< Genesis 41 >

1 Two complete years later, the king of Egypt had a dream. In the dream, he was standing alongside the Nile [River].
A poslije dvije godine dana usni Faraon, a on stoji na jednoj rijeci.
2 Suddenly seven healthy fat cows come up out of the river. They started eating the grass that was on the riverbank.
I gle, iz rijeke izaðe sedam krava lijepijeh i debelijeh, i stadoše pasti po obali.
3 Soon seven other cows, unhealthy-looking and thin, came up behind them from the Nile [River]. They stood alongside the fat cows that were on the riverbank.
I gle, iza njih izaðe iz rijeke sedam drugih krava, ružnijeh i mršavijeh, i stadoše pored onijeh krava na obali.
4 Then the unhealthy thin cows ate the seven healthy fat cows. And then the king woke up.
I ove krave ružne i mršave pojedoše onijeh sedam krava lijepijeh i debelijeh. U tom se probudi Faraon.
5 The king went to sleep again, and he had another dream. This time he saw seven heads of grain that were full of kernels of grain and ripe, and all growing on one stalk.
Pa opet zaspav usni drugom, a to sedam klasova izraste iz jednoga stabla jedrijeh i lijepijeh;
6 After that, the king saw that seven other heads of grain sprouted on that (OR, on another) stalk. They were thin and had been dried up by the hot east wind.
A iza njih isklija sedam klasova malijeh i šturijeh;
7 Then the thin heads of grain swallowed up the seven ripe full heads. Then the king woke up. He realized that he had been dreaming.
Pa ovi klasovi mali pojedoše onijeh sedam velikijeh i jedrijeh. U tom se probudi Faraon i vidje da je san.
8 But the next morning he was worried about the meaning of the dream. So he summoned all the magicians and wise men who lived in Egypt. He told them what he had dreamed, but none of them could tell him the meaning of the two dreams.
I kad bi ujutru, on se zabrinu u duhu, i poslav sazva sve gatare Misirske i sve mudarce, i pripovjedi im šta je snio; ali niko ne može kazati Faraonu šta znaèi.
9 Then the chief drink-server said to the king, “Now I remember something that I should have told you! I made a mistake by forgetting to tell it to you.
Tada progovori starješina nad peharnicima Faraonu i reèe: danas se opomenuh grijeha svojega.
10 One time you were angry with two of us. So you put me and the chief baker in the prison in the house of the captain of the palace guards.
Kad se Faraon rasrdi na sluge svoje i baci u tamnicu u kuæi zapovjednika stražarskoga mene i starješinu nad hljebarima,
11 While we were there, one night each of us had a dream, and the dreams had different meanings.
Usnismo u jednu noæ ja i on, svaki za sebe po znaèenju sna svojega usnismo.
12 There was a young Hebrew man there with us. He was a servant of the captain of the palace guards. We told him what we had dreamed, and he told us what our dreams meant. He told each of us the meaning of our dreams.
A ondje bijaše s nama momèe Jevrejèe, sluga zapovjednika stražarskoga, i mi mu pripovjedismo sne, a on nam kaza šta èiji san znaèi.
13 And what happened was exactly the same as the meanings that he told us: You said I could have my previous job again, but the other man was killed by being hanged. [The Hebrew man’s name was Joseph].”
I zbi se kako nam kaza: mene povrati Faraon u službu, a onoga objesi.
14 When the king heard that, he told some servants to bring Joseph to him, and they quickly brought Joseph out of the prison. Joseph shaved and put on better clothes, and then he went and stood in front of the king.
Tada Faraon posla po Josifa, i brže ga izvedoše iz tamnice, a on se obrija i preobuèe se, te izaðe pred Faraona.
15 The king said to Joseph, “I had two dreams, and no one can tell me what they mean. But someone told me that when you hear someone tell about a dream he has had, you can tell that person what the dream means.”
A Faraon reèe Josifu: usnih san, pa mi niko ne umije da kaže šta znaèi; a za tebe èujem da umiješ kazivati sne.
16 But Joseph replied to the king, “No, I cannot do that. It is God who knows the meaning of dreams, but he will enable me to tell you their meaning, and they will mean something good.”
A Josif odgovori Faraonu i reèe: to nije u mojoj vlasti, Bog æe javiti dobro Faraonu.
17 The king said to Joseph, “In my first dream I was standing on the bank of the Nile [River].
I reèe Faraon Josifu: usnih, a ja stojim kraj rijeke na obali.
18 Suddenly seven healthy fat cows came up out of the river, and they started eating the grass that was on the riverbank.
I gle, iz rijeke izaðe sedam krava debelijeh i lijepijeh, te stadoše pasti po obali.
19 Soon seven other cows, ugly and thin ones, came up behind them from the river. I never saw such ugly cows in all the land of Egypt!
I gle, iza njih izaðe sedam drugih krava rðavijeh, i vrlo ružnijeh i mršavijeh, kakvijeh nijesam vidio u cijeloj zemlji Misirskoj.
