< Genesis 28 >

1 And he summoned Isaac Jacob and he blessed him and he commanded him and he said to him not you must take a wife from [the] daughters of Canaan.
2 Arise go Paddan towards Aram [the] house of towards Bethuel [the] father of mother your and take for yourself from there a wife one of [the] daughters of Laban [the] brother of mother your.
3 And God Almighty may he bless you and may he make fruitful you and may he multiply you and you will become a company of peoples.
4 And may he give to you [the] blessing of Abraham to you and to offspring your with you to take possession of you [the] land of sojournings your which he gave God to Abraham.
5 And he sent off Isaac Jacob and he went Paddan towards Aram to Laban [the] son of Bethuel the Aramean [the] brother of Rebekah [the] mother of Jacob and Esau.
6 And he saw Esau that he had blessed Isaac Jacob and he had sent off him Paddan towards Aram to take for himself from there a wife when blessed he him and he had commanded to him saying not you must take a wife from [the] daughters of Canaan.
7 And he had listened Jacob to father his and to mother his and he had gone Paddan towards Aram.
8 And he saw Esau that [were] displeasing [the] daughters of Canaan in [the] eyes of Isaac father his.
9 And he went Esau to Ishmael and he took Mahalath - [the] daughter of Ishmael [the] son of Abraham [the] sister of Nebaioth to wives his for himself to a wife.
10 And he went out Jacob from Beer Sheba and he went Haran towards.
11 And he reached the place and he stayed [the] night there for it had gone the sun and he took one of [the] stones of the place and he put [it] [the] place of head his and he lay down in the place that.
12 And he dreamed and there! a stairway [was] placed [the] earth towards and top its [was] reaching the heavens towards and there! [the] angels of God [were] going up and [were] going down on it.
13 And there! Yahweh [was] standing on it and he said I [am] Yahweh [the] God of Abraham father your and [the] God of Isaac the land which you [are] lying on it to you I will give it and to offspring your.
14 And it will be offspring your like [the] dust of the earth and you will spread out west-ward and east-ward and north-ward and south-ward and they will be blessed by you all [the] clans of the earth and by offspring your.
15 And here! I [am] with you and I will protect you in every where you will go and I will bring back you to the land this for not I will abandon you until that I have done [that] which I have spoken to you.
16 And he awoke Jacob from sleep his and he said truly there [is] Yahweh in the place this and I not I realized.
17 And he was afraid and he said how! awesome [is] the place this [is] not this that except [the] house of God and this [is] [the] gate of the heavens.
18 And he rose early Jacob in the morning and he took the stone which he had put [the] place of head his and he set up it a pillar and he poured oil on top its.
19 And he called [the] name of the place that Beth-el and but [was] Luz [the] name of the city to the former [time].
20 And he vowed Jacob a vow saying if he will be God with me and he will protect me on the journey this which I [am] going and he will give to me food to eat and clothing to wear.
21 And I will return in peace to [the] house of father my and he will become Yahweh for me God.
22 And the stone this which I have set up a pillar it will be [the] house of God and all that you will give to me fully I will tithe it to you.

< Genesis 28 >