< Joel 3 >
1 [Yahweh says this]: “At that time [DOU], I will enable [the people of] Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah to prosper again.
Quia ecce in diebus illis, et in tempore illo cum convertero captivitatem Iuda, et Ierusalem:
2 [Then] in the Valley of Judgment I will gather together [the people of] all the [other] nations; I will judge [and punish] them because they scattered my Israeli people and forced them to go to other countries. They divided up my land
Congregabo omnes Gentes, et deducam eas in vallem Iosaphat: et disceptabo cum eis ibi super populo meo, et hereditate mea Israel, quos disperserunt in nationibus, et terram meam diviserunt.
3 and they (threw marked stones/cast lots) to determine who would get [each of] my people. Then they sold [some of] the Israeli boys and girls [to get money to pay] for prostitutes and wine to drink.
Et super populum meum miserunt sortem: et posuerunt puerum in prostibulo, et puellam vendiderunt pro vino ut biberent.
4 You [people of] [APO] Tyre and Sidon [cities] and [you people of] the Philistia [region], I certainly have not [RHQ] done anything to harm you! [So] if you are trying to get revenge on me, I will very quickly get revenge on you.
Verum quid mihi et vobis Tyrus et Sidon, et omnis terminus Palæsthinorum? numquid ultionem vos reddetis mihi? et si ulciscimini vos contra me, cito velociter reddam vicissitudinem vobis super caput vestrum.
5 You have taken the silver and gold and [other] things from my temple and put them in your temples.
Argentum enim meum, et aurum tulistis: et desiderabilia mea, et pulcherrima intulistis in delubra vestra.
6 [You dragged away] the people of Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah, and you took them far away and sold them to people in Greece.
Et filios Iuda, et filios Ierusalem vendidistis filiis Græcorum, ut longe faceretis eos de finibus suis.
7 But I will cause my people to want to return from the places to which you sold them, and I will do to you what you did to them.
Ecce ego suscitabo eos de loco, in quo vendidistis eos: et convertam retributionem vestram in caput vestrum.
8 Then I will cause [some of] your sons and your daughters to be sold to the people of Judah! And [some of] them will be sold to the Sabea people-group, who live far away. [That will certainly happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
Et vendam filios vestros, et filias vestras in manibus filiorum Iuda, et venundabunt eos Sabæis genti longinquæ, quia Dominus locutus est.
9 Proclaim to the [people of all] nations, “Prepare for a war! Summon your soldiers, and tell them to stand in their battle positions.
Clamate hoc in Gentibus, sanctificate bellum, suscitate robustos: accedant, ascendant omnes viri bellatores.
10 [Take] your plows and make swords from them, and [take] your pruning knives and make spears from them. [Even] the weak people must [also] be like [MET] [strong] soldiers.
Concidite aratra vestra in gladios, et ligones vestros in lanceas. Infirmus dicat: Quia fortis ego sum.
11 All you [people from the] nations that are near [Judah] must come quickly and gather [in the Valley of Judgment].” But Yahweh, [when that happens], send your army [of angels to attack them]!
Erumpite, et venite omnes gentes de circuitu, et congregamini: ibi occumbere faciet Dominus robustos tuos.
12 The [people in] the nations near [Judah] must get ready and come to the Valley of Judgment. There Yahweh will sit and judge [and punish] them.
Consurgant, et ascendant Gentes in vallem Iosaphat: quia ibi sedebo ut iudicem omnes gentes in circuitu.
13 [They are like] [MET] crops that are ready to be harvested; so [strike them like] [MET] [a farmer] swings his sickle to cut the grain. They are like [MET] grapes that are piled high in the pits where they will be pressed; because they are very wicked, [punish them severely] [MET] now, like [MET] [a farmer] tramples on the grapes until the pits are full of juice.
Mittite falces, quoniam maturavit messis: venite, et descendite, quia plenum est torcular, exuberant torcularia: quia multiplicata est malitia eorum.
14 [There will be] huge crowds of people in that Valley of Judgment. It will soon be the time that Yahweh [will punish them].
Populi, populi in valle concisionis: quia iuxta est dies Domini in valle concisionis.
15 [At that time] there will be no light from the sun or moon, and the stars will not shine.
Sol et luna obtenebrati sunt, et stellæ retraxerunt splendorem suum.
16 From Zion [Hill] in Jerusalem Yahweh will shout, and his voice will be like thunder, and his voice will cause the sky and the earth to shake. But Yahweh will protect [MET] his people; he will be like [MET] a strong wall behind which the people of Israel will be protected.
Et Dominus de Sion rugiet, et de Ierusalem dabit vocem suam: et movebuntur cæli, et terra: et Dominus spes populi sui, et fortitudo filiorum Israel.
17 [Yahweh says], “At that time, you Israeli people will know that I am Yahweh, your God. I live on Zion, my sacred hill. Jerusalem will be a sacred [city], and [soldiers from] other countries will never conquer it again.
Et scietis quia ego Dominus Deus vester habitans in Sion monte sancto meo. et erit Ierusalem sancta, et alieni non transibunt per eam amplius.
18 At that time, there will be vineyards covering [MTY] the hills, and [your cattle and goats on] those hills will produce plenty of milk. The streams in Judah will never dry up. And a stream will flow from my temple into the Acacia Valley [northeast of the Dead Sea].
Et erit in die illa: stillabunt montes dulcedinem, et colles fluent lacte: et per omnes rivos Iuda ibunt aquæ: et fons de domo Domini egredietur, et irrigabit torrentem spinarum.
19 [The armies of] Egypt and Edom attacked the people of Judah and killed [MTY] many people who had not done anything that was wrong. So [now] those countries will become deserts,
Ægyptus in desolationem erit, et Idumæa in desertum perditionis: pro eo quod inique egerint in filios Iuda, et effuderint sanguinem innocentem in terra sua.
20 but there will always be people living in Jerusalem and [in other places] in Judea.
Et Iudæa in æternum habitabitur, et Ierusalem in generationem et generationem.
21 [I], Yahweh, live on Zion [Hill in Jerusalem], and I will get revenge on the people [of Egypt and Edom] who killed [MTY] [many of my people].”
Et mundabo sanguinem eorum, quem non mundaveram: et Dominus commorabitur in Sion.