< Leviticus 12 >

1 And Yahweh spake unto Moses, saying:
Hanki anantera Ra Anumzamo'a Mosesena asamino,
2 Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, A woman when she conceiveth seed and giveth birth to a male child, then shall she be unclean seven days, according to the days of her removal in her sickness shall she be unclean.
Amanage hunka Israeli vahera zamasamio, mago a'mo'ma ne' mofavre'ma kasentenuno'a, namunkama freneno'ma nehiaza huno 7ni'a zagegna maniteno agrua hugahie.
3 And, on the eighth day, shall the flesh of his foreskin be circumcised.
Hagi ne' mofavremofona 8 zagekna zupa agoza anoma'a taga hutregahaze.
4 And, for thirty-three days, shall she continue in the blood of purification, —no hallowed thing, shall she touch, and, into the sanctuary, shall she not enter, until her days of purification are fulfilled.
Hagi ana a'mo'a ne' mofavrema kasente'nea zankura, 33'a zagegna agruma hanigura avega anteno manigahie. Hagi ana a'mo'a ruotage'ma huno me'neazantamina avakora nosuno, ruotagema hunefina ovuno mani'nenigeno agruma hu knamo'a egahie.
5 But if, a female child, she bear, then shall she be unclean two weeks as in her removal, —and, for sixty-six days, shall she continue in the blood of purification.
Hianagi mofa'ma kasentesigeno'a ana a'mo'a tare sontamofo agu'afi agrua osuno maniteno, ete mago'ane 66'agna maniteno agrua hugahie.
6 And, when the days of her purification are fulfilled, whether for a son or for a daughter, she shall bring in a lamb, the choice of its year, as an ascending-sacrifice, and a young pigeon or a turtle-dove, as a sin-bearer, unto the entrance of the tent of meeting, unto the priest;
Hagi ne'mofavreo, mofa mofavre'ma kasente'nesia zanku'ma azeri agruma hu knama evutenkeno'a, tevefima kresramna vu ofa mago kafu hu'nesia sipisipi nevreno, kumi ofama hu'zana maho namao kugofa nama avreno pristi vahete seli nomofo avuga egahie.
7 and he shall bring it near before Yahweh so shall the priest put a propitiatory-covering over her, and she shall be clean from her fountain of blood. This, is the law for her that hath given birth, to a male child or to a female.
Hagi ana nama pristi ne'mo'a avreno, ana a'mo'ma agruma osu'nea zantera nona huno Ra Anumzamofontera ofa hina, ana a'mo'ma mofavrema kasenteteno azeri agru hugahie. Hagi ama'i a'mo'ma mofavrema kasentete'noma azeri agruma hania zamofo trake.
8 But, if her hand findeth not sufficiency for a lamb, then shall she take two turtle doves or two young pigeons, one for an ascending-sacrifice and one for a sin-bearer, —so shall the priest put a propitiatory-covering over her, and she shall be clean.
Hianagi ana a'mo'ma sipisipima avrenoma ega'ma osanuno'a, tare maho namao, tare kugofa nama avreno e'nigeno, mago nama Ra Anumzamofonte kresramana nevuno, mago nama ana a'ma azeri agru hu ofa pristi ne'mo'a hugahie.

< Leviticus 12 >