< Psalms 109 >

1 To the Chief Musician. David’s. A Melody. O God of my praise, do not be silent;
Dura Buʼaa Faarfattootaatiif. Faarfannaa Daawit. Yaa Waaqa ani galateeffadhu ati hin calʼisin;
2 For, the mouth of the lawless one and the mouth of the deceiver, against me, are open, They have spoken to me with false tongue;
namoonni hamoonnii fi gowwoomsitoonni, afaan isaanii natti banatanii jiruutii; isaan arraba sobaatiin maqaa na balleessaniiru.
3 And, with words of hatred, have they surrounded me, and have made war upon me without cause:
Isaan dubbii jibbaatiin na marsan; sababii tokko malees na lolan.
4 For my love, they have been accusing me, while, I, was at prayer:
Utuma ani isaan jaalladhuu na himatan; ani garuu nan kadhadha.
5 Yea they have returned unto me—Evil for good; and, Hatred for my love.
Qooda waan gaarii hammina, qooda jaalala koo immoo jibba naa deebisan.
6 Set in charge over him, one who is lawless, and let, an accuser, stand at his right hand;
Akka inni isa mormuuf nama itti ramadi; seexannis karaa mirga isaa haa dhaabatu.
7 When he is judged, let him go out condemned, and let, his own petition, become a sin;
Yommuu qoratamutti isatti haa muramu; kadhannaan isaas cubbuu isatti haa taʼu.
8 Let his days become few, his overseership, let another take;
Umuriin isaa haa gabaabbatu, aangoo isaa namni biraa haa fudhatu.
9 Let his children become fatherless, and his wife a widow;
Ijoolleen isaa abbaa malee haa hafan; niitiin isaas haadha hiyyeessaa haa taatu.
10 Let his children, wander about, and beg, Let them be driven out of their ruins;
Ijoolleen isaa kadhattoota asii fi achi jooran haa taʼan; mana isaanii diigamaa keessaa illee haa ariʼaman.
11 Let the creditor take aim at all that he hath, and let strangers prey on the fruit of his toil;
Waan inni qabu hunda namni isa irraa liqii qabu haa fudhatu; buʼaa dadhabbii isaa illee karaa adeemtonni haa saaman.
12 Let him have no one to continue lovingkindness, and there be none to favour his fatherless children;
Namni tokko iyyuu isaaf hin naʼin, yookaan ijoollee isaa kanneen abbaa hin qabneef garaa hin laafin.
13 Let his posterity be for cutting off, In another generation, let their name be wiped out;
Sanyiin isaa haa dhumu; maqaan isaanii dhaloota itti aanu keessaa haa balleeffamu.
14 Remembered be the iniquity of his fathers against Yahweh, and, the sin of his mother, let it not be wiped out;
Balleessaan abbootii isaa fuula Waaqayyoo duratti haa yaadatamu; cubbuun haadha isaas hin haqamin.
15 Let them be before Yahweh continually, and let the memory of them, be cut off out of the earth.
Akka inni seenaa isaanii lafa irraa balleessuuf, cubbuun isaanii yeroo hunda fuula Waaqayyoo dura haa jiraatu.
16 Because that he remembered not to show lovingkindness, but pursued the man that was oppressed and needy, that, the downhearted, he might slay.
Inni hiyyeeyyii fi rakkattoota, warra garaan isaanii madaaʼes hamma duʼaatti gugse malee garaa isaaniif laafuu hin yaadneetii.
17 Because he loved cursing, May it have come upon him, Because he delighted not in blessing, May it have kept far from him;
Inni abaaruu jaallate; abaarsi sun isumatti haa deebiʼu; inni eebbisuu hin jaallanne; eebbis isa irraa haa fagaatu.
18 Because he clothed himself in cursing as his outer garment, therefore may it have entered like water into his inward part, and like oil into his bones;
Inni akkuma uffata isaatti abaarsa uffata; abaarsis akkuma bishaanii dhagna isaa seena; akkuma zayitiis lafee isaa lixa.
19 Be it his, as a garment he shall wrap round him, and for a girdle he shall, at all times, gird on:
Abaarsi sun akkuma uffata inni ittiin of haguuguu, sabbata inni yeroo hunda hidhatuus isatti haa taʼu.
20 This, be the reward of mine accusers, from Yahweh, even of them who are speaking wrongfully against my life.
Kaffaltiin Waaqayyo warra na himatanii fi warra jireenya koo irratti waan hamaa dubbataniif kaffalu kanuma haa taʼu.
21 But, thou, Yahweh, Adonay, deal effectually with me, for the sake of thy Name, Since good is thy lovingkindness, O rescue me;
Yaa Waaqayyo Gooftaa, ati garuu maqaa keetiif jedhii na gargaar; gaarummaa jaalala keetiitiif jedhiitii na oolchi.
22 For, oppressed and needy, I am, and, my heart, is wounded within me.
Ani hiyyeessaa fi rakkataadhaatii; garaan koos na keessatti madaaʼeera.
23 As a shadow when it stretcheth out, I am gone, I am shaken off like the locust;
Ani akkuma gaaddidduu galgalaa badeera; akkuma hawwaannisaas olii gad oofameera.
24 My knees, tremble from fasting, and, my flesh, faileth of fatness:
Jilbi koo soomuudhaan dadhabeera; dhagni koos huqqatee lafeetti baʼeera.
25 So, I, am become a reproach for them, They see me, they shake their head.
Ani warra na himatan biratti waan tuffii taʼeera; isaan yommuu na argan mataa isaanii raasu.
26 Help me! O Yahweh my God, Save me, according to thy lovingkindness:
Yaa Waaqayyo Waaqa ko, na gargaari; akkuma jaalala keetiittis na oolchi.
27 That they may know that, Thine own hand, this is, Thou, Yahweh, hast done it.
Yaa Waaqayyo, akka wanni kun harka kee taʼe, akka ati waan kana hojjette isaan haa beekan.
28 They, may curse if, thou, wilt bless, —Mine assailants, shall be ashamed, but, thy servant, shall rejoice;
Isaan ni abaaru; ati garuu ni eebbifta; yommuu natti kaʼan isaan ni qaanaʼu; tajaajilaan kee garuu ni gammada.
29 Mine accusers shall be clothed with confusion, and shall wrap about them, like a cloak, their own shame.
Himattoonni koo salphina haa uffatan; akkuma nama waaroo uffatuutti qaaniidhaan haa haguugaman.
30 I will thank Yahweh loudly with my mouth, Yea, in the midst of multitudes, will I praise him;
Ani afaan kootiin guddisee Waaqayyoon nan galateeffadha; waldaa guddaa gidduuttis isa nan jajadha.
31 Because he standeth at the right hand of the needy, To save, from them who would pass sentence on his life.
Innis warra lubbuu isaatti muran jalaa isa baasuuf jedhee, karaa harka mirga rakkataatiin dhaabataatii.

< Psalms 109 >