20 The thin ugly cows ate the seven fat cows that came up first.
I ove krave mršave i ružne pojedoše onijeh sedam debelijeh,
21 But afterwards, no one would have known that the thin cows ate them, because they were just as ugly as they were before. Then I woke up.
I kad im biše u trbuhu, ne poznavaše se da su im u trbuhu, nego opet bjehu onako ružne kao prije. U tom se probudih.
22 Then I had another dream. I saw seven heads of grain. They were full of kernels of grain and ripe, and they were all growing on one stalk.
Pa opet usnih, a to sedam klasova izraste iz jednoga stabla jedrijeh i lijepijeh;
23 Then [to my surprise] I saw seven other heads of grain that sprouted. They were thin and had been dried up by the hot east wind.
A iza njih isklija sedam malijeh, tankijeh i šturijeh.
24 The thin heads of grain swallowed the seven good heads. I told these dreams to the magicians, but none of them could explain to me what they meant.”
I ovi tanki klasovi proždriješe onijeh sedam lijepijeh. I ovo pripovjedih gatarima, ali mi nijedan ne zna kazati šta znaèi.
25 Then Joseph said to the king, “Both your dreams have the same meaning. God is revealing to you in your dreams what he is about to do.
A Josif reèe Faraonu: oba su sna Faraonova jednaka; Bog javlja Faraonu šta je naumio.
26 The seven healthy cows represent seven years. The seven good heads of grain also represent seven years. The two dreams both have the same meaning.
Sedam lijepijeh krava jesu sedam godina, i sedam lijepijeh klasova jesu sedam godina; oba su sna jednaka.
27 The seven thin ugly cows that came up behind them and the seven worthless heads of grain that were dried up by the hot east wind each represent seven years (of famine/when food will be very scarce).
A sedam krava mršavijeh i ružnijeh, što izaðoše iza onijeh, jesu sedam godina; i sedam klasova sitnijeh i šturijeh biæe sedam godina gladnijeh.
28 It will happen just as I have told you, because God has revealed to you what he is about to do.
To je što rekoh Faraonu: Bog kaže Faraonu šta je naumio.
29 There will be seven years in which there will be plenty of food throughout the land of Egypt,
Evo doæi æe sedam godina vrlo rodnijeh svoj zemlji Misirskoj.
30 but after that there will be seven years (of famine/when food will be very scarce). Then people will forget all the years when there was plenty of food, because the famine that will come afterward will ruin the country.
A iza njih nastaæe sedam gladnijeh godina, gdje æe se zaboraviti sve obilje u zemlji Misirskoj, jer æe glad satrti zemlju,
31 The people will forget how plentiful food was previously, because the famine will be very terrible.
Te se neæe znati to obilje u zemlji od gladi potonje, jer æe biti vrlo velika.
32 The reason God gave to you two dreams is that he [wants you to know] that this will happen, and he will cause it to happen very soon.
A što je dva puta zasopce Faraon snio, to je zato što je zacijelo Bog tako naumio, i naskoro æe to uèiniti Bog.
33 “Now I suggest that you should choose a man who is wise and can make good decisions. I suggest that you appoint him to direct the affairs of the whole country.
Nego sada neka potraži Faraon èovjeka mudra i razumna, pa neka ga postavi nad zemljom Misirskom.
34 You should also appoint supervisors over the country, in order that they can arrange to collect one-fifth of all the grain that is harvested during the seven years when food is plentiful.
I neka gleda Faraon da postavi starješine po zemlji, i pokupi petinu po zemlji Misirskoj za sedam rodnijeh godina;
35 They should collect this amount of grain during those seven years that are coming, when there will be plenty of food. You should supervise them as they store it in the cities.
Neka skupljaju od svakoga žita za rodnijeh godina koje idu, i neka snesu pod ruku Faraonovu svakoga žita u sve gradove, i neka èuvaju,
36 This grain should be stored so that it can be eaten during the seven years when there will be a famine here in Egypt, so that the people in this country will not die from hunger.”
Da se naðe hrane zemlji za sedam godina gladnijeh, kad nastanu, da ne propadne zemlja od gladi.
37 The king and his officials thought that this would be a good plan.
I ovo se uèini dobro Faraonu i svijem slugama njegovijem.
38 So the king said to them, “(Can we find any other man like Joseph, a man to whom God has given his Spirit?/It is not likely that we will find another man like this man, one to whom God has given his Spirit!)” [RHQ]
I reèe Faraon slugama svojim: možemo li naæi èovjeka kakav je ovaj, u kojem bi bio duh Božji?
39 Then the king said to Joseph, “Because God has revealed all this to you, it seems to me that there is no one who is as wise as you and who can decide wisely about things.
Pa reèe Faraon Josifu: kad je tebi javio Bog sve ovo, nema nikoga tako mudra i razumna kao što si ti.
40 So I will put you in charge of everything in my palace. All the people here in Egypt must obey what you command. Only because I am king [MTY] will I have more authority than you.”
Ti æeš biti nad domom mojim, i sav æe ti narod moj usta ljubiti; samo æu ovijem prijestolom biti veæi od tebe.
