< Job 4 >

1 Then responded Eliphaz the Temanite, and said: —
Teman mi Eliphaz chun Job chu adonbut in;
2 If one attempt a word unto thee, wilt thou be impatient? But, to restrain speech, who, can endure?
Keiman thukhat seijinge, nangaida ding ham? Koiham thusei louva eikoi ding chu?
3 Lo! thou hast admonished many, and, slack hands, hast thou been wont to uphold:
Phat chesa ho ah nangin mitam tah natil khoujin, alhasam ho nana hatdohsah jin ahi.
4 Him that was stumbling, have thy words raised up, and, sinking knees, hast thou strengthened.
Alhu ding ho jong nangma thusei chun atilkhou jin ahi, akhup kithinghojong na tilkhou ji'e.
5 But, now, it cometh upon thee, and thou despairest, It smiteth even thee, and thou art dismayed.
Ahinlah tua genthei nan nahin phah phat in lungthim nalhaso tai. Hiche hahsatnan nahin phah phat in kichat tijatnan nanei tai.
6 Is not, thy reverence, thy confidence? And is not, thy hope, the very integrity of thy ways?
Na Pathen ginna chun tahsan detna napeh hilou ham? Nachon phatna chun kinepna napeh hilou ham?
7 Remember, I pray thee, who, being innocent, hath perished, or when, the upright, have been cut off.
Khongaijin lang chule ngaito temin, themona bei mi hithi ngaiji ham? Itih a milungtheng sel ho kisumang jiem?
8 So far as I have seen, They who plow for iniquity and sow misery, reap the same:
Keithil hetna in vang hahsatna muchi tua kitu ho leh thilse bol hon thakhatna aga akilo cheh diu ahi.
9 By the blast of GOD, they perish, And, by the breath of his nostrils, are they consumed:
Pathen hu haikhumchun asemgo jiuvin, alung hanna husa ginna chu mang del jiu ahi.
10 [Notwithstanding] the roaring of the lion, and the noise of the howling lion, yet, the teeth of the fierce lions, are broken:
Keipi akitumin chule sangah in mi angih in ahin keipi thahattah hajouse kisubong ding ahi.
11 The strong lion perishing for lack of prey, Even the whelps of the lioness, are scattered.
Sahing neh ding lhahsam jeh in keipi bahkai hang leiloijin kel athohjin chule keipi bahkai noute jong kithecheh diu ahi.
12 But, unto me, something was brought by stealth, —and mine ear caught a whispering of the same:
Hiche thutah hi guhthim chan kana benga mao hiuheu vin ei kisei peh e.
13 When there were thoughts, from visions of the night, —When deep sleep falleth upon men,
Mihem aimut lhuh pet tah jan laijin imut sunoh phah in hiche gaova mang thilmuna hi kahenga ahunge.
14 Dread, came upon me, and trembling, The multitude of my bones, it put in dread:
Kichatnan eiphan chule kagu kachang ho akithinge.
15 Then, a spirit, over my face, floated along, The hair of my flesh bristled-up:
Thilha hun kamai ahin jap in chule akichaijin katimul ahungkithou sotsotne.
16 It stood still, but I could not distinguish its appearance, I looked, but there was no form before mine eyes, —A whispering voice, I heard: —
Thilha chu adingin ahinla kenla agongso kamuthei pon, agongso kamit teni masang kamaija agongso aum denne. Phat thip laitah chun hitia kisei o khat kajai.
17 Shall, mortal man, be more just than GOD? Or a man be more pure than, his Maker?
Thithei mihem hi mona beija Pathen anga umtheija, asempa masanga athenga umtheiding hinam?
18 Lo! in his own servants, he trusteth not, and, his own messengers, he chargeth with error:
Pathen in avantil ho jeng jong atahsan louva, athupole ho angol naova apho jia ahile,
19 How much more the dwellers in houses of clay, which, in the dust, have their foundation, which are crushed sooner than a moth:
Nikhatna kisem mihem hi ichan gei tahsan na anei lhom ding ham? Amaho chu leivuija kisem bailam tah a suhchip thei mitthah tobangbep ahi.
20 Betwixt morning and evening, are they broken in pieces, With none to save, they utterly perish:
Amaho chu jingkah langleh ahing jiuvin ahinlah nilhah langleh athijiuvin, amelchihna beijin athiji tauve.
21 Is not their tent-rope within them, torn away? They die, disrobed of wisdom!
Aponbuh henna akibo lhuh teng leh apon buh u alhujin chule hetna lhasam in athiden ji tauve.

< Job 4 >