< Exodus 34 >

1 Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Cut two slabs of stone that will be like the first slabs, the ones that you broke. Then I will engrave on them the words that were on the first slabs.
Awo Mukama n’agamba Musa nti, “Teekateeka ebipande bibiri eby’amayinja nga biri ebyasooka, nange nnaabiwandiikako ebigambo ebyali ku bipande ebyasooka bye wamenya.
2 Get ready tomorrow morning, and come up to the top of Sinai Mountain again to talk with me there.
Weetegeke mu makya, ojje mu makya ago olinnye waggulu ku lusozi Sinaayi, olyoke onneeyanjulire eyo ku ntikko y’olusozi.
3 Do not allow anyone to come up with you. I do not want anyone [else] to be anywhere on the mountain. Do not allow any sheep or cattle to graze (at the base of/near) the mountain.”
Tewasaana kubaawo muntu ajja naawe, era ku lusozi wonna wonna tewasaana kulabikawo muntu n’omu; era n’amagana n’ebisibo by’endiga tebisaana kuliira mu maaso ga lusozi.”
4 So Moses/I cut two slabs of stone that were like the first ones. He/I arose early the next morning. He/I took the slabs and carried them in his/my hands up to the top of Sinai Mountain, as Yahweh had commanded.
Bw’atyo Musa n’atema mu mayinja ebipande bibiri nga bifaanana nga biri ebyasooka; n’akeera mu makya n’alinnya ku lusozi Sinaayi, nga Mukama bwe yamulagira, ng’asitudde n’ebipande eby’amayinja byombi mu mikono gye.
5 Then Yahweh descended in the [tall] cloud and stood with Moses/me there. He proclaimed that it was he, Yahweh, [who was going to speak to Moses/me].
Awo Mukama n’akkira mu kire, n’ayimirira awo ne Musa, n’alangirira erinnya lye, Mukama.
6 Then Yahweh passed in front of him/me and proclaimed, “I am Yahweh God. I always act mercifully and kindly [toward people]. I do not get angry quickly. I [truly] love [people] and I do what I promise to do for them, without changing.
Mukama n’ayita mu maaso ga Musa n’agamba nti, “Nze Mukama, Mukama Katonda alina ekisa n’okusaasira okungi, atasunguwala mangu, ajjudde obwesigwa n’okwagala okutaggwaawo.
7 I love people for thousands of generations. I forgive people for all kinds of sins [TRI]. But I will certainly punish [LIT] those who are guilty. I will punish not only them, but I will punish (their descendants, down to the third and fourth generation/their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren).”
Akuuma okwagala eri enkumi n’enkumi asonyiwa ebisobyo byabwe, n’obujeemu bwabwe, n’ebibi byabwe. Talema kubonereza oyo asingiddwa omusango. Abonereza abaana n’abazzukulu olw’ebisobyo bya bakadde baabwe n’ebya bajjajjaabwe, okutuukira ddala ku mulembe ogwokusatu n’ogwokuna.”
8 Moses/I quickly prostrated himself/myself on the ground and worshiped [Yahweh].
Amangwago Musa n’avuunama wansi, n’asinza.
9 He/I said, “Yahweh, if you are now pleased with me, I ask that you go with us. These people are very stubborn [IDM], but forgive us for all our sins [DOU], and accept us to be people who belong to you [forever].”
N’agamba nti, “Obanga kaakano nkusanyusizza, Ayi Mukama, jjangu, Mukama, ogende naffe. Newaakubadde ng’abantu bano balina ensingo nkakanyavu, naye tusonyiwe ebyonoono byaffe n’ebibi byaffe, otukkirize tubeere abantu bo ab’obusika bwo.”
10 Yahweh replied, “Note this: I am going to make a solemn agreement [with the Israeli people]. As they are watching, I will perform great miracles. They will be miracles that no one has ever done on the earth in any nation. All the people who are near you will see the great things that I, Yahweh, will do. I will do awesome things for you [all].
Awo Mukama n’addamu nti, “Laba, nkola naawe endagaano. Nzija kukolera mu bantu bo ebyamagero ebitakolwangako mu nsi yonna, wadde mu ggwanga lyonna. Abantu bonna b’oli nabo banaalaba eby’ekitalo Mukama by’anaakolera mu ggwe.
11 [Each Israeli] person must obey what I am commanding you this day. Do not forget that [if you obey me], I will expel the Amor, Canaan, Heth, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus people-groups [from the land]. But be careful that you do not make any [peace] agreements with any of the people who live in the land into which you are going, because if you do that, [you will begin to do the evil things that they do]. It will be [like] falling into a trap.
