< Exodus 33 >
1 Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Leave this place and go with the people whom you led out of Egypt. Go to the land that I promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that I would give to their descendants.
Dijo Yahvé a Moisés: “Anda, sube de aquí, tú y el pueblo que sacaste de Egipto, al país que Yo con juramento prometí a Abrahán, a Isaac y a Jacob, diciendo: A tu posteridad lo daré.
2 I will send my angel ahead of you all, and I will expel [from that land] the Canaan, Amor, Heth, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus people-groups.
Enviaré delante de ti un Ángel, y echaré al cananeo, al amorreo, al heteo, al fereceo, al heveo y al jebuseo,
3 You will go to a land that will be very good for raising livestock and growing crops [IDM]. But I will not go with you myself, because [if I did that], I might get rid of you while you are traveling, because you are very stubborn [IDM] people.”
(para que entres) en la tierra que mana leche y miel; pues Yo no iré en medio de ti, porque eres un pueblo de dura cerviz; no sea que te destruya en el camino.”
4 Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Tell the Israeli people, ‘You are very stubborn [IDM]. If I would go with you for even a moment, I would completely (get rid of you/wipe you out). Now take off your jewelry [to show that you are sorry for having sinned]. Then I will decide how I will punish you (OR, if I should punish you).’” So when Moses/I told to the people what God said, they started to mourn, and they all took off their jewelry.
Al oír estas duras palabras el pueblo se puso de luto y nadie se atavió con sus galas.
Dijo entonces Yahvé a Moisés: “Di a los hijos de Israel: Vosotros sois un pueblo de dura cerviz. Si Yo un solo momento subiera contigo, te consumiría. Ahora, pues, quítate tus atavíos, para que Yo sepa qué he de hacer contigo.”
6 After the Israeli people left Sinai Mountain, they did not wear jewelry any more.
Por lo cual los hijos de Israel se despojaron de sus atavíos desde el monte Horeb.
7 [When the Israeli people traveled], whenever they stopped and set up their tents, Moses/I had them set up a tent outside the camp, far from the camp. I called it ‘the Sacred Tent where God and I talk together’. Everyone who wanted Yahweh to decide something for them would go out of the camp to the Sacred Tent.
Y tomó Moisés el Tabernáculo y lo plantó a cierta distancia fuera del campamento, y lo llamó Tabernáculo de la Reunión. De modo que todo el que buscaba a Yahvé salía hacia el Tabernáculo de la Reunión fuera del campamento.
8 Whenever Moses/I went out to the Sacred Tent, all the people would stand at the entrances of their tents and watch him/me until he/I had entered the Sacred Tent.
Cuando salía Moisés hacia el Tabernáculo se ponía en pie todo el pueblo, y cada cual se estaba a la puerta de su tienda, siguiendo con sus ojos a Moisés hasta entrar este en el Tabernáculo.
9 When Moses/I entered the Sacred Tent, the tall cloud that looked like a fire would come down and stay at the entrance of the Sacred Tent, and then Yahweh would talk with Moses/me.
Y cuando Moisés entraba en el Tabernáculo, bajaba la columna de nube y se detenía a la puerta del Tabernáculo, mientras (Yahvé) hablaba con Moisés.
10 When the people saw the tall cloud at the entrance of the Sacred Tent, they would all prostrate themselves on the ground and worship Yahweh.
Todo el pueblo que veía la columna de nube erguida a la puerta del Tabernáculo, se levantaba, y cada cual se postraba junto a la puerta de su tienda.
11 Yahweh would speak to Moses/me directly, like someone speaks to his friend. Then Moses/I would return to the camp. But his/my young helper, Joshua, the son of Nun, stayed in the Sacred Tent.
Así hablaba Yahvé con Moisés cara a cara, como suele hablar un hombre con su amigo. Luego volvía este al campamento, pero su ministro, el joven Josué, hijo de Nun, no se apartaba del Tabernáculo.
12 Moses/I said to Yahweh, “It is true that you have told me, ‘Lead the people to the land [that I will show you],’ and you have said that you know me well and that you are pleased with me, but you have not told me whom you will send with me!
Y dijo Moisés a Yahvé: “Mira, Tú me dices: Saca este pueblo; mas no me has dado a conocer a quien enviarás conmigo; y sin embargo me has dicho: Te conozco por tu nombre, y también: Has hallado gracia a mis ojos.
13 So now, if you are truly pleased with me, I ask you, tell me the things that you intend/plan to do, in order that I will know you [better] and continue to please you. Also, do not forget that the [Israeli] people are the people whom you chose to belong to you.”
Ahora, pues, si realmente he hallado gracia a tus ojos, te ruego me muestres tu camino, para que yo te conozca y halle gracia a tus ojos, y considera que este pueblo es pueblo tuyo.”
14 Yahweh replied, “I will go with you, and I will give you inner peace.”
Respondió Él: “Mi Rostro irá (delante de ti) y te daré descanso.”
15 Moses/I replied, “If you do not go with me, do not force us to leave this place.
Le contestó: “Si tu Rostro no va (delante nuestro), no nos hagas partir de aquí.
16 The only way that [other] people will know that you are pleased with me and with your people is if you go with us [RHQ]! (If you go with us, [that will show that] we are different from all the other people on the earth./If you do not go with us, what will show that we are different from all the other people on the earth?)” [RHQ]
Pues ¿en qué podrá conocerse que he hallado gracia a tus ojos, yo y tu pueblo, sino en eso en que Tú marches con nosotros, para que nos distingamos, yo y tu pueblo, de todos los pueblos que hay sobre la tierra?”
17 Yahweh replied to Moses/me, “What you have asked is exactly what I will do, because I know you well and I am pleased with you.”
Respondió Yahvé a Moisés: “Cumpliré también esto que me acabas de pedir, pues has hallado gracia a mis ojos, y Yo te conozco por tu nombre.”
18 Then Moses/I said, “Please let me see your glorious presence!”
Entonces dijo (Moisés): “Muéstrame, te ruego tu gloria.”
19 Yahweh replied, “I will let you see how great and glorious I am, and I will tell you clearly that my name is Yahweh. I will act very kindly and be merciful to all those whom I choose.
Él le contestó: “Yo haré pasar ante tu vista toda mi bondad y pronunciaré delante de ti el nombre de Yahvé; y haré merced a quien Yo haga merced y usaré de misericordia con quien Yo use de misericordia.”
20 But you are not allowed to see my face, because anyone who sees my face will (die/not continue to stay alive).
Y añadió: “Pero mi Rostro no podrás verlo; porque no puede verme el hombre y vivir.”
21 [But look]! Here is a place close to me where you can stand on a [large] rock.
Luego dijo Yahvé: “He aquí un lugar junto a Mí; tú te pondrás sobre la peña;
22 When my glorious presence comes past you, I will put you in a large crevice/opening in the rock, and I will cover your face with my hand until I have passed by.
y al pasar mi gloria, te pondré en una hendidura de la peña, y te cubriré con mi mano hasta que Yo haya pasado.
23 Then I will take my hand away, and you will see my back, but you will not see my face.”
Luego apartaré mi mano, para que veas mis espaldas; pero mi Rostro no se puede ver.”