< Isaiah 31 >

1 Alas! for them who are going down to Egypt for help, On horses, would rely, —And have trusted—In chariots—because they are many, and In horsemen, because they are very bold, But have not looked unto the Holy One of Israel, And onto Yahweh, have not sought.
Anunae bomnah dang ham Egypt aka suntlak thil rhoek aih, marhang dongah hangdang uh tih leng dongah pangtung uh. Ping uh tih marhang caem neh tahoeng uh aih. Te dongah Israel kah a cim taengla mang uh pawt tih Yahovah te dawtlet uh pawh.
2 But, he also, is wise, and hath brought in calamity, And his own words, hath he not set aside, —Therefore will he rise up, Against the house of evil-doers, and Against the help of the workers of iniquity.
Tedae BOEIPA amah khaw a cueih dongah yoethae a thoeng sak thai. A ol khaw a yueh voel pawt dongah thaehuet imkhui neh boethae aka saii kah bomkung te a tlai thil ni.
3 Now, the Egyptians, are, men, and not, GOD, And, their horses, flesh, and not, spirit; When, Yahweh, shall stretch out his hand, Then, he that is giving help, shall stumble And, he that is receiving help, shall fall, And, together, shall, all of them, vanish!
Egypt te hlang ni, Pathen moenih. Amih kah marhang te pumsa ni mueihla moenih. BOEIPA loh a kut a thueng atah aka bom kung te paloe vetih a bom hlang te khaw cungku ni. Te vaengah amih te a rhenten la boeih hmata uh ni.
4 For Thus, hath Yahweh said unto me—Like as a lion or a young lion growleth over his prey. Who—though there be called out against him a multitude of shepherds—Will not at their voice, be dismayed, Nor, at their noise, be daunted, So, will Yahweh of hosts come down, to make war over Mount Zion, and over the hill thereof.
Te dongah sathueng neh sathueng ca loh a maeh a nguel thil bangla BOEIPA loh kai taengah a thui. Boiva aka dawn te rhoihui la a khue thil dae amih ol ah rhihyawp pawt tih amih hlangping long khaw a paa sak moenih. Te dongah caempuei BOEIPA tah Zion tlang neh som te muk hamla ha suntla ni.
5 As little mother-birds hovering, so, will Yahweh of hosts throw a covering over Jerusalem, —Covering, so will he rescue, Passing over, so will he deliver!
Vaa bangla lam tangloeng tih caempuei BOEIPA loh Jerusalem a tungaep ni. A tungaep vetih a huul ni. A kan vetih a loeih sak ni.
6 Return ye unto him against whom the sons of Israel have deeply revolted,
Koeknah dongah aka muelh Israel ca rhoek aw, amah taengla mael uh laeh.
7 For in that day, will every man reject his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, —Which your hands had made for you as a sin!
Tekah khohnin ah tah hlang boeih loh amah cakhli mueirhol, namamih kah tholhnah ham na kut loh a saii uh a sui mueirhol te a hnawt uh ni.
8 Then shall the Assyrian fall, by the sword, not of a great man, And the sword, not of a mean man, shall devour him, —Howbeit he shall take his flight from the face of a sword, And his young men, shall come under tribute;
Assyria te hlang pawt kah cunghang dongah cungku vetih tongpa pawt kah cunghang loh anih te a hlap ni. Cunghang taeng lamloh a rhaelrham vaengah a tongpang rhoek te saldong la om uh ni.
9 And his own Cliff, through terror, shall he pass by, And his princes shall be dismayed at an ensign, —Declareth Yahweh. Who hath a flame in Zion, And hath a furnace in Jerusalem.
A thaelpang khaw rhihnah loh a poe vetih a mangpa rhoek te rholik kongah rhihyawp uh ni. BOEIPA kah olphong tah Zion ah amah kah hmaipuei la, Jerusalem ah amah kah hmaipom la a pak ni.

< Isaiah 31 >