< 2 Timothy 1 >
1 [I], Paul, [am writing this letter. I am] an apostle whom Christ Jesus chose so that I would do what God wanted. He chose me [to tell people that God] has promised [that they will] live [eternally] as a result of their having a close relationship with Christ Jesus.
Павло, з волі Божої апостол Христа Ісуса, згідно з обітницею життя, що в Христі Ісусі.
2 [I am writing to you], Timothy, whom I love [as if you were] my own son. [I pray that] God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord will [continue to act] kindly to you, be merciful to you, and [cause you to have] inner peace,
Тимофієві, [моїй] улюбленій дитині. Благодать, милосердя [і] мир від Бога Отця та Христа Ісуса, нашого Господа!
3 I thank God [for all that he has done for you]. I serve him, and my ancestors [served him, too. I serve him] in a manner that I know to be right. [I thank him] while repeatedly I [pray for you] at night and during the day.
Я вдячний Богові, Якому служу з діда-прадіда з чистим сумлінням, що постійно, вдень і вночі, пам’ятаю тебе у своїх молитвах.
4 [While I am thanking God for you], I very much want to see you because I remember how you cried [MTY] [when we separated. I want to see you] in order that I may be (filled with joy/very happy).
Пригадуючи твої сльози, я прагну побачити тебе, щоб сповнитись радістю.
5 [I thank God because] I remember that you sincerely believe [in Christ Jesus]. First, your grandmother, Lois, and your mother, Eunice, [believed in him and], I am (convinced/very sure) that you also believe in him.
Я згадую твою нелицемірну віру, яка була спочатку у твоєї бабусі Лоїди й матері Євникії і яку, впевнений, маєш і ти.
6 Because [I am sure that you believe in him], I remind you to do fervently/wholeheartedly [MET] what God has (assigned for/appointed) you to do and what he has enabled you to do. [God] ([assigned for/appointed]) you to do it as a result of my putting my hands [on you to show/indicate that he had chosen you to do his work].
Із цієї причини я нагадую тобі, щоб ти розпалював полум’я Божого дару, який є в тобі через покладання моїх рук.
7 Remember that God has put [his Spirit] within us. [His Spirit does not cause us to be] afraid. Instead, [he causes us to be] powerful [to work for God], and he helps us to love [others] and [to] control what we say and do.
Адже Бог дав нам не духа боягузтва, а [духа] сили, любові та самовладання.
8 So never be ashamed/reluctant to tell others the message about our Lord. And do not [be ashamed] of me, [even though I am] a prisoner [because I preach about] him. Instead, [be willing to] suffer as I do as you proclaim the message about Christ. [Endure what you will suffer] by letting God empower [you to endure it].
Тому не соромся свідчення нашого Господа й мене, Його в’язня, а страждай разом зі мною за Добру Звістку з допомогою Божої сили.
9 [God] saved us and chose us to conduct our lives in a pure way. It was not our doing good deeds/actions [that caused him to do this for us—something] that we did not deserve. Instead, before (time began/he created the world) he purposed/planned to [be kind to us] as a result of what Christ Jesus [would do for us]. (aiōnios )
Він спас нас і покликав нас святим покликанням не завдяки нашим ділам, а завдяки Своєму наміру та благодаті, яку дав нам у Христі Ісусі до початку часів. (aiōnios )
10 Now, as a result of our Savior Christ Jesus having come, it has been revealed {he has shown} [that he acts kindly toward us. Specifically, Christ Jesus] has declared that we [will not remain dead after we] die! He has also revealed that, as a result of [our hearing and accepting] the message [about Christ, we] will live [forever in bodies that will] not decay!
Тепер же вона відкрилася через з’явлення нашого Спасителя, Христа Ісуса, Який знищив смерть і освітив життя та безсмертя Доброю Звісткою,
11 I was chosen {Christ chose me} to go as an apostle to many places and proclaim that message to people.
для якої я був призначений проповідником, апостолом і вчителем язичників.
12 So, even though I suffer [here in this prison], I am not ashamed [of being here] (OR, I am very confident), because I know [Christ Jesus], the one whom I have trusted, and I am convinced/sure that he is able to keep safe the good message that he has entrusted to me (OR, the things that I have entrusted [to him]), and that he will reward me at the time [MTY] [when he comes again].
Саме тому я й страждаю [зараз], але не соромлюся, бо знаю, у Кого повірив, і я впевнений, що Він спроможний зберегти те, що я [Йому] довірив, до того Дня.
13 Be sure that you tell others the same correct message that you heard from me. [And as you tell it], keep trusting [in Christ Jesus] and keep loving [others] as Christ Jesus [enables you to do].
Тримайся того зразка здорового вчення, яке ти від мене почув, у вірі та любові, що в Христі Ісусі.
14 Do not let anyone persuade you to change the [good message that] God has entrusted/given to you. Allow the Holy Spirit who lives in us to [direct what you say].
Оберігай те добре [вчення, ] що довірене тобі за допомогою Святого Духа, Який перебуває в нас.
15 You know that [almost] all [the believers] in Asia [province] have (turned away from/abandoned) me, including Phygelus and Hermogenes.
Ти знаєш, що всі, хто з Азії, відвернулися від мене, включно з Фіґелом та Гермоґеном.
16 [But I pray that] the Lord will be kind to the family of Onesiphorus for the following reasons: Often he cheered me up and, [even though] I was a prisoner [MTY], he was not ashamed (of me/[to admit he was] my [friend]).
Нехай Господь змилується над домом Онисифора, адже він часто мене підбадьорював і не соромився моїх кайданів.
17 On the contrary, when he came here to Rome, he diligently searched for me until he found me.
Навпаки, коли він прибув у Рим, то наполегливо шукав мене й знайшов.
18 [I pray that] the Lord will be kind to him on that day [MTY] [when he, the Lord, will judge people]. And how much Onesiphorus served [me] in Ephesus [city], you know very well.
Нехай дасть Бог, щоб він знайшов милість перед Господом у той День. А про те, як багато він служив в Ефесі, ти дуже добре знаєш.