< Ezekiel 45 >

1 And when ye shall by lot divide the land as an inheritance, ye shall offer up as a heave-offering to Yahweh a holy portion out of the land, in length, five and twenty thousand long, and in breadth, twenty thousand, —holy shall it be throughout all the territory thereof round about.
καὶ ἐν τῷ καταμετρεῖσθαι ὑμᾶς τὴν γῆν ἐν κληρονομίᾳ ἀφοριεῖτε ἀπαρχὴν τῷ κυρίῳ ἅγιον ἀπὸ τῆς γῆς πέντε καὶ εἴκοσι χιλιάδας μῆκος καὶ εὖρος εἴκοσι χιλιάδας ἅγιον ἔσται ἐν πᾶσι τοῖς ὁρίοις αὐτοῦ κυκλόθεν
2 There shall be out of this for the holy place, five hundred by five hundred, four-square round about, —and fifty cubits, as an open space to it, round about,
καὶ ἔσται ἐκ τούτου εἰς ἁγίασμα πεντακόσιοι ἐπὶ πεντακοσίους τετράγωνον κυκλόθεν καὶ πήχεις πεντήκοντα διάστημα αὐτῷ κυκλόθεν
3 And out of this measure, shalt thou measure, a length of five and twenty thousand and a breadth of ten thousand, —and therein, shall be the sanctuary, the holy of holies:
καὶ ἐκ ταύτης τῆς διαμετρήσεως διαμετρήσεις μῆκος πέντε καὶ εἴκοσι χιλιάδας καὶ εὖρος δέκα χιλιάδας καὶ ἐν αὐτῇ ἔσται τὸ ἁγίασμα ἅγια τῶν ἁγίων
4 a holy portion out of the land, it is for the priests who wait in the sanctuary, shall it be, who draw near to wait upon Yahweh, - so shall it be theirs as a place for houses, and a sanctuary for the sanctuary.
ἀπὸ τῆς γῆς ἔσται τοῖς ἱερεῦσιν τοῖς λειτουργοῦσιν ἐν τῷ ἁγίῳ καὶ ἔσται τοῖς ἐγγίζουσι λειτουργεῖν τῷ κυρίῳ καὶ ἔσται αὐτοῖς τόπος εἰς οἴκους ἀφωρισμένους τῷ ἁγιασμῷ αὐτῶν
5 And five and twenty thousand, in length, and ten thousand, in breadth, —and it shall be for the Levites who wait upon the house theirs as a possession of cities to dwell in
εἴκοσι καὶ πέντε χιλιάδες μῆκος καὶ εὖρος δέκα χιλιάδες ἔσται τοῖς Λευίταις τοῖς λειτουργοῦσιν τῷ οἴκῳ αὐτοῖς εἰς κατάσχεσιν πόλεις τοῦ κατοικεῖν
6 And, the possession of the city, shall ye give, five thousand, in breadth, and in length, five and twenty thousand answering to the heave-offering of the holy portion, —for all the house of Israel, shall it be.
καὶ τὴν κατάσχεσιν τῆς πόλεως δώσεις πέντε χιλιάδας εὖρος καὶ μῆκος πέντε καὶ εἴκοσι χιλιάδας ὃν τρόπον ἡ ἀπαρχὴ τῶν ἁγίων παντὶ οἴκῳ Ισραηλ ἔσονται
7 And to the prince—on his side and on that, shall belong [a portion] of the heave-offering of the holy portion and of the possession of the city, facing the heave-offering of the holy portion and facing the possession of the city, on the west side westward and on the east side eastward, —and in length, answering to one of the portions, from the west boundary to the east boundary,
καὶ τῷ ἡγουμένῳ ἐκ τούτου καὶ ἀπὸ τούτου εἰς τὰς ἀπαρχὰς τῶν ἁγίων εἰς κατάσχεσιν τῆς πόλεως κατὰ πρόσωπον τῶν ἀπαρχῶν τῶν ἁγίων καὶ κατὰ πρόσωπον τῆς κατασχέσεως τῆς πόλεως τὰ πρὸς θάλασσαν καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν πρὸς θάλασσαν πρὸς ἀνατολάς καὶ τὸ μῆκος ὡς μία τῶν μερίδων ἀπὸ τῶν ὁρίων τῶν πρὸς θάλασσαν καὶ τὸ μῆκος ἐπὶ τὰ ὅρια τὰ πρὸς ἀνατολὰς τῆς γῆς
8 Of the land, it shall be his for a possession in Israel, —and so my princes shall no more oppress my people, but the land itself, shall they give to the house of Israel, by their tribes.
καὶ ἔσται αὐτῷ εἰς κατάσχεσιν ἐν τῷ Ισραηλ καὶ οὐ καταδυναστεύσουσιν οὐκέτι οἱ ἀφηγούμενοι τοῦ Ισραηλ τὸν λαόν μου καὶ τὴν γῆν κατακληρονομήσουσιν οἶκος Ισραηλ κατὰ φυλὰς αὐτῶν
9 Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Let it more than suffice you O princes of Israel, Violence and spoil, remove ye And justice and righteousness, execute, — Lift off your acts of expulsion from upon my people, Urgeth My Lord Yahweh.
τάδε λέγει κύριος θεός ἱκανούσθω ὑμῖν οἱ ἀφηγούμενοι τοῦ Ισραηλ ἀδικίαν καὶ ταλαιπωρίαν ἀφέλεσθε καὶ κρίμα καὶ δικαιοσύνην ποιήσατε ἐξάρατε καταδυναστείαν ἀπὸ τοῦ λαοῦ μου λέγει κύριος θεός
10 Balances of righteousness, and an ephah of righteousness, and A bath of righteousness, have ye:
ζυγὸς δίκαιος καὶ μέτρον δίκαιον καὶ χοῖνιξ δικαία ἔστω ὑμῖν
11 the ephah and the bath of one fixed measure, shall be, to contain the tenth of a homer, the bath, —and the tenth of a homer, the ephah, unto the homer, shall be the proportion thereof;
τὸ μέτρον καὶ ἡ χοῖνιξ ὁμοίως μία ἔσται τοῦ λαμβάνειν τὸ δέκατον τοῦ γομορ ἡ χοῖνιξ καὶ τὸ δέκατον τοῦ γομορ τὸ μέτρον πρὸς τὸ γομορ ἔσται ἴσον
12 and the shekel shall be twenty gerahs, —twenty shekels five and twenty shekels and fifteen shekels, the weight shall be to you.
καὶ τὸ στάθμιον εἴκοσι ὀβολοί οἱ πέντε σίκλοι πέντε καὶ οἱ δέκα σίκλοι δέκα καὶ πεντήκοντα σίκλοι ἡ μνᾶ ἔσται ὑμῖν
13 This is the heave-offering which ye shall offer up, - the sixth of an ephah, out of a homer of wheat, and the sixth of an ephah, out of a homer of barley;
καὶ αὕτη ἡ ἀπαρχή ἣν ἀφοριεῖτε ἕκτον τοῦ μέτρου ἀπὸ τοῦ γομορ τοῦ πυροῦ καὶ τὸ ἕκτον τοῦ οιφι ἀπὸ τοῦ κόρου τῶν κριθῶν
14 And, the statutory portion of oil, shall be— per bath for oil—a tenth part of a bath out of a cor, which is ten baths even a homer; for, ten baths, are a homer.
καὶ τὸ πρόσταγμα τοῦ ἐλαίου κοτύλην ἐλαίου ἀπὸ δέκα κοτυλῶν ὅτι αἱ δέκα κοτύλαι εἰσὶν γομορ
15 And one lamb out of the flock out of two hundred out of the watered pastures of Israel, for a gift and for an ascending- sacrifice and for peace-offerings, — To put a propitiatory-covering over them, Declareth My Lord, Yahweh.
καὶ πρόβατον ἀπὸ τῶν δέκα προβάτων ἀφαίρεμα ἐκ πασῶν τῶν πατριῶν τοῦ Ισραηλ εἰς θυσίας καὶ εἰς ὁλοκαυτώματα καὶ εἰς σωτηρίου τοῦ ἐξιλάσκεσθαι περὶ ὑμῶν λέγει κύριος θεός
16 All the people of the land shall give to this heave-offering, —for the prince in Israel.
καὶ πᾶς ὁ λαὸς δώσει τὴν ἀπαρχὴν ταύτην τῷ ἀφηγουμένῳ τοῦ Ισραηλ
17 But on the prince himself, shall rest the ascending-sacrifices and the meal-offering, and the drink-offering, on the festivals, and on the new moons, and on the sabbaths, in all the appointed meetings of the house of Israel, —he, shall offer the sin-bearer. and the meal-offering, and the ascending sacrifice, and the peace-offerings, To put a propitiatory-covering about the house of Israel.
καὶ διὰ τοῦ ἀφηγουμένου ἔσται τὰ ὁλοκαυτώματα καὶ αἱ θυσίαι καὶ αἱ σπονδαὶ ἔσονται ἐν ταῖς ἑορταῖς καὶ ἐν ταῖς νουμηνίαις καὶ ἐν τοῖς σαββάτοις καὶ ἐν πάσαις ταῖς ἑορταῖς οἴκου Ισραηλ αὐτὸς ποιήσει τὰ ὑπὲρ ἁμαρτίας καὶ τὴν θυσίαν καὶ τὰ ὁλοκαυτώματα καὶ τὰ τοῦ σωτηρίου τοῦ ἐξιλάσκεσθαι ὑπὲρ τοῦ οἴκου Ισραηλ
18 Thus saith My Lord. Yahweh, In the first month on the first day of the month, shalt thou take a young bullock without defect, —and shalt cleanse the sanctuary from sin;
τάδε λέγει κύριος θεός ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ μηνὶ μιᾷ τοῦ μηνὸς λήμψεσθε μόσχον ἐκ βοῶν ἄμωμον τοῦ ἐξιλάσασθαι τὸ ἅγιον
19 then shall the priest take of the blood of the sin-bearer and put upon the door-posts of the house, and upon the four corners of the ledge of the altar and upon the door-posts of the gate of the inner court.
καὶ λήμψεται ὁ ἱερεὺς ἀπὸ τοῦ αἵματος τοῦ ἐξιλασμοῦ καὶ δώσει ἐπὶ τὰς φλιὰς τοῦ οἴκου καὶ ἐπὶ τὰς τέσσαρας γωνίας τοῦ ἱεροῦ καὶ ἐπὶ τὸ θυσιαστήριον καὶ ἐπὶ τὰς φλιὰς τῆς πύλης τῆς αὐλῆς τῆς ἐσωτέρας
20 And so shalt thou do in the seventh of the month, for any man that wavereth or is of feeble mind, —so shall ye cleanse the house by propitiation.
καὶ οὕτως ποιήσεις ἐν τῷ ἑβδόμῳ μηνὶ μιᾷ τοῦ μηνὸς λήμψῃ παρ’ ἑκάστου ἀπόμοιραν καὶ ἐξιλάσεσθε τὸν οἶκον
21 In the first month on the fourteenth day of the month, shall ye have the passover, —a festival of seven days, unleavened cakes shall be, eaten;
καὶ ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ μηνὶ τεσσαρεσκαιδεκάτῃ τοῦ μηνὸς ἔσται ὑμῖν τὸ πασχα ἑορτή ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας ἄζυμα ἔδεσθε
22 therefore shall the prince offer, on that day, for himself, and for all the people of the land, —a bullock as a sin-bearer;
καὶ ποιήσει ὁ ἀφηγούμενος ἐν ἐκείνῃ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ὑπὲρ αὑτοῦ καὶ τοῦ οἴκου καὶ ὑπὲρ παντὸς τοῦ λαοῦ τῆς γῆς μόσχον ὑπὲρ ἁμαρτίας
23 and the seven days of the festival, shall he offer as an ascending-sacrifice to Yahweh seven bullocks and seven rams without defect, daily, for the seven days, —and as a sin- bearer, a young goat daily;
καὶ τὰς ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας τῆς ἑορτῆς ποιήσει ὁλοκαυτώματα τῷ κυρίῳ ἑπτὰ μόσχους καὶ ἑπτὰ κριοὺς ἀμώμους καθ’ ἡμέραν τὰς ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας καὶ ὑπὲρ ἁμαρτίας ἔριφον αἰγῶν καθ’ ἡμέραν
24 and a meal-offering of an ephah to each bullock. and an ephah to each ram, shall he offer, — and of oil a hin to an ephah.
καὶ θυσίαν πέμμα τῷ μόσχῳ καὶ πέμμα τῷ κριῷ ποιήσεις καὶ ἐλαίου τὸ ιν τῷ πέμματι
25 In the seventh month, on the fifteenth day of the month, throughout the festival, he shall offer like these seven days, —like the sin-bearer like the ascending-sacrifice, and like the meal offering, and like the oil.
καὶ ἐν τῷ ἑβδόμῳ μηνὶ πεντεκαιδεκάτῃ τοῦ μηνὸς ἐν τῇ ἑορτῇ ποιήσεις κατὰ τὰ αὐτὰ ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας καθὼς τὰ ὑπὲρ τῆς ἁμαρτίας καὶ καθὼς τὰ ὁλοκαυτώματα καὶ καθὼς τὸ μαναα καὶ καθὼς τὸ ἔλαιον

< Ezekiel 45 >