< Amos 5 >

1 You people [MTY] of Israel, listen to this funeral song that I will sing about you:
He ol he hnatun uh. Kai loh nangmih hamla Israel imkhui kah rhahlung kang khuen coeng.
2 “You are like [MET] a young woman, but in spite of that, you will certainly be struck down and you will never get up again! You will lie on the ground, abandoned, and there will be no one to help you stand up.”
Israel oila te tla coeng tih a thoh ham koei voel pawh. A khohmuen ah a phap coeng tih anih aka thoh om pawh.
3 This is what Yahweh the Lord says to the people [MTY] of Israel: [“When your enemies attack you, ] and when 1,000 [of your soldiers] will go [to a battle], there will be only 100 who will survive. When 100 soldiers march out [from a city to fight], there will be only ten who will remain alive.”
Te dongah ka Boeipa Yahovah loh he ni a thui. Khopuei te thawngkhat la khong cakhaw yakhat la cul ni. Yakhat khong mai cakhaw Israel imkhui ham tah parha la cul ni.
4 Yahweh continues to say to the people [MTY] of Israel: “You Israeli people, return to me! If you do that, you will continue to remain alive.
BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. Israel imkhui nang te kai n'toem uh lamtah hing uh.
5 Do not go to Bethel to seek [my help]; do not go to Gilgal [to worship]; do not [even] go to Beersheba, because [your enemies] will drag away [the people of] Gilgal to other countries, and Bethel will be completely destroyed.”
Bethel te toem uh boel lamtah Gilgal te paan uh boeh. Beersheba te khaw pah uh boeh. Gilgal te a poelyoe rhoe a poelyoe uh vetih Bethel khaw boethae la om ni.
6 So, come to Yahweh; if you do that, you will remain alive. If you do not do that, Yahweh will descend on you descendants [MTY] of Joseph like [SIM] a fire; that fire will burn everything in Bethel, and (nothing/no one) will be able to save that town.
BOEIPA te toem uh lamtah hing uh. Joseph im kah hmai bangla thaihtak vetih n'hlawp ve. Bethel te aka thih te om mahpawh.
7 You people distort what is fair/right and cause [people to think that] it is something that is very bitter; you treat good things as though they are evil.
Tiktamnah khaw pantong la poeh tih duengnah te diklai la tloeng uh.
8 [Do you know who] created all the groups of stars and put them in their places? [Each morning] he causes the darkness to become the dawn, and [each evening] he causes the daylight to become darkness. He scoops up water from the oceans [to become clouds], and then he dumps the water [from the clouds] onto the earth. The one who does those things is named Yahweh.
Airhitbom neh buhol aka saii, dueknah hlipkhup te mincang la aka khueh, khothaih te khoyin bangla aka hmuep sak, tuipuei tui te a khue tih diklai hman ah aka hawk kah a ming tah YAHWEH ni.
9 He causes strong [soldiers] to be killed, and causes the (high walls around/fortresses of) cities to be torn down.
Aka tlung sokah rhoelrhanah neh a ngaidip tih hmuencak taengah rhoelrhanah a pai sak.
10 [He is the one who will punish you] because you hate those who challenge anyone who tries to make unjust decisions, and you hate those who tell the truth in your courts.
Vongka ah ol aka tloek te a hmuhuet uh tih cuemthuek la aka thui te a tuei uh.
11 You oppress poor people and force them to pay big taxes. You have built big stone mansions [for yourselves], but you will not be able to live in them. You have planted vineyards, but there will not be any [grapes for you to harvest to make] wine.
Te dongah tattloel soah na sundaep uh tih a taengkah cangpai buham te na loh uh. Lungrhaih im na thoh uh cakhaw a khuiah kho na sa uh mahpawh. Naidoeh misurdum na tawn uh cakhaw a misurtui te na o uh mahpawh.
12 I know all of your sins and the terrible crimes that you have committed. You oppress righteous/honest people, and you accept bribes. You do not allow judges to treat poor people justly.
Na boekoeknah khawk tih na tholhnah a ping khaw ka ming ta. Aka dueng te na daengdaeh uh tih tlansum na loh uh dongah khodaeng rhoek tah vongka ah a kaeng uh.
13 This is a time when [many people do] evil things, so people who have good sense say nothing [when they hear about such things being done].
Te dongah a tue neh aka cueih long he tah yoethae tue ham he khaw kuemsuem coeng.
14 In order to remain alive, you must stop doing what is wrong, and start doing what is right. If you do that, the Commander of the armies of angels will be with you like you claim [that he always is].
A then na toem uh tih na thae pawt daengah ni na hing uh eh. Te vaengah ni na thui bangla nang taengah caempuei Pathen BOEIPA te a om tangloeng eh.
15 Love what is good, and hate what is evil! Try to cause [judges] in your courts to make decisions that are right/fair! If you do those things, perhaps the Commander of the armies of angels will act mercifully toward [you descendants of] Joseph who are still alive.
A thae te thiinah uh lamtah a then te lungnah uh, vongka ah tiktamnah khueh lah, caempuei Pathen BOEIPA loh Joseph kah a meet te a rhen khaming.
16 “Because I, Yahweh, [will punish you for your sins], this is what I have solemnly declared: People will be wailing loudly in every street, and people will be very sorrowful in every plaza. Farmers will be summoned to [come and] weep, along with the other official mourners who will wail [for those who have died].
Te dongah ka Boeipa, caempuei Pathen YAHWEH loh he he a thui. Toltung takuem kah rhaengsaelung neh rhamvoel tom ah, “Ayoe, ayoe,” a ti uh. Lopho te nguekcoinah hamla a khue vetih rhathinah ming hamla a rhaengsae uh ni.
17 People will be wailing in your vineyards, because I will punish you [IDM] severely. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it!”
Nang khui longah ka pah ham dongah misurdum boeih ah rhaengsaelung om saeh tila BOEIPA loh a thui.
18 Terrible things will happen to you who desire that it will soon be the day when Yahweh [will punish your enemies], because that will be a day of darkness, not of light.
Anunae BOEIPA kah khohnin aka ngaidam rhoek aih. BOEIPA khohnin te nangmih ham metla a om eh. Te tah hmaisuep la om tih vangnah om pawt lah ko.
19 [At that time, ] when you try to run from a lion, you will face a bear. When you run into your house [to be safe], and you put your hand on a wall, it will be bitten by a snake.
Hlang te sathueng mikhmuh lamloh rhaelrham sitoe cakhaw anih te vom loh a cuuk thil. Im a pha tih pangbueng dongah a kut a tloeng dae anih te rhul loh a tuk.
20 That day, [when he punishes people], will certainly be [RHQ] a very dark day [MET], without even a little bit of light.
BOEIPA kah khohnin tah a hmuep moenih a? Vangnah om pawt tih a hmueprhut dongah a aa om pawh.
21 [Yahweh says], “I hate your religious celebrations and the times when you gather to worship me; I detest them [DOU].
Na khotue te ka hmuhuet tih ka kohnue coeng dongah na pahong te ka him moenih.
22 Even if you bring me offerings that will be completely burned [on the altar] and offerings of grain, I will no longer accept them. Even if you bring me offerings to renew/maintain fellowship with me, I will not pay any attention to them.
Kai taengla hmueihhlutnah nang khuen uh mai sitoe cakhaw nangmih kah khocang te ka doe mahpawh. Nangmih kah rhoepnah puetsuet khaw ka paelki moenih.
23 So, stop singing noisy/loud songs! I will not listen when you play harps.
Kai taeng lamloh khoe uh laeh. Na laa rhoi neh na thangpa oldi khaw ka hnatun moenih.
24 Instead, your continually acting justly/fairly and righteously should be [never stop, ] like [SIM] [the water in] a river that never stops flowing.
Tedae tiktamnah he tui bangla hol uh saeh lamtah duengnah soklong bangla tangkuek saeh.
25 You Israeli people [MTY], your [ancestors] wandered through the desert for 40 years; and during that time, they never brought any sacrifices and offerings to me!
Israel imkhui aw, khosoek kah kum sawmli khuiah kai taengla hmueih neh khocang nang khuen uh a?
26 But they carried the two idols that they had made— the idols of Succoth, the god [that they considered to be] their king, and Kaiwan, [the image of the] star [that they worshiped].
Na manghai Sakkuth neh Khiun te na muei la na ludoeng uh. Na pathen aisi te namamih ham na saii uh.
27 Therefore, now I will force you to go to [a country that is] far beyond Damascus! [That will surely happen because] I, the Commander of the armies of angels, have said it!”
Te dongah nangmih te Damasku kah a voel duela kam poelyoe ni tila a ming neh caempuei Pathen BOEIPA loh a thui.

< Amos 5 >