< Joshua 16 >

1 The land that was allotted to [the two tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh that were descended from] Joseph started at the Jordan [River], east of the springs at Jericho.
Og Lodden udkom for Josefs Børn: Fra Jordanen ved Jeriko, ved Vandet fra Jeriko mod Østen, den Ørk, som gaar op fra Jeriko til Bjerget ved Bethel.
2 It extended west from Jericho to the hilly area near Bethel, which is also called Luz. It extended as far as Ataroth, at the border of the land where the Arki people-group lived.
Og Landemærket gaar videre fra Bethel til Lus og gaar igennem til Arkiternes Landemærke til Ataroth.
3 From there it extended west to the border of the land where the Japhleti people-group lived, and then it extended west to the area near Lower Beth-Horon. From there it extended west to Gezer [city] and from there to the [Mediterranean] Sea.
Og det gaar ned mod Vest til Jaflethiternes Landemærke, indtil det nedre Beth-Horons Landemærke og indtil Geser, og dets Udgang er til Havet.
4 That is the land that the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh were allotted.
Og dette arvede Josefs Børn, Manasse og Efraim.
5 The border of the land that was allotted to the clans of the tribe of Ephraim started at Ataroth-Addar [city] in the east. It extended to Upper Beth-Horon
Og Efraims Børns Landemærke efter deres Slægter, deres Arvs Landemærke var mod Østen, fra Ataroth-Addar indtil det øvre Beth-Horon.
6 and from there to the [Mediterranean] Sea.
Og Landemærket gaar i Vesten ud fra Nordsiden af Mikmethath, og Landemærket gaar omkring i Øster til Thaanath-Silo, og det gaar forbi den, Østen for Janoa.
7 From Michmethath [on the north] it extended east to Taanath and from there on to Janoah. From there it extended [south] to Ataroth [city] and to Naarah [town]. From there it extended to Jericho and from there to the Jordan [River].
Og det kommer ned fra Janoa til Ataroth og Naara og skyder op mod Jeriko og gaar ud til Jordan.
8 The [northern] border extended from Tappuah west to Kanah Ravine, and ended at the [Mediterranean] Sea. That was the land that was allotted to the tribe of Ephraim.
Fra Thappua gaar Landemærket i Vester til Bækken Kana; og dets Udgang er til Havet; dette er Efraims Børns Stammes Arv efter deres Slægter.
9 Many of those towns were really within the area allotted to the tribe of Manasseh.
Hertil kom de Stæder, som vare udlagte for Efraims Børn midt iblandt Manasse Børns Arv, alle Stæderne og deres Landsbyer.
10 The people of the tribe of Ephraim could not force the Canaan people-group to leave Gezer, so the Canaan people-group still live among the people of the tribe of Ephraim, but the Israelis forced the people of the Canaan people-group to become their slaves.
Og de fordreve ikke Kananiten, som boede i Geser; men Kananiten boede iblandt Efraim indtil denne Dag og blev en skatskyldig Tjener.

< Joshua 16 >