< 1 Kings 4 >

1 Solomon was the king who ruled all of Israel,
Og Kong Salomo var Konge over al Israel.
2 and these were his most important officials: Zadok’s son Azariah was the priest.
Og disse vare de fornemste Befalingsmænd, som han havde: Asarja, Zadoks Søn, var Ypperstepræst;
3 Shisha’s sons Elihoreph and Ahijah were the [official] secretaries. Ahilud’s son Jehoshaphat was the one who announced to the people the king’s decisions.
Elihoref og Ahia, Sisas Sønner, vare Skrivere; Josafat, Ahiluds Søn, var Historieskriver;
4 Benaiah was the commander of the army. Zadok and Abiathar were also priests.
og Benaja, Jojadas Søn, var over Hæren; og Zadok og Abjathar vare Præster;
5 Nathan’s son Azariah was the administrator of the governors. Another of Nathan’s sons, Zabud, was a priest and the king’s chief advisor.
og Asarja, Nathans Søn, var over Befalingsmændene; og Sabud, Nathans Søn, Præsten, var Kongens Ven;
6 Ahishar supervised the servants who worked in the palace. Abda’s son Adoniram supervised the men who were forced to do work [for the government].
og Ahisar var Hovmester; Adoniram, Abdas Søn, var Rentemester.
7 Solomon appointed twelve men, one to govern [each of the regions] in Israel. They also were required to provide food for the king and all the others who lived and worked in the palace. Each man was required to provide from his own region the food for one month each year.
Og Salomo havde tolv Befalingsmænd over al Israel, og de forsynede Kongen og hans Hus; enhver havde en Maaned om Aaret at forsyne ham udi.
8 Their names were: Ben-Hur, for the hilly area of the tribe of Ephraim.
Og disse vare deres Navne: Hurs Søn paa Efraims Bjerg;
9 Ben-Deker, for Makaz, Shaalbim, Beth-Shemesh, and Elon-Bethhanan [cities];
Dekers Søn i Makaz og i Saalbim og i Beth-Semes og Elon og Beth-Hanan;
10 Ben-Hesed, for Arubboth and Socoh [towns] and the area near Hepher [town];
Heseds Søn i Aruboth, han havde Soko og hele Landet Hefer;
11 Ben-Abinadab, who was married to Solomon’s daughter Taphath, for all the Dor district;
Abinadabs Søn havde hele Egnen Dor, han havde Tafath, Salomos Datter, til Hustru;
12 Ahilud’s son Baana, for Taanach and Megiddo [towns], and all the region near Zarethan [city], and from Beth-Shan [city] south of Jezreel as far as Abel-Meholah [town] and Jokmeam [city];
Baena, Ahiluds Søn, havde Thaanak og Megiddo og hele Beth-Sean, som er ved Zarthan neden for Jisreel fra Beth-Sean indtil Abel-Mehola, indtil paa hin Side Jokmeam;
13 Ben-Geber, for Ramoth [city] in [the] Gilead [region], and for the villages in Gilead that belonged to Jair, who was a descendant of Manasseh, and the Argob area in [the] Bashan [region]. There were 60 large towns in that region altogether, each town with a wall around it and bronze bars across the gates.
Gebers Søn var i Ramoth i Gilead; han havde Jairs, Manasse Søns, Byer, som ere i Gilead, han havde Argobs Egn, som er i Basan, tresindstyve store Stæder med Mure og med Kobberstænger;
14 Iddo’s son Ahinadab, for Mahanaim [city east of the Jordan River];
Ahinadab, Iddos Søn, var i Mahanaim;
15 Ahimaaz, who had married Solomon’s daughter Basemath, for [the territory of the tribe of] Naphtali;
Ahimaaz var i Nafthali, han tog og Basmath, Salomos Datter, til Hustru;
16 Hushai’s son Baana, for [the territory of the tribe of] Asher and for Aloth [town];
Baena, Husais Søn, var i Aser og i Aloth;
17 Paruah’s son Jehoshaphat, for [the territory of the tribe of] Issachar;
Josafat, Faruas Søn, var i Isaskar;
18 Ela’s son Shimei, for [the territory of the tribe of] Benjamin;
Simei, Elas Søn, var i Benjamin;
19 Uri’s son Geber, for the Gilead region, the land that Sihon the king of the Amor people-group [formerly ruled], and the Bashan [area], which was the area that Og [formerly ruled]. [In addition to all those], Solomon appointed one governor for the [territory of the] tribe of Judah.
Geber, Uris Søn, var i Gileads Land, i Sihons, den amoritiske Konges, og i Ogs, Kongen af Basans, Land, og det var kun een Befalingsmand, som var i dette Land.
