< Ezekiel 22 >

1 Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
Opet mi doðe rijeè Gospodnja govoreæi:
2 “You human, are you ready to condemn the people of Jerusalem? It is [RHQ] a city full of murderers [MTY]. Remind them of all the detestable things that they have done.
A ti, sine èovjeèji, hoæeš li suditi, hoæeš li suditi gradu krvnièkom? i hoæeš li mu pokazati sve gadove njegove?
3 [Then] say, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: By your murdering people and by (defiling yourselves/making yourselves unacceptable to God) by making idols, you people of this city [APO] have brought to yourselves the time when you [will be destroyed].
Reci: ovako veli Gospod Gospod: ide vrijeme gradu koji proljeva krv u sebi i gradi gadne bogove sebi da se skvrni.
4 You have become guilty by doing both of those things [DOU]. You have brought to an end your time [to remain alive] [DOU]. Therefore I will cause you to become a group whom the [people of other] nations will scorn; they will all laugh at you [DOU].
Skrivio si krvlju koju si prolio, i oskvrnio si se o gadne bogove svoje koje si naèinio; i uèinio si te se približiše dani tvoji, i došao si do godina svojih, zato æu uèiniti od tebe rug meðu narodima i potsmijeh po svijem zemljama;
5 People in countries that are near you and people who live far from you will make fun of you, because your city is full of lawless people and full of confusion.
Koje su blizu tebe i koje su daleko potsmijevaæe ti se, gadni imenom, veliki smetnjom!
6 Think about how each of your Israeli kings have used their power to cause people to be murdered [MTY].
Gle, knezovi Izrailjevi u tebi dadoše se da proljevaju krv svaki svom silom svojom.
7 Your people do not respect/honor their parents; they have oppressed foreigners; they mistreat orphans and widows.
Oca i mater preziru u tebi, èine krivo inostrancu usred tebe, siroti i udovici èine nasilje u tebi;
8 You despise my sacred places and (dishonor/do not respect) the Sabbath days.
Svete stvari moje prezireš, i subote moje skvrniš.
9 Among you are men who tell lies in order to cause others to be executed [MTY]. There are those who [food offered to idols] at the hilltop [shrines], and they perform disgusting sexual acts.
U tebi su opadaèi da proljevaju krv, i na gorama jedu u tebi, grdila èine usred tebe.
10 There are men who have sex with their father’s wives [EUP], and men who have sex with women during their monthly menstrual periods.
Golotinju oèinu otkrivaju u tebi, liježu u tebi sa ženom za neèistote njezine.
11 There are men who have sex with someone else’s wife. Some men have sex with their daughters-in-law or with their sisters or half-sisters.
I jedan èini gad sa ženom bližnjega svojega; a drugi skvrni snahu svoju grdilom; a drugi siluje sestru svoju, kæer oca svojega, u tebi.
12 There are among you men who accept bribes in order to cause someone to be executed [MTY]. You charge high interest when you lend people money. You become rich by forcing people to give you money. [the worst thing is that] you have forgotten me, Yahweh the Lord.
Mito primaju u tebi da proljevaju krv; ujam i pridavak uzimaš, i tražiš dobitak od bližnjih svojih prijevarom, a mene si zaboravio, govori Gospod Gospod.
13 So I will shake my fists at you to show that I am angry with you because of your stealing money from people and murdering [MTY] people who live among you.
Zato, evo, pljeskam rukama svojim radi tvojega nepravednoga dobitka, koji dobijaš, i radi krvi što je u tebi.
14 When I [punishing] you, you will no longer [RHQ] be courageous/brave [DOU]. I, Yahweh, have said [what I will do to you], and I will do it.
Hoæe li se održati srce tvoje, ili ruke tvoje hoæe li biti jake u one dane kad stanem raditi s tobom? Ja Gospod rekoh, i uèiniæu.
15 I will cause you to be scattered among many nations [DOU], and I will cause you to stop your sinful behavior.
Jer æu te rasijati po narodima i razasuti po zemljama, i istrijebiæu neèistotu tvoju iz tebe.
16 When [the people of other] nations see that you have been humiliated, you will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].’”
I biæeš skvrnavan sobom pred narodima, i poznaæeš da sam ja Gospod.
17 Yahweh [also] said to me,
Potom doðe mi rijeè Gospodnja govoreæi:
18 “You human, your Israeli people [MTY] have [useless] to me. They are [like] [MET] dross/slag to me. They are like [SIM] [worthless] copper, tin, iron, and lead that remains after silver is melted in [very hot] furnace.
Sine èovjeèji, dom Izrailjev posta mi droždina; svi su mjed i kositer i gvožðe i olovo u peæi; droždina od srebra postaše.
19 Therefore, this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: Because you have all become [like] dross/slag, I will gather you in Jerusalem.
Zato ovako veli Gospod Gospod: što svi vi postaste droždina, zato, evo, ja æu vas skupiti u Jerusalim.
20 People [ore containing] silver, copper, iron, lead, and tin in a [very hot] furnace and melt them in a blazing [to burn up the impurities]. Similarly [SIM], I will gather you [inside Jerusalem], and because I am very angry with you, [what I will do will be as though] I am melting you.
Kako se skuplja srebro i mjed i gvožðe i olovo i kositer usred peæi, te se raspali oganj oko njega da se istopi, tako æu vas skupiti gnjevom svojim i jarošæu, i složivši rastopiæu vas.
21 [It will be as though] I will blow on you with a hot breath that shows that I am very angry, [it will be as though] you will be melted,
Da, skupiæu vas, i raspaliæu oko vas oganj gnjeva svojega, i istopiæete se usred njega.
22 as though you will be melted like [SIM] silver is melted in a furnace, and then you will know that I, Yahweh, have poured out my punishment [MTY] on you.”
Kako se topi srebro u peæi, tako æete se vi istopiti u njemu, i poznaæete da sam ja Gospod izlio gnjev svoj na vas.
23 Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
Opet mi doðe rijeè Gospodnja govoreæi:
24 “You human, say to the Israeli people, ‘[Yahweh] is angry with you, there has been no rain or showers in your country.’
Sine èovjeèji, kaži joj: ti si zemlja koja se nijesi oèistila; neæe pasti na te dažd u dan gnjeva.
25 Your leaders are like [SIM] lions that tear apart the animals that they have killed. Your leaders destroy their people. They steal treasures and [other] valuable things from people, and they cause many women to become [by murdering their husbands].
Proroci njezini složiše se u njoj, kao lav su, koji rièe i grabi plijen, žderu duše, otimaju blago i dragocjene stvari, umnožavaju udovice usred nje.
26 Their priests disobey my laws and disrespect my sacred things by saying that there is no difference between things that are sacred and those that are not sacred, and by ignoring my laws about honoring the Sabbath days. As a result, they no [longer] honor me.
Sveštenici njezini prestupaju zakon moj i skvrne moje svete stvari, ne razlikuju sveto od oskvrnjenoga, i neèisto od èistoga ne raspoznaju, kriju oèi svoje od subota mojih, i bivam oskvrnjen meðu njima.
27 Their officials are like [SIM] wolves that tear apart the animals that they have killed: They murder people [DOU] in order to get their money.
Knezovi su njezini usred nje kao vuci, koji grabe plijen, proljevajuæi krv, gubeæi duše sramotnoga dobitka radi.
28 Their prophets, by falsely saying they have received [from God], and by giving false messages, try to (cover up [MET]/say that it is all right to commit) those sins. They say, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says,’ when I have said nothing to them.
I proroci njezini mažu je nevaljalijem kreèem, viðaju taštinu i gataju im laž govoreæi: tako reèe Gospod Gospod; a Gospod ne reèe.
29 The Israeli people force others to give them money, and they rob people. They oppress poor [DOU] people, and they mistreat foreigners among them by not treating them [in the courts].
Narod zemaljski vara i otima, i siromahu i ubogome èini nasilje, i došljaku èini krivo.
30 I looked among them to find a man who would cause the people of the city to repent [MET] so that I would not need to get rid of them. But I did not find anyone.
I tražih meðu njima koji bi opravio ogradu i stao na prolomu preda me za tu zemlju, da je ne zatrem; ali ne naðoh nikoga.
31 So because I am very angry with them, I will severely punish them [MTY] for [all] the wicked things that they have done. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh the Lord, have said it.”
Zato æu izliti na njih gnjev svoj, ognjem jarosti svoje istrijebiæu ih, put njihov obratiæu im na glavu, govori Gospod Gospod.

< Ezekiel 22 >