< Exodus 18 >

1 And Jethro, priest of Midian, father-in-law of Moses, heard all that God had done for Moses, and for Israel his people, —in that Yahweh had brought forth Israel out of Egypt.
Jetro'a Mitieni vahe'mokizmi pristi nekino, Mosesena nenemo'e. Maka'zama Ra Anumzamo'ma Mosesene Agri'a vahe Israeli vahe'ma huzmante'neazana Jetro'a antahi'ne. Ra Anumzamo'ma Israeli vea'ene Mosesenema huzmanteno Isipiti'ma zamavreno atirami'nea zamofo nanekea antahi'ne.
2 So Jethro, Moses father-in-law, took Zipporah, Moses wife, —after she had been sent home;
Mosese'a nenaro Ziporama huntegeno agranema umani'nenereti Jetro'a nevreno,
3 and her two sons, —of whom, the name of the one, was Gershom, for, said he, A sojourner, am I in a strange land,
tare ne' mofavre'ararena znavreno e'ne. Mosese'a huno, Ru vahe'mofo mopafi emani'noe nehuno, agonesa mofavre'amofo agi'a Gesomu'e huno ante'ne.
4 and, the name of the other, Eliezer, for the God of my father, was my help, and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh.
Hagi Mosese'a anante mofavre'amofo agi'a Eliesa'e hu'ne. Na'ankure nafa'nimofo Anumzamo naza higeno, Isipi kini ne'mofo bainati kazimo'a onahe'negure hu'ne.
5 And Jethro, Moses father-in-law, came in, with his two sons and his wife, unto Moses, —into the desert where, he, was encamping, the mountain of God;
Hagi anantera Mosese nenemo Jetro'a, Mosese nenarone mofavre'ararene nezamavreno, ka'ma mopafi Mosese'ma Anumzamofo agona me'nerega seli noma kino mani'nere vu'ne.
6 and said unto Moses, I, thy father-in-law, Jethro, am coming in unto thee, —and thy wife, and her two sons, with her.
Jetro'a amanage huno Mosesentega kea atrente'ne, Nagra neganemo'na aka'ane tare mofavreka'ane zamavare'na kagenaku neone.
7 So Moses went forth to meet his father-in-law, and bowed himself down to him and kissed him, and they asked each other of their welfare, —and came into the tent.
Hagi Mosese'a ana nanekema nentahino vuno nenemo ome negeno, rena omenereno, otino antako hunenteno, hu frufra huntetege'ne, Mosese seli nompinka ufre'na'e.
8 Then Moses recounted to his father-in-law, all that Yahweh had done to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians, for Israel’s sake, —all the hardship which had befallen them by the way, and how Yahweh had delivered them.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a zamaza huno Isipi kini ne' Fero azampinti'ene Isipi vahe zamazampinti'ma zamahokeno zmavre fegi atre'nea nanekene, karanka zamavreno ne-ege'za maka knazama eri'za neageno, Ra Anumzamo'ma Israeli vahe'ma zamazama huno e'nea naneke'a Mosese'a nenemo nera Jetrona asmi'ne.
9 Then did Jethro rejoice, for all the good which Yahweh had done to Israel, —whom he had delivered out of the hand of the Egyptians.
Anumzamo'ma knare'zantfa huno Isipi vahe'mokizmi zamazampinti zamahokeno zamavreno atirami'nea nanekea Jetro'a nentahino, tusi'a muse hu'ne.
10 And Jethro said—Blessed be Yahweh, who hath delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of Pharaoh, —Who hath delivered the people from under the hand of the Egyptians:
Anante Jetro'a amanage hu'ne, Isipi vahe'mofo azampinti'ene Fero azampinti'ene Isipi vahe'mofo kvafinti'ma tamahokeno'ma tamavreno atirami'nea Ra Anumzamofona ra agi'a hentesga hue.
11 Now, I know, that, greater, is Yahweh than all the gods, —Even in the thing wherein they were arrogant over them.
Hagi menina nagra antahi'noe, mika havi anumzantamina agtereno, hihamu'ane Ra Anumzana tamage huno Agrake mani'ne. Na'ankure Isipi kva vahe'mo'zama zmavufga ra nehu'za, Agri vahe'ma Israeli vahe zamazeri haviza huzmante'naza vahera, zamazeri haviza hu'ne.
12 Then took Jethro father-in-law of Moses, an ascending-offering and sacrifices to God, —and Aaron and all the elders of Israel came in to eat bread with the father-in-law of Moses before God.
Hagi Mosese nenemo Jetro'a tevefima kre fananema hu ofa erino, Anumzamofo Kresramana vunentