< Judges 10 >

1 And there arose, after Abimelech, to save Israel—Tola son of Puah son of Dodo, a man of Issachar, —and, he, used to sit in Shamir, in the hill country of Ephraim;
καὶ ἀνέστη μετὰ Αβιμελεχ τοῦ σῶσαι τὸν Ισραηλ Θωλα υἱὸς Φουα υἱὸς πατραδέλφου αὐτοῦ ἀνὴρ Ισσαχαρ καὶ αὐτὸς ᾤκει ἐν Σαμιρ ἐν ὄρει Εφραιμ
2 and he judged Israel, twenty-three years, —and died, and was buried in Shamir.
καὶ ἔκρινεν τὸν Ισραηλ εἴκοσι τρία ἔτη καὶ ἀπέθανεν καὶ ἐτάφη ἐν Σαμιρ
3 And there arose, after him, Jair the Gileadite, —and judged Israel twenty-two years.
καὶ ἀνέστη μετ’ αὐτὸν Ιαϊρ ὁ Γαλααδ καὶ ἔκρινεν τὸν Ισραηλ εἴκοσι δύο ἔτη
4 Now he had thirty sons, that rode on thirty ass colts, and they had, thirty cities, —they are called Havvoth-jair, until this day, which are in the land of Gilead.
καὶ ἦσαν αὐτῷ τριάκοντα καὶ δύο υἱοὶ ἐπιβαίνοντες ἐπὶ τριάκοντα δύο πώλους καὶ τριάκοντα δύο πόλεις αὐτοῖς καὶ ἐκάλουν αὐτὰς ἐπαύλεις Ιαϊρ ἕως τῆς ἡμέρας ταύτης ἐν γῇ Γαλααδ
5 And Jair died, and was buried in Kamon.
καὶ ἀπέθανεν Ιαϊρ καὶ ἐτάφη ἐν Ραμνων
6 And the sons of Israel again did the thing that was wicked in the sight of Yahweh, and served the Baals and the Ashtoreths, and the gods of Syria, and the gods of Zidon, and the gods of Moab, and the gods of the sons of Ammon, and the gods of the Philistines, —and forsook Yahweh, and served him not.
καὶ προσέθεντο οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ ποιῆσαι τὸ πονηρὸν ἐνώπιον κυρίου καὶ ἐδούλευσαν τοῖς Βααλιμ καὶ ταῖς Ασταρωθ καὶ τοῖς θεοῖς Αραδ καὶ τοῖς θεοῖς Σιδῶνος καὶ τοῖς θεοῖς Μωαβ καὶ τοῖς θεοῖς υἱῶν Αμμων καὶ τοῖς θεοῖς Φυλιστιιμ καὶ ἐγκατέλιπον τὸν κύριον καὶ οὐκ ἐδούλευσαν αὐτῷ
7 So the anger of Yahweh kindled upon Israel, —and he sold them into the hand of the Philistines, and into the hand of the sons of Ammon;
καὶ ὠργίσθη θυμῷ κύριος ἐν Ισραηλ καὶ ἀπέδοτο αὐτοὺς ἐν χειρὶ Φυλιστιιμ καὶ ἐν χειρὶ υἱῶν Αμμων
8 and they enfeebled and oppressed the sons of Israel in that year, —eighteen years, did they this unto all the sons of Israel who were beyond the Jordan, in the land of the Amorites, that was in Gilead.
καὶ ἔθλιψαν καὶ ἔθλασαν τοὺς υἱοὺς Ισραηλ ἐν τῷ καιρῷ ἐκείνῳ δέκα ὀκτὼ ἔτη τοὺς πάντας υἱοὺς Ισραηλ τοὺς ἐν τῷ πέραν τοῦ Ιορδάνου ἐν γῇ τοῦ Αμορρι τοῦ ἐν Γαλααδ
9 And the sons of Ammon crossed the Jordan, to fight, even against Judah and against Benjamin, and against the house of Ephraim, —so that Israel was sore distressed.
καὶ διέβησαν οἱ υἱοὶ Αμμων τὸν Ιορδάνην παρατάξασθαι πρὸς Ιουδαν καὶ Βενιαμιν καὶ πρὸς Εφραιμ καὶ ἐθλίβη Ισραηλ σφόδρα
10 Then did the sons of Israel make outcry unto Yahweh, saying, —We have sinned against thee, because we have forsaken our God, and have served the Baals.
καὶ ἐβόησαν οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ πρὸς κύριον λέγοντες ἡμάρτομέν σοι ὅτι ἐγκατελίπομεν τὸν θεὸν καὶ ἐδουλεύσαμεν τῷ Βααλιμ
11 Then said Yahweh unto the sons of Israel, —Was it not, from the Egyptians, and from the Amorites, and from the sons of Ammon, and from the Philistines, [that I saved you]?
καὶ εἶπεν κύριος πρὸς τοὺς υἱοὺς Ισραηλ μὴ οὐχὶ ἐξ Αἰγύπτου καὶ ἀπὸ τοῦ Αμορραίου καὶ ἀπὸ υἱῶν Αμμων καὶ ἀπὸ Φυλιστιιμ
12 The Zidonians also, and the Amalekites, and the Maonites, oppressed you, —and ye made outcry unto me, and I saved you out of their hand.
καὶ Σιδωνίων καὶ Αμαληκ καὶ Μαδιαμ οἳ ἔθλιψαν ὑμᾶς καὶ ἐβοήσατε πρός με καὶ ἔσωσα ὑμᾶς ἐκ χειρὸς αὐτῶν
13 Yet have, ye, forsaken me, and served other gods, —therefore will I not again save you.
καὶ ὑμεῖς ἐγκατελίπετέ με καὶ ἐδουλεύσατε θεοῖς ἑτέροις διὰ τοῦτο οὐ προσθήσω τοῦ σῶσαι ὑμᾶς
14 Go and make outcry unto the gods whom ye have chosen, —they, must save you, in the time of your tribulation.
πορεύεσθε καὶ βοήσατε πρὸς τοὺς θεούς οὓς ἐξελέξασθε ἑαυτοῖς καὶ αὐτοὶ σωσάτωσαν ὑμᾶς ἐν καιρῷ θλίψεως ὑμῶν
15 And the sons of Israel said unto Yahweh—We have sinned, do, thou, with us, according to all that is fitting in thine eyes, —only rescue us, we beseech thee this day.
καὶ εἶπαν οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ πρὸς κύριον ἡμάρτομεν ποίησον σὺ ἡμῖν κατὰ πᾶν τὸ ἀγαθὸν ἐν ὀφθαλμοῖς σου πλὴν ἐξελοῦ ἡμᾶς ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ταύτῃ
16 And they put away the gods of the stranger out of their midst, and served Yahweh, —and his soul was impatient of the misery of Israel.
καὶ ἐξέκλιναν τοὺς θεοὺς τοὺς ἀλλοτρίους ἐκ μέσου αὐτῶν καὶ ἐδούλευσαν τῷ κυρίῳ μόνῳ καὶ ὠλιγώθη ἡ ψυχὴ αὐτοῦ ἐν κόπῳ Ισραηλ
17 Now the sons of Ammon were called out, and they encamped in Gilead, —and the sons of Israel assembled themselves together, and encamped in Mizpah.
καὶ ἀνέβησαν οἱ υἱοὶ Αμμων καὶ παρενέβαλον ἐν Γαλααδ καὶ συνήχθησαν οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ καὶ παρενέβαλον ἐν τῇ σκοπιᾷ
18 Then said the people, the princes of Gilead, one to another, Who is the man that will begin to fight against the sons of Ammon? he shall become head to all the inhabitants of Gilead.
καὶ εἶπον ὁ λαὸς οἱ ἄρχοντες Γαλααδ ἀνὴρ πρὸς τὸν πλησίον αὐτοῦ τίς ὁ ἀνήρ ὅστις ἂν ἄρξηται παρατάξασθαι πρὸς υἱοὺς Αμμων καὶ ἔσται εἰς ἄρχοντα πᾶσιν τοῖς κατοικοῦσιν Γαλααδ

< Judges 10 >