20 There were as many people in Judah and Israel as there are grains of sand [HYP] on the seashore. They [had plenty to] eat and drink and they were happy.
Juda og Israel vare mange som Sand, der er ved Havet i Mangfoldighed; de aade og drak og vare glade.
21 Solomon’s kingdom extended from the Euphrates [River in the northeast] to the Philistia area [in the west] and to the border of Egypt [in the south]. The [conquered] people in those areas paid taxes and were under Solomon’s control for the rest of his life.
Og Salomo var en Herre over alle Rigerne fra Floden til Filisternes Land og indtil Ægyptens Landemærke; de bragte ham Skænk og tjente Salomo alle hans Livsdage.
22 [To feed the people in his palace and his guests] Solomon needed people to bring to him every day 150 bushels of fine flour and 300 bushels of wheat,
Og den Mad, der gik med for Salomo til hver Dag, var tredive Kor fint Mel og tresindstyve Kor Hvedemel;
23 ten cattle that were kept in stalls/barns, 20 cattle that were kept in pastures, 100 sheep, and (deer and gazelles and roebucks/three kinds of deer), and poultry.
ti fede Øksne og tyve Græsøksne og hundrede Faar, foruden Hjorte og Raadyr og Bøfler og alle Haande Fjerkræ paa Sti.
24 Solomon ruled over all the area west of the Euphrates [River], from Tiphsah [city in the northeast] to Gaza [city in the southwest]. He ruled over all the kings in that area. And there was peace between his [government] and the [governments of] nearby countries.
Thi han herskede i alt det, som laa paa denne Side af Floden, fra Thipsa og indtil Gaza, over alle Konger paa denne Side af Floden; og han havde Fred trindt omkring paa alle sine Sider.
25 All during the years that Solomon ruled, the people of Judah and Israel lived safely. Each family had its own grapevines and fig trees.
Og Juda og Israel boede tryggelig, hver under sit Vintræ og under sit Figentræ, fra Dan og indtil Beersaba, alle Salomos Dage.
26 Solomon had 4,000 stalls for the horses [that pulled] his chariots and 12,000 men who rode on horses (OR, in the chariots).
Salomo havde og fyrretyve Tusinde Stalde til sine Vognheste og tolv Tusinde Ryttere.
27 His twelve governors supplied the food that King Solomon needed for himself and for all those who ate in the palace. Each governor supplied food for one month each year. They provided everything [LIT] that Solomon required.
Og disse Befalingsmænd forsynede Kong Salomo og hver den, som nærmede sig til Kong Salomos Bord, hver i sin Maaned; de lode ikke fattes paa noget.
28 They also brought [stalks of] barley and wheat for the fast horses [that pulled the chariots] and for the [other work] horses. They brought it to the places where the horses were kept.
Og Byg og Straa til Kørehestene og til Ridehestene førte de hen til det Sted, hvor det skulde være, hver efter Anvisningen.
29 God enabled Solomon to be extremely wise and to have great insight/understanding. He understood about more things than the number of grains of sand on the seashore [HYP].
Og Gud gav Salomo Visdom og saare megen Indsigt og en omfattende Forstand, som Sand, der er ved Havets Bred.
30 He was wiser than all the wise men in Arabia and Mesopotamia and all the wise men in Egypt.
Og Salomos Visdom var større end alle Østerlændernes Visdom og end alle Ægypternes Visdom.
31 Ethan from Ezrah and Heman and Calcol and Darda and the sons of Mahol were [considered to be] very wise, but Solomon was wiser than all of them. People in all the nearby countries heard about Solomon.
Og han var visere end alle Mennesker, end Esrahiteren Ethan, og Heman og Kalkol og Darda, Mahols Sønner, og hans Navn var berømt hos alle Hedninger trindt omkring.
32 He composed/wrote 3,000 (proverbs/wise sayings) and more than 1,000 songs.
Og han fremsatte tre Tusinde Ordsprog, og hans Sange vare Tusinde og fem.
33 He talked about various kinds of plants, from the [huge] cedar trees in Lebanon to the [tiny] hyssop plants that grow in cracks in walls. He also talked about wild animals and birds and reptiles and fish.
Og han talede om Træerne fra Cederen, som er paa Libanon, og indtil Isopen, som vokser ud af Væggen; og han talede om Dyrene og om Fuglene og om krybende Dyr og om Fiskene.
34 People came from all over the world to hear the wise things that Solomon said. Many kings sent men to listen to him [and then return and tell them what Solomon said].
Og man kom fra alle Folk for at høre Salomos Visdom, fra alle Konger paa Jorden, som havde hørt om hans Visdom.

< 1 Kings 4 >