41 Then the king said to Joseph, “I am now putting you in charge of the whole country of Egypt.”
I još reèe Faraon Josifu: evo, postavljam te nad svom zemljom Misirskom.
42 The king took from his finger the ring that had his seal on it, and he put it on Joseph’s finger. He put robes made of fine linen on him, and he put a gold chain around his neck.
I skide Faraon prsten s ruke svoje i metnu ga Josifu na ruku, i obuèe ga u haljine od tankoga platna, i objesi mu zlatnu verižicu o vratu,
43 Then he arranged for Joseph to ride around in the chariot [that showed that he was] the second-most important man in the country. When Joseph rode in the chariot, men shouted to the people who were on the road in front of him, “Get off the road!” So the king put Joseph in charge of everything in the country.
I posadi ga na kola koja bijahu druga za njegovijem, i zapovjedi da pred njim vièu: klanjajte se! i da ga je postavio nad svom zemljom Misirskom.
44 The king said to Joseph, “I am the king, but no one in the whole land of Egypt will do anything [IDM] if you do not permit them to do it.”
I još reèe Faraon Josifu: ja sam Faraon, ali bez tebe neæe niko maæi ruke svoje ni noge svoje u svoj zemlji Misirskoj.
45 The king gave Joseph a new name, Zaphenath-Paneah. He also gave him Asenath to be his wife. She was the daughter of Potiphera, who was a priest in a temple in On [city]. Then Joseph became known (OR, traveled) through all the land of Egypt.
I nadje Faraon Josifu ime Psontomfanih, i oženi ga Asenetom kæerju Potifere sveštenika Onskoga. I poðe Josif po zemlji Misirskoj.
46 Joseph was 30 years old when he started to work for the king of Egypt. To do his work, he left the king’s palace and traveled throughout Egypt.
A bijaše Josifu trideset godina kad izaðe pred Faraona cara Misirskoga. I otišav od Faraona obiðe svu zemlju Misirsku.
47 During the next seven years, the land produced abundant crops, so there was plenty of food.
I za sedam rodnijeh godina rodi zemlja svašta izobila.
48 As Joseph supervised them, his helpers collected one-fifth of all the grain that was produced during those years, and stored it in the cities. In each city, he had his helpers store up the grain that was grown in the fields that surrounded that city.
I stade Josif kupiti za tijeh sedam godina svakoga žita što bješe po zemlji Misirskoj, i snositi žito u gradove; u svaki grad snošaše žito s njiva koje bjehu oko njega.
49 Joseph had them store up a huge amount of grain. It looked as plentiful as the sand on the seashore. There was so much grain that after a while they stopped keeping records of how much grain was stored, because there was more grain than they could measure.
Tako nakupi Josif žita vrlo mnogo koliko je pijeska morskoga, tako da ga presta mjeriti, jer mu ne bješe broja.
50 Before the seven years of famine started, Joseph’s wife Asenath gave birth to two sons.
I dokle još ne nasta gladna godina, rodiše se Josifu dva sina, koje mu rodi Aseneta kæi Potifere sveštenika Onskoga.
51 Joseph named the first one Manasseh, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘forget]’, because, he said, “God has caused me to forget all my troubles and all my father’s family.”
I prvencu nadjede Josif ime Manasija, govoreæi: jer mi Bog dade da zaboravim svu muku svoju i sav dom oca svojega.
52 He named his second son Ephraim, [which means ‘to have children]’, because, he said, “God has given me children here in this land where I have suffered.”
A drugome nadjede ime Jefrem, govoreæi: jer mi Bog dade da rastem u zemlji nevolje svoje.
53 Finally the seven years in which there was plenty of food ended.
Ali proðe sedam godina rodnijeh u zemlji Misirskoj;
54 Then the seven years of famine started, just as Joseph had predicted. There was also a famine in all the other nearby lands, but although the crops did not grow, there was food everywhere in Egypt, because of the grain they had stored up in the cities.
I nasta sedam godina gladnijeh, kao što je Josif naprijed kazao. I bješe glad po svijem zemljama, a po svoj zemlji Misirskoj bješe hljeba.
55 When all the people of [MTY] Egypt had eaten all of their own food and were still hungry, they begged the king for food. So the king told all the people of Egypt, “Go to Joseph, and do what he tells you to do.”
Ali najposlije nasta glad i po svoj zemlji Misirskoj, i narod povika k Faraonu za hljeb; a Faraon reèe svima Misircima: idite k Josifu, pa što vam on kaže ono èinite.
56 When the famine was very bad throughout the whole country, Joseph ordered his helpers to open the storehouses. Then they sold the grain in the storehouses to the people of Egypt, because the famine was very severe all over Egypt.
I kad glad bješe po svoj zemlji, otvori Josif sve žitnice, i prodavaše Misircima. I glad posta vrlo velika u zemlji Misirskoj.
57 And people from many [HYP] nearby countries came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was very severe everywhere [HYP].
I iz svijeh zemalja dolažahu u Misir k Josifu da kupuju; jer posta velika glad u svakoj zemlji.

< Genesis 41 >