< Isaiah 10 >

1 Terrible things will happen to you judges who are unjust and who make unfair laws.
A UWE ka poe kau i na kanawai hewa, A me ka poe kakauolelo, i kakau i na mea kekee;
2 You refuse to help poor people, and you do not allow them to get the things that they should get. You [allow people to] steal things from widows and do unfair things to orphans.
I kipaku i ka poe kaumaha, mai ka hooponoia'ku, A kaili aku hoi i ka pono o ko'u poe kanaka poino, I pio ia lakou na wahinekanemake, A hao wale hoi i na keiki makua ole!
3 When I punish you by sending people from distant lands to cause you to experience disasters, (to whom will you run to get help?/there will be no one who can help you.) [RHQ] Your valuable possessions will certainly [not be safe] [RHQ] anywhere.
Pehea la oukou e hana'i i ka la o ka hoopui ana, Ke hiki mai ka make mai kahi loihi mai? Ia wai oukou e holo ai no ke kokuaia mai? Mahea oukou e waiho ai i ko oukou waiwai?
4 You will be able only to stumble along as you are taken away with other prisoners, or [else] your corpses will lie on the ground with others who have been killed. But even after that happens, Yahweh will still be very angry with you. He will still be ready to strike you again with his fist.
I haaleleia e au, e kulou no lakou malalo me na mea pio, A e hina hoi malalo me na mea i lukuia. Aole nae i huli aku kona huhu no keia mau mea a pau, Aka, ke o mai nei no kona lima i keia manawa.
5 [Yahweh says], “Terrible things will happen to Assyria. [It is true that their army] is like a rod/club [DOU] with which I [punish other nations] because I am very angry with those nations [DOU].
Auwe ko Asuria! ka laau hahau o kuu ukiuki, A o ua laau hahau la, aia no ia ma ko lakou lima, Oia hoi kuu inaina.
6 [Sometimes] I send the armies of Assyria to attack a godless nation, to fight against [other] people who have caused me to be angry. I send them to capture people and to seize and take away their possessions, and to trample them like [SIM] people walk on mud in the streets.
E hoouna aku au ia ia, e ku e i ka lahuikanaka aia, E kauoha aku no wau ia ia, E ku e i ka poe kanaka a'u i huhu ai; E hao aku i ka waiwaipio, a e lawe aku hoi i ka mea i paa; A e hahi ia lakou ilalo, e like me ka lepo o ke alanui.
7 But the [king of Assyria] does not understand, he does not realize [that he is only like a weapon in my hand]. He wants [only] to destroy people, to get rid of many nations.
Aole pela kona manao, Aole i noonoo kona naau pela; O ka luku no ka mea iloko o kona naau, A e anai aku i na aina he nui loa.
8 He says, ‘All of my army commanders will soon be kings [of these nations that I conquer]!
I mai la ia, aole anei he poe alii nui ko'u poe alii?
9 We destroyed Calno [city] like we destroyed Carchemish [city], We destroyed Hamath [city] like we destroyed Arpad [city]; we destroyed Samaria just like we destroyed Damascus.
Aole anei i like o Kaleno me Karekemisa? A o Hamata hoi me Arepada? A o Samaria me Damaseko?
10 We were able to destroy [all] those kingdoms [that were full] of idols, kingdoms whose idols were greater than the idols in Jerusalem and Samaria.
E like me ka loaa i kuu lima na aupuni o na'kua kii, Ua oi aku ko lakou akua kii mamua o ko Ierusalema, A mamua hoi o ko Samaria;
11 So we will defeat Jerusalem and destroy the idols that are there, just like we destroyed Samaria and the idols that were there!’
Me au i hana aku ai ia Samaria a me kona poe akua kii, Aole anei au e hana pela ia Ierusalema a me kona mau akua?
12 [But, I, Yahweh, say that] after I [have used Assyria to] finish what I want to do to punish the people in Jerusalem [DOU], I will punish the king of Assyria because he has been very proud and arrogant/boastful [DOU].
A hiki aku i ka wa, e hooki ai ka Haku i kana hana a pau, Maluna o ka mauna o Ziona, a me Ierusalema, Alaila wau e hoopai aku ai i ka hua o ka naau kiekie o ke alii o Asuria, A me ka hookano ana o kona maka hookiekie.
13 He says, ‘By my own great power [MTY] I have done these things. I have been able to do them because I am very wise and very intelligent. My army removed the barriers [at the borders] of nations and carried away all their valuable things. My army has knocked down their kings like [SIM] a ferocious bull would.
No ka mea, ua olelo mai ia, Ua hana au i keia, i ka ikaika o ko'u lima iho, A i kuu akamai hoi, no ka mea, ua maalea au. Na'u no i hooneenee i na mokuna o na aina, A ua hao aku au i ko lakou waiwai, A e like hoi me ke kanaka koa, ua hoohaahaa wau i ka poe e noho ana.
14 Like [MET] a farmer reaches into a bird’s nest [to take away the eggs], we have taken away the treasures of other countries [DOU]. The people were not like birds that would flap their wings or chirp loudly [to protest about their eggs being stolen]; the people did not object at all [to their treasures being stolen].’
Me he punana la i loaa'i i kuu lima ka waiwai o na lakuikanaka; A e like me ka hoiliili ana o na hua manu i haaleleia, Pela no wau i hoiliili ai i ko na aina a pau; Aohe mea i upoi ka eheu, Aohe mea i hamama ka waha a ioio.
15 [But I, Yahweh, say that] an axe certainly cannot [RHQ] boast about being stronger than the person who uses it, and a saw is not greater than the person who uses it. A rod cannot control the one who holds it [RHQ], and a wooden club cannot lift up a person [RHQ]. [So the king of Assyria should not boast that he has done these things with his own wisdom and strength].
E hookiekie anei ke koilipi maluna o ka mea nana e kalai me ia? E haanui anei ka pahiolo maluna o ka mea nana ia e oloolo? Me he laau la i wiliwili i kona mea nana e hapai, E like me ke kookoo hoi i hoala ia ia iho me he mea laau ole la.
16 And [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, will send a plague among the proud soldiers of Assyria; it will be like [MET] a fire that will kill them and get rid of their glory/wealth.
Nolaila e hoouna mai ai ka Haku, ka Haku o na kaua, I ka wiwi maluna o kona poe puipui; A malalo iho o kona nani e puhi ai oia i ka mea aa, E like me ke aa ana o ke ahi.
17 [I], Yahweh, who am like [MET] a light for the people of Israel, will be the fire; [I], the Holy One, will be like a flame. [The soldiers of Assyria are like] [MET] thorns and briers, and I will burn them up in one night.
E lilo no ka malamalama o Iseraela i ahi, A o kona Mea Hemolele hoi i lapalapa ahi; A e puhi no ia, a e hoopau ma ka la hookahi, I kona nahele ooi, a me kona laau kalakala.
18 There are glorious forests and fertile farmlands in Assyria, but I will completely destroy them; they will be like [SIM] a [very] sick person who shrivels up and then dies.
E hoopau loa no ia i ka nani o kona ululaau, A me ka mahinaai hua nui, mai ka uhane a ke kino; A e like auanei ia me ka mea mai hokii loa.
19 There will be very few trees left in those forests; even a child will be able to count them.”
E uuku ana no ke koena o kona ululaau, E hiki no i ke keiki uuku ke palapala ia lakou.
20 In the future there will be only a few people left in Israel; not many descendants of Jacob will still be alive. [But] they will no longer rely on [the king of Assyria], [the king of the nation] that tried to destroy them. Instead, they will faithfully/sincerely trust in Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel.
A hiki aku i kela la, O ke koena o ka Iseraela, O ka poe hoi i pakele o ka ohana a Iakoba, Aole lakou e hilinai hou maluna o ka mea nana lakou i pepehi; Aka, e hilinai io no maluna o Iehova, A maluna hoi o ka Mea Hemolele o ka Iseraela.
21 Those Israelis will return to their mighty God.
He koena no ke hoi mai, he koena no Iakoba, I ke Akua mana loa.
22 [Now], the people of Israel are as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore, but only a few of them will return [from the countries to which they were exiled]. Yahweh has decided to destroy [most of the Israelis] and that is what [he must do because he is completely] just/righteous.
Ina paha i like kou poe kanaka o Iseraela, Me ke one o ke kai, He koena wale no o lakou ke hoi mai; Ua holo ka olelo no ka hoopau ana, E hiki wawe mai ia, me ka pololei hoi.
23 [Yes, ] the Commander of the armies of angels has [already] decided to destroy the entire land [of Israel].
He oiaio no, ua holo ka olelo no ka hoopau ana, A na ka Haku no, na Iehova o na kaua e hana mai, Mawaena konu o ka aina a pau.
24 This is what the Commander of the armies of angels says: “My people in Jerusalem, do not be afraid of the army of Assyria when they beat you with rods and clubs, like the men of Egypt did [to your ancestors long ago].
Nolaila i olelo mai ai ka Haku, o Iehova o na kaua, peneia, E ko'u poe kanaka e noho la ma Ziona, Mai makau oukou i ko Asuria; E hahau mai no lakou me ka laau hahau, A e hapai no hoi i ke kookoo maluna ou, E like me ka hana ana o Aigupita.
25 Soon I will no longer be angry with you, and [then] I will be angry with the people of Assyria and destroy them!”
Aka, he wahi manawa uuku no e koe, Alaila, e kaa no kuu inaina, a me ko'u ukiuki hoi. Ma ke anaiia'ku o lakou.
26 The Commander of the armies of angels will whip them. He will do to them like he did when he helped Gideon [and his 300 soldiers] to defeat the [army of the] Midian people-group, and like he did when he showed his mighty power [MTY] [by causing the army of Egypt to drown] in the [Red] Sea.
Na Iehova o na kaua e hapai i laau hahau maluna o lakou, E like me ka hahau ana i ko Midiana ma ka pohaka o Oreba: A me ka laau ana i hapai ai maluna o ke kai, E hapai no oia ia e like me kana hana ana i ko Aigupita.
27 Some day, Yahweh will cause the army of Assyria to stop oppressing you, [his people]; he will end your suffering and your being slaves of the people of Assyria [MET]; he will take away the load that you people of Judah have been carrying, and cause things to go well for you.
A hiki mai ia la, E laweia'ka kona mea kanmaha, mai koa poohiwi ako, A me kona auamo maluna ako o kou a-i, E hakiia auanei imua o ka mea puipui
28 [The army of Assyria will enter northern Judah] near Aiath [town], they will go through Migron [town] and store their supplies at Micmash [town north of Jerusalem].
Ua hele mai ia i Aiata, ua hala loa aku i Migerona, Ua waiho no i kana ukana ma Mikemasa:
29 They will cross through a mountain pass and set up their tents at Geba [town]. [People in] Ramah [town] will tremble [because of being afraid]. [The people of] Gibeah [town], where King Saul [was born], will [all] run away.
Ua hele mai lakou ma keia aoao o ke ahua; Aia ma Geba ko lakou wahi moe i ka po: Ua makau ko Rama; ua holo ko Gibea Saula.
30 You people of Gallim [town] will cry out [for help]. You will shout to [the people of] Laish [city near Jerusalem] to warn them! [The people of] Anathoth [town] will suffer a lot.
E hookiekie i koa leo, e ke kaikamahine a Galima; E hoolohe oe, e Laisa; Auwe Anatota poino!
31 [The people of] Madmenah [town north of Jerusalem will all] be running away, and [the people of] Gebim [town close to Jerusalem] will be trying to hide.
Ua holo o Mademena: Ua hee ka poe i noho ma Gebima.
32 The soldiers of Assyria will stop at Nob [city outside Jerusalem]. They will shake their fists [as they threaten the people] on Zion Hill in Jerusalem.
Hookahi no la e koe o kona noho ana ma Noba, A e lulu ia i kona lima e ku e i ka mauna o ke kaikamahine o Ziona, I ka puu hoi o Ierusalema.
33 But listen to this! The Commander of the armies of angels with his great power will destroy [MET] the mighty army of Assyria. [It is as though they are] a huge tree [MET] that he will cut down.
Aia hoi, na ka Haku, na Iehova o na kaua, E okioki i na lala me ka weliweli, A e kuaia ilalo na mea kiekie loa, A e hoohaahaaia na mea hookano.
34 He will destroy the [soldiers of Assyria] like men use big axes to cut down the tall trees in the forests of Lebanon.
E kuaia ilalo me ka hao i na ululaau paapu, A e haule hoi o Lebanona imua o ka mea mana.

< Isaiah 10 >