< Isaiah 9 >

1 For there is no gloom to her who had been in anguish, In the former time, he brought into dishonour The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, In the latter time, hath he brought into honour The Lake-way over the Jordan, Galilee of the nations.
Hatei, runae khang hnukkhu hmonae dawk hoi ram teh a hlout awh han. Zebulun ram hoi Naphtali ram teh, ahmaloe vah kayanae kâhmo nakunghai a to hmalah teh, tuipui rai ceinae lamthung, Jordan palangpui namran lae, Jentelnaw onae Galilee ram totouh barinae a coe awh han.
2 the people who were walking in darkness, Have seen a great light, —The dwellers in a land death-shadowed, A light, hath shined upon them.
Hmonae thung ka cet kaawm e taminaw ni, kalenpounge angnae hah hmawt awh vaiteh, duenae ram thung kaawm naw koe angnae ni a tue han.
3 Thou hast increased the exultation Thou hast made great the joy, —They joy before thee, according to the joy of harvest, As men exult when they distribute spoil.
Bawipa nang ni miphun hah na pung sak teh, ahnimae lunghawinae hah na pung sak pouh. Canga hnin patetlah lawp e hno kareinaw ni lunghawi e patetlah na hmalah ahnimouh ni a lunghawi awh.
4 For, the yoke of their burden, The cross-bar of their shoulder, The goad of their driver, Hast thou broken, as in the day of Midian.
Bangkongtetpawiteh, Midiannaw koe na sak e patetlah ahnimouh ni aphu awh e hnori, hemnae bongpai, ka rektapnaw e tahroenaw hah BAWIPA nang ni na khoe pouh toe.
5 Surely, every boot of one tramping in tumult, and the war-cloak rolled in blood Then shall serve for burning, food for fire;
Ransanaw e khokkhawm hoi thi kânep e khohna puenghai hmai koung sawi lah ao han.
6 For, A Child, hath been born to us, A Son, hath been given to us, And the dominion is upon his shoulder, —And his Name hath been called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty GOD, Father of Futurity, Prince of Prosperity.
Bangkongtetpawiteh, maimouh hanelah camo a khe toe. Maimouh hanelah capa buet touh na poe awh toe. Ahnie loung dawk uknae kâ ao han. Amin teh, Kângairu, Kâpokhaikung, Athakaawme Cathut, Yungyoe e Napa, Roumnae Bawi ti han.
7 Of the increase of dominion, and of prosperity, There shall be no end—Upon the throne of David and Upon his kingdom, By establishing it and By sustaining it, With justice and With righteousness, —From henceforth, Even unto times age-abiding: The jealousy of Yahweh of hosts, will perform this!
A uknaeram roung vaiteh, lungmawngnae pout mahoeh. Siangpahrang Devit e bawitungkhung dawk tahung vaiteh, a ram hah a uk han. Atu hoi a yungyoe totouh, kalan lah a uk han. Rasahu BAWIPA ni a sak roeroe hanelah a ngainae ao.
8 A word, hath My Lord, sent unto Jacob, —And it shall alight on Israel;
Bawipa ni Jakop miphun koe a lawk a poe teh, Isarelnaw koe a pha han.
9 and the people shall all of them know [it] —Ephraim and the dweller in Samaria—Who in pride and insolence of heart, are saying:
Amhru katim nakunghai, pathei tangcoung e talung hoi bout ka sak awh han.
10 Bricks, have fallen down But with hewn stone, will we build, —Sycomores, have been felled, But with cedars, will we replace them.
Thailahei kungnaw teh ka rawm nakunghai, a yueng lah sidarkung ka ung awh han telah ka kâoup awh ni teh a lung kalen awh e Samaria khocanaw hoi Ephraim khocanaw pueng ni a panue awh han.
11 Therefore will Yahweh strengthen the adversaries of Resin against him, —And his enemies will he arouse:
BAWIPA ni ahnimouh hanelah, Rezin tarannaw hah a thaw sak teh, Ephraim e tarannaw hah a thaw sak dawkvah,
12 Syrians before and Philistines behind, Thus have they devoured Israel with open mouth, —For all this, hath his anger, not turned back, But still, is his hand outstretched.
kanîtholah Sirianaw, kanîloumlah Filistinnaw ni a pahni ang awh vaiteh Isarelnaw hah a kei awh han. Hatei, a lungkhueknae teh roum hoeh, a kut teh pou a dâw.
13 Yet, the people, have not turned unto him that smote them, —And Yahweh of hosts, have they not sought.
Hete miphunnaw teh runae kapoekung koelah kamlang a hoeh. Rasahu BAWIPA hah tawng panuek awh hoeh.
14 Therefore hath Yahweh cut off from Israel—Head and tail Palm-top and rush, In one day.
Hatdawkvah, BAWIPA ni Isarel miphunnaw koehoi lû hoi mai hai thoseh, samtue kang hoi pho hai thoseh hnin touh hoi a tâtueng han.
15 The elder and favourite, he, is the head, —And the prophet teaching falsehood, he, is the tail;
Lû teh matawng hoi bari kaawmnaw doeh. Mai hateh, laithoe ka dei e profet hah doeh.
16 And they who should have led this people forward have been causing them to stray, —And, they who are led of them are destroyed,
Hete miphunnaw lam kapatuekungnaw ni lam a payon awh nahanelah lamthung a pâtue awh toe. Ka dawn e naw hai rawknae koe a pha awh han.
17 For this cause, over their choice young men, will My Lord not rejoice, And on their fatherless and their widows, will he not have compassion, For every one of them, is profane and an evildoer, And, every mouth is speaking baseness, —For all this, hath his anger, not turned back, But still, is his hand outstretched.
Hatdawkvah, ahnimae thoundounnaw hah BAWIPA ni a lungyouk hoeh. Naranaw hoi lahmainunaw hai pahren hoeh. Ahnimouh pueng teh, cathutlaipa e naw hoi tamikathoutnaw lah ao awh dawkvah, kamsoumhoehe lawk hah a dei awh. Hatdawkvah, a lungkhueknae roum hoeh, a kut teh pou dâw e lah ao rah.
18 For lawlessness, hath consumed like fire, Briars and thorns, doth it devour, —Yea it hath kindled upon the thickets of the forest, And they have rolled up as a column of smoke.
Kamsoumhoehe teh hmai patetlah ouk a kak. Pâkhing aphunphun hah ouk a kamtawi sak. Ratu hai hmaisawi teh, akungnaw teh hmaikhu hoi parang a kâyat han.
19 Through the wrath of Yahweh of hosts, is the land consumed, —And the people have come to be, as fuel for fire, A man unto his own brother, sheweth not pity;
Rasahu BAWIPA e a lungkhueknae dawkvah, talai hmai a kak teh, talai taminaw teh hmai patawi nahane thing lah ao awh han. Hmau nawngha reira buet touh hoi buet touh kâpasai mahoeh.
20 And he hath slain on the right, and yet is hungry, And hath eaten on the left, yet are they not satisfied, —Every one, the flesh of his own arm, will they eat:
Aranglah hoi ka bouk ei nakunghai, vonhlam mingming han rah. Avoilah hoi ka cat ei nakunghai, von paha mahoeh. Imri reira e moi hah tami pueng ni a ca awh han.
21 Manasseh—Ephraim, and Ephraim—Manasseh, They together—against Judah, —For all this, hath his anger not turned back, But still, is his hand outstretched.
Manasseh miphun ni Ephraim miphun, Ephraim miphun ni Manasseh miphun hah a kâkei awh han. Hote miphun roi ni Judah miphun hah cungtalah a taran roi han. Hatei, a lungkhueknae teh roum hoeh, a kut teh pou a dâw rah.

< Isaiah 9 >