“Gondera bye nkulagira leero. Nange, gye mulaga, nzija kugobayo Abamoli, n’Abakanani, n’Abakiiti, n’Abaperezi, n’Abakiivi, n’Abayebusi.
Kirungi weekuume oleme kukola ndagaano n’abatuuze ab’omu nsi gy’olagamu, kubanga bayinza okubafuukira omutego.
13 You must tear down their altars, destroy their sacred pillars, and cut down [the poles that they use to worship their female goddess] Asherah.
Olimenyaamenya ebyoto byabwe, obetente empagi zaabwe, n’otemaatema ebifaananyi byabwe ebibajje bye basinza.
14 You must worship only me, [and] not worship any other god, because I, Yahweh, cannot endure any rivals.
Tosinzanga katonda mulala yenna, kubanga Nze Mukama, ayitibwa Waabuggya, ndi Katonda wa buggya.
15 Do not make peace agreements with [any group] that lives in that land. When they worship their gods and offer sacrifices to their gods, and they invite you to join them, do not join them. If [you join them], you will eat the food that they sacrifice to their gods, and [you will not be faithful to me. You will be like people who] commit adultery, [who are not being faithful to their spouses] [MET].
“Temukolanga ndagaano ey’okukolagana n’abatuuze b’omu nsi omwo. Kubanga bwe baliba bagoberera bakatonda baabwe, nga bawaayo ssaddaaka, gamba omu ku bo n’abayita, mulirya ku biweebwayo byabwe ebyo.
16 If you take some of their women to be wives for your sons, and these women worship their own gods, they will persuade your sons also to worship their gods.
Era bwe muliwasiza batabani bammwe abamu ku bawala baabwe, abawala abo ne bagoberera bakatonda baabwe, balireetera batabani bammwe nabo okukola bwe batyo.
17 Do not pour melted metal into molds to make statues for you to worship.
“Temwekoleranga bakatonda mu byuma ebisaanuuse.
18 [Each year], during the month [of/named] Abib, celebrate the Festival of Eating Bread Made Without Yeast. [During that festival], for seven days you must not eat bread made with yeast, as I commanded you, because it was in that month that you left Egypt.
“Embaga ey’Emigaati Egitali Mizimbulukuse ogikwatanga. Munaamalanga ennaku musanvu nga mulya emigaati egitali mizimbulukuse, mu kiseera ekyategekebwa mu mwezi gwa Abibu nga bwe nabalagira; kubanga mu mwezi gwa Abibu mwe mwaviira mu Misiri.
19 Your firstborn sons and the firstborn [male] animals of your cattle and sheep [and goats] belong to me.
“Ebiggulanda byonna byange, n’ennume zonna mu magana go embereberye, oba nte oba ndiga.
20 The firstborn of your [male] donkeys [also belong to me]. But you may buy them back by [offering to me] lambs [in their place]. If you do not do that, you must [kill these animals by] breaking their necks. You must also buy back your firstborn sons. You must bring an offering to me [LIT] each time you come to [worship] me.
Endogoyi embereberye onoozinunulanga n’endiga, naye nga toginunudde ogimenyanga ensingo n’ogitta. Abaana bo abaggulanda bonna obanunulanga. Era tewabanga ajja gye ndi engalo ensa.
21 [Each week] you may work for six days, but on the seventh day you must rest. [Even] during the times when you plow [the ground] and harvest [your crops], you must rest [on the seventh day].
“Onookolanga okumala ennaku mukaaga, naye ku lunaku olw’omusanvu n’owummula; ne mu biseera eby’okukabala n’ebyokukungula onoowummulanga.
22 [Each year] celebrate the Harvest Festival, when you begin to harvest the first crop of wheat, and also celebrate the Festival of Living in Temporary Shelters, when you finish harvesting [the grain and fruit].
“Onookwatanga Embaga eya Wiiki, n’Embaga ey’Amakungula g’Ebibala Ebibereberye eby’Eŋŋaano, n’Embaga ey’Okuyingiza Amakungula ku nkomerero y’omwaka.
23 Three times each year all the men must come to worship me, Yahweh, the God of the Israeli people.
Abasajja bonna mu mmwe banaalabikanga awali Mukama Katonda, Katonda wa Isirayiri, emirundi esatu mu buli mwaka.
24 I will expel the people-groups that live in the land [where you will be], and I will cause your territory to become very large. As a result, no group will try to conquer your country if you come to worship me each year during those three festivals.
Amawanga ŋŋenda kugagobawo wonna we muli, era ndigaziya n’ensalo zammwe. So tewalibaawo ayagala kutwala nsi yammwe nga mwambuse okulabika awali Mukama Katonda wammwe emirundi egyo esatu mu mwaka.
25 When you sacrifice an animal [MTY] to me, do not offer with it bread that is made with yeast. And during the Passover Festival, when you sacrifice lambs, do not keep any of the meat until the next morning.
“Temuwangayo kintu kyonna gye ndi ekirimu ekizimbulukusa nga mundeetedde ssaddaaka erimu omusaayi; era ennyama ya ssaddaaka ey’Embaga y’Okuyitako tesigalangawo kutuusa nkeera.
26 I am Yahweh God. You must bring to my Sacred Tent the first part of the grain that you harvest each year. When you kill a young animal/kid [either a lamb or a calf], do not [prepare to eat it by] boiling it in its mother’s milk.”
“Ebibala ebisinga obulungi mu ebyo ebisoose okuva mu ttaka lyo obitwalanga mu nnyumba ya Mukama Katonda wo. “Omwana gw’embuzi togufumbiranga mu mata ga nnyina waagwo.”
27 Yahweh also said to Moses/me, “Write down the words that I have told you. By giving you these commands, I have made a solemn agreement with you and with the [other] Israeli people.”
Awo Mukama n’agamba Musa nti, “Wandiika ebigambo ebyo; kubanga nkoze endagaano naawe era ne Isirayiri ng’ebigambo ebyo bwe bigamba.”
28 Moses/I was there [on the top of the mountain] with Yahweh for 40 days and nights. During that time he/I did not eat or drink anything [SYN]. He/I engraved on the stone slabs the words of the Ten Commandments, [which were part of Yahweh’s] solemn agreement.
Musa n’abeera eyo ne Mukama, n’amalayo emisana amakumi ana n’ebiro amakumi ana, nga talya mmere wadde okunywa amazzi. N’awandiika ku bipande ebigambo eby’Endagaano, ge Mateeka Ekkumi.
29 When Moses/I came back down the mountain, carrying in his/my hand the two stone slabs on which were written the Ten Commandments, his/my face was shining because he/I had been talking with Yahweh, but he/I did not know that his/my face was shining.
Musa bwe yaserengeta okuva ku lusozi Sinaayi ng’akutte mu ngalo ze ebipande byombi eby’Endagaano, teyakimanya ng’obwenyi bwe bwali bumasamasa kubanga yali ayogedde ne Mukama.
30 When Aaron and the [other] Israeli people saw Moses/me, they were amazed/surprised that his/my face was shining. So they were afraid to come near him/me.
Era Alooni n’abaana ba Isirayiri bonna bwe baatunula ku Musa, ne balaba ng’obwenyi bwe bumasamasa; ne batya okumusemberera.
31 But Moses/I called to them. Then Aaron and the other Israeli leaders came to him/me, and he/I talked with them.
Naye Musa n’abayita; bw’atyo Alooni n’abakulembeze b’abantu ne bajja gy’ali, Musa n’ayogera nabo.
32 Afterwards, all the other Israeli people came near, and he/I told them all the laws that Yahweh had given to him/me on Sinai Mountain.
Oluvannyuma abaana ba Isirayiri bonna ne basembera, n’abategeeza amateeka gonna Mukama ge yamulagira ku lusozi Sinaayi.
33 When Moses/I finished talking to the people, he/I put a veil over his/my face.
Awo Musa bwe yamala okwogera nabo, n’abikka obwenyi bwe olugoye.
34 But whenever Moses/I entered the Sacred Tent to talk with Yahweh, he/I removed the veil. When he/I came back out, he/I would always tell to the Israeli people everything that Yahweh had commanded him/me [to tell them].
Naye Musa bwe yabanga agenda awali Mukama okwogera naye, ng’olugoye olubikka obwenyi bwe alwebikkula okutuusa lwe yavangayo. Bwe yakomangawo okutegeeza abaana ba Isirayiri Mukama by’amulagidde,
35 The Israeli people would see that Moses’/my face was [still] shining. Then he/I would put the veil back on his/my face again until the next time that he/I went into [the Sacred Tent] to talk with Yahweh.
baalabanga obwenyi bwe nga bumasamasa. Bw’atyo Musa ne yezzaako olugoye olubikka obwenyi bwe, okutuusa lwe yaddangayo eri Mukama okwogera naye.

< Exodus 34 >