< Job 18 >

1 Then Bildad replied [again]:
Da svarede Bildad, Sukiten, og sagde:
2 “When are you going to stop talking [RHQ]? If you would stop talking and listen, we could tell you something.
Naar ville I gøre Ende paa Ord? forstaar først, og derefter ville vi tale.
3 Why do you think that we are [as stupid] as cattle? [DOU, RHQ]
Hvorfor blive vi agtede som Fæ og ere blevne urene for eders Øjne?
4 By being [very] angry and hurting yourself, do you think that doing that will shake the earth, or cause the rocks in the mountains to move? [RHQ]?
O du, som sønderslider din Sjæl i din Vrede, mon Jorden skal ligge forladt for din Skyld og en Klippe flyttes fra sit Sted?
5 “What will happen is that the lives of wicked people [like you] end [as quickly as we can] put out a light or extinguish the flame of a fire.
Ja den ugudeliges Lys skal udslukkes, og hans Ilds Lue skal ikke skinne.
6 And when the lamps above them [in their tents] are extinguished, there will be no light in those tents.
Lyset skal blive mørkt i hans Telt, og hans Lampe over ham skal udslukkes.
7 [For many years] they walked confidently, but later [in life it was as though] they stumbled and fell, because [they themselves did not heed] the advice [that they gave to others].
Hans Krafts Skridt skulle indsnævres, og hans eget Raad skal styrte ham.
8 [It was as though] they walked into their own net or fell into a pit that they themselves have dug.
Thi han føres i Garnet ved sine egne Fødder, og han vandrer over et Net;
9 [It was as though] a trap grabbed their heels and held them fast [DOU],
Snaren holder ham om Hælen, Strikken snører sig fast om ham;
10 [as though the noose of] a rope that was hidden on the ground, [whose other end was fastened to the limb of a tree], seized them when they walked into it.
Garnet for ham ligger skjult paa Jorden, og Fælden for ham ved Stien;
11 Everywhere they went, there were things that caused them to be terrified; [it was as though] those things were pursuing them and biting at their heels.
Rædsler forfærde ham trindt omkring, og de drive ham hid og did, hvor han gaar;
12 They became hungry, with the result that they had no strength. They experienced disasters [PRS] constantly.
hans Kraft vansmægter af Hunger, og Ulykke er beredt til hans Side.
13 Diseases spread all over their skin/bodies; diseases that (caused their bodies to decay/destroyed their arms and legs).
Lemmerne under hans Hud skal Dødens førstefødte fortære, ja hans Lemmer skal den fortære.
14 [When they died, ] they were snatched away from their tents and brought to the one who rules over the dead.
Han rives op fra sit Telt, som var hans Tillid, og han føres frem til Rædslernes Konge.
15 Now their tents will burn down, when burning sulfur rains down on those tents!
Der skal bo i hans Telt, hvad der ikke hører ham til; Svovl skal strøs over hans Bolig.
16 [Because those who died had no descendants], they were [like trees whose] roots have dried up and whose branches have all withered [MET].
Hans Rødder skulle tørres nedentil, og oventil skal hans Gren afskæres.
17 No one on the earth will remember them any more; no [one on any] street [will even remember] their names [MTY].
Hans Ihukommelse skal udslettes af Landet, og han skal intet Navn have paa Gaderne.
18 They will be expelled from the earth where there is light, and they will be sent into the place where it is dark.
De skulle udstøde ham fra Lyset til Mørket og bortjage ham fra Jorderige.
19 They will have no children or grandchildren, no descendants where they previously lived.
Han skal ikke have en Søn og ej en Sønnesøn iblandt sit Folk, og der skal ingen blive tilovers i hans Boliger.
20 People from the east to the west [who hear about what happened to them], will be shocked and horrified.
Efterkommerne skulle forskrækkes over hans Dag, og de gamle skulle betages af Forfærdelse.
21 And that is what happens to ungodly/sinful people [like you], to people who (have no interest in/have rejected) God.”
Visselig, saadanne ere den uretfærdiges Boliger og saadant dens Sted, som ikke kender Gud.

< Job 18 >