< Psalms 85 >

1 To the Chief Musician. For the Sons of Korah. A Melody. Thou hast accepted, O Yahweh, thy land, Thou hast brought back the captives of Jacob;
MAING Ieowa, kom kotin maki onger sapwilim omui sap mas o, o kom kotin dorelar salidi en Iakop akan.
2 Thou hast taken away, the iniquity of thy people, Thou hast covered, all their sin. (Selah)
Re kotin lapwadar me sued en sapwilim omui aramas akan, o kom kotin pwaidier dip arail karos. (Sela)
3 Thou hast withdrawn all thine indignation, Thou hast ceased from the glow of thine anger.
Komui kotin kadukiedi omui ongiong karos, o kotin wukidoki wei sanger omui ongiong melel.
4 Restore us, O God of our salvation, And take away thy vexation towards us.
Kom kotin purong kamait kit ala, komui Kot at saunkamaur, o kotin katukiedi omui sokalangan ong kit.
5 To times age-abiding, wilt thou be angry with us? Wilt thou prolong thine anger, from generation to generation?
Kom pan kotin ongiongi kit kokolata? Omui ongiong pan duedueta sang en kainok lel eu?
6 Wilt not, thou thyself, again give us life, That, thy people, may rejoice in thee.
Kom sota pan kotin purong kamaur kit da, pwe sapwilim omui aramas kan en peren kin komui da?
7 Show us, O Yahweh, thy lovingkindness, And, thy salvation, wilt thou grant us.
Maing Ieowa, kom kotin kasansaleda ar kalangan ong kit, o sauasa kit!
8 I will hear, what GOD—Yahweh—will speak, —For he will bespeak prosperity to his people, And to his men of lovingkindness, And to them who return with their heart unto him.
I men rong, da me Kot Ieowa pan kotin masani; pwe a pan mamasani duen muei mau ong sapwilim a aramas o me lelapok kan, pwe ren der lodi ong me pweipwei.
9 Surely, near unto them who revere him, is his salvation, That the Glory, may settle down, in our land.
Melel, a sauas me koren iong ir, me masak i, pwe a lingan en mi nan sap atail.
10 Lovingkindness and faithfulness, have met together, Righteousness and prosperity, have kissed each other;
Kalangan o melel pan tu pena, pung o muei mau en metik pena.
11 Faithfulness, out of the earth, doth spring forth, And, righteousness, out of the heavens, hath looked down.
Melel pan wosada sang nan sap o, o pung pan ireredo sang nanlang.
12 Yahweh himself too, will give us the blessing, And, our land, shall yield her increase.
Ieowa pil pan kotikido me mau, pwe sap atail en kida wa kan.
13 Righteousness, before him, shall march long, —That he may make, into a way, the steps of its feet.
Pwe pung pan ti ong mo a, o a kak akan pan wiala al arail.

< Psalms 85 >