil.
Arzuya çatmaq qəlbə, cana şirin gələr, Axmaq pislikdən dönməyə ikrah edər.
20 Those who habitually associate with wise people become wise; those who (are close friends of/associate with) foolish people will (regret it/be ruined).
Hikmətli ilə oturub-duran hikmət qazanar, Axmaqlarla ayaqlaşan bədbəxt olar.
21 Sinners have trouble [PRS] wherever they go, but things will go well for righteous [people].
Günahkarı şər qovar, Salehin yaxşı bir əvəzi var.
22 When good people [die], their grandchildren inherit their money; but when sinners [die], the money that they had will end up in the hands of righteous [people].
Yaxşı insan nəvələrinə də irs qoyar, Günahkarın yığdığı sərvət salehə qalar.
23 [Sometimes] poor [people’s] fields produce plenty of food, but unjust people take away all that food.
Yoxsulların əkini bol bəhrə versə də, Ədalət olmayan yerdə bada gedər.
24 Those who do not punish their children [for bad behavior] do not [really] love them; those who love their children start to discipline them when the children are still young.
Oğlundan kötəyi əsirgəyən sanki ona nifrət edər, Oğlunu sevən ona düzgün tərbiyə verər.
25 Righteous [people] have enough food to eat and be satisfied, but the stomachs of wicked [people] [SYN] are [always] empty.
Saleh yeyib doyar, Şər adamsa ac qalar.

< Proverbs 13 >