< Hebrews 1 >

1 Long ago God communicated frequently to our ancestors in various ways by what the prophets [said and wrote].
Ik'o yoots dúr ay weerindon, nebiyiwots weeron nonih nih wotssh ayoto keewtni b́ teshi,
2 But now when this final age [is beginning], God has communicated to us [just once] by means of what (his Son/the man who was also God) [said and did. God] appointed him in order that he would possess everything [that truly belongs to God. God also appointed] him in order that he would create the universe. (aiōn g165)
Andomó dúr s'uwanatse jam keewo b́ naatetwok'o b́ woshtson b́ naay weeron noosh keewre, dats jamonowere bíne bí'azi. (aiōn g165)
3 He manifests God’s glory. He exactly represents [what God is like]. He (sustains everything by means of his powerful words. When he had [enabled people to be] freed from the [guilt of] their sins [MET], he sat down in heaven [EUP] [to rule] at the place of greatest honor [MTY] with God [MTY].
Ik'i mango golr b́be'et bíyatsne, bí b́ doyon b́ s'eenon Ik'onton ike. B́ kúp' aap'on azeets jamo tep'dek't kurirwee, ash ashuwots morro b́ s'ayintsiyakon darotse Ik' kup'o k'ani aaromants beewtsere.
4 By doing that, he [showed that he] was very much greater than the angels, to the extent that his relationship [MTY] [to God, as his Son], is more excellent than the relationship the angels [have to God].
Eshe bísh imets shúútso melakiwotssh imets shúútsoniyere bogtso b́ wottsok'oon Ik'o naay, melakiwotsiyere ayidek't boge.
5 [We know that] because [in the Scriptures] no one [RHQ] ever reported that God said to any angel [what he said to his Son], You [(sg)] are my Son! Today I have declared to all that I am your Father [DOU]! And he said in another Scripture passage, I will be his Father, and he will be my Son [DOU].
B́ jamon melakiwotsitse, «Neehe t naay neene, hambets taa neen shuure, » Wee «Taa bísh nih wotitwe, bíwere t naayi wotituwe» bí ettso konshe?
6 And [we know his Son is greater than the angels because in] another [Scripture passage someone wrote this about God’s esteemed Son], when God was about to send him into the world: All God’s angels must worship him.
Ik'o b́ naay k'aabo datsanats b́woshor «Melaki jamwots bísh sagadone» etre.
7 [And in the Scriptures it is written that] someone said this about the angels: [God] makes the [angels] who serve him [to be changeable like] [MET] winds and flames of fire.
B́ melakiwots jangoshmó «B́ melakiwotsi shayirwotsi B́ gutswotsno taw laluwo woshitwee» bí eti.
8 But on the other hand, [in the Scriptures it is written that God said] this to his Son: You [(sg)] who are [also] God will rule forever [MTY], and you will reign righteously over your kingdom [MTY]. (aiōn g165)
B́ naayi jangoshmó, «Ik'ono! n naashi jooro dúre dúroshe b́ beeti, N mengsti gumbonu kááwon bín nk'eezit gumbee, (aiōn g165)
9 You have loved [people’s] righteous [deeds] and you have hated [people’s] lawless [deeds]. So I, your God, have caused you to be more joyful [MTY] than anyone else.
Kááwu finono n shuni, morri gondo n shit'i, Manatse tuutson Ik'o neen, n tohwotsiyere bog gene'úwo neesh imet fuuto níats b́ fuuti» etfe.
10 And [we also know that his Son is superior to angels because in the Scriptures the Psalmist wrote that] someone said to God’s Son, Lord, it was you who created the earth in the beginning. You also made [the rest of] the universe (OR, the [things in] the sky) [MTY].
Andowere aani, «Doonzono! nee shin shino datsu nk'oons'i, Darwotswere nkishi finnee,
11 Everything in the universe will disappear, but you will keep on living [forever]. They will wear out as clothing [wears out].
Bo jametswere t'afitkne, Neemó beetune, Bo jametswere tahok'o s'uwitkne
12 You will dispose of them as one rolls up an [old] coat [before getting rid of it]. [Then], you will exchange [everything that is in the universe for what is new], as someone puts on a new garment [in exchange for an old garment] [SIM]. But you [are not like what you created]; You stay the same, and you live forever [LIT]!
Shemok'o boon k'odetune, Bowere tahok'o wonetúnee, Nemó jam aawo woneratsnee, N dúronwere s'uwo deshatse» bíeti
13 [We also know that his Son is superior to angels because no one ever stated] [RHQ] [in the Scriptures] that God said to any angel [what he said to his Son], Sit [in the place of honor] next to me and rule with me [MTY] while I put all of your enemies completely under your control [MET]!
Ik'o b́ melakiwotsitse, «N balangarwotsi n tufi shirots t gedfetso t k'ano maantsan beewe» bí et konshe?
14 The angels are [only] spirits who serve [God] [RHQ]. [God] sends them [to earth] in order to help those he has saved (OR, those whom he will save).
Bere, melaki jamwots kashit ash ashuwotssh finosh wosheets Ik'i guuts wotts shayirwotsi woteratsnowa?

< Hebrews 1 >