< Jonah 4 >

1 And it was vexing unto Jonah, with a great vexation, —and it angered him.
Hagi Jona'a musena osuno tusi asi vazigeno,
2 So he prayed unto Yahweh, and said—Ah now! Yahweh! Was not, this, my word, while I was yet upon mine own soil? For this cause, did I hasten to flee unto Tarshish, —because I knew that, thou, art a GOD of favour and compassion, slow to anger, and abundant in lovingkindness, and art grieved over calamity.
Ra Anumzamofontega anage huno nunamuna hu'ne, Ra Anumzamoka muse (plis) hugantoe. Ese agafareti nagra ko antahi'noe, Ninivea eri haviza osugahane hu'na kumani'are mani'nena antahi'noe. Antahite'na mopani'a atre'na, Tasisia nagra fre'na vu'noe! Na'ankure, Kagra kasunku nehunka knare kavukva vahera huzmante Anumza mani'nane, agazone hunezmantenka kasunku'zamo avite Anumzankinka, zamazeri haviza hugahue hana vahera anara nosane.
3 Now, therefore, O Yahweh, take, I pray thee, my life from me, —for it were better for me, to die, than, to live.
E'izanku nona'a, Ra Anumzamoka nagri menina nahege'na fri'neno. Nagrama omani'na, frisugeno'a knare hugahie.
4 Then said Yahweh, Art thou rightly angry?
Ra Anumzamo'a anage hu'ne, knare kegafa me'negenka krimpa nehano?
5 But Jonah, went forth, out of the city, and abode on the east side of the city; and made for himself there, a hut, and sat under it, in the shade, until he should see what would become of the city.
Anage higeno, Jona'a ra kumara atreno zage hanati kaziga via'zamo, zage tonare huno osi no ome kino anampinka mani'neno, inankna'za Ninivea fore hugahie nehuno avu anteno mani'ne.
6 Now Yahweh God appointed a gourd, and caused it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shade over his head, to deliver him from his vexation, —and Jonah rejoiced over the gourd, with great rejoicing.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a aza huno Jonana anumofo tona huntenogu, nofi traza huntegeno hageno mareri'ne, ana nofi'ma hage'nea zankura Jona'a, tusi'za huno musena hu'ne.
7 But God appointed a worm, at the uprisings of the dawn, the next day, —and it smote the gourd, that it withered.
Hianagi maseno ko'atigeno nanterampi, Anumzamo'a havigafa huntegeno ana nofira eme ani traga hutregeno, ana nofi'mo'a hagege hu'ne.
8 And it came to pass, at the breaking forth of the sun, that God appointed a sultry east wind, and the sun smote upon the head of Jonah, that he became faint, —and asked his life, that he might die, and said, It were better for me, to die, than, to live.
Zagema hanatigeno'a, Anumzamo'a amuho nentake zaho, zage hanati kazigati huntegeno, zagemo'a Jona anuntera tentegeno, avu evu evu higeno Jona'a fri'za nehuno, anage huno kezati'ne, nagrama nagesa antahuana frisugeno'a knare hugahie, kasefa hu'na mani'zankura nave'osie.
9 Then said God unto Jonah, Art thou rightly angry over the gourd? And he said, I am rightly angry, unto death.
Anante Anumzamo'a Jonana amanage huno asmi'ne, Knare ke agafare nofikura kasia nevazio? Huno antahigegeno Jona'a knare ke agafare nagrira nasivazige'na friku nehue hu'ne.
10 Then said Yahweh, Thou, wouldest have spared the gourd, for which thou hadst not toiled, neither hadst thou made it grow, —which, as the off-spring of a night, came up, and, as the offspring of a night, perished;
Higeno Ra Anumzamo'a amanage hu'ne, Eri'za erinka, krinka kegava hu'nana nofiku kagra krimpagna nehano, nofimo'a mago kenage hageteno mago zage knafi fri'ne.
11 And was not, I, to spare Nineveh, the great city, —wherein are more than twelve times ten thousand human beings, who cannot discern between their right hand and their left, besides much cattle?
Ninive rankumapina 120 tauseni'a agatere'nea vahe mani'nazankiza e'izana tamazanki, havizanki hu'za osugahaz. Afu' kevuzaga rama'a mani'naze. Hianagi, kagrama antahi'nana, Nagra e'i ana rankumakura nagesa nontahuo? Huno asmi'ne.

< Jonah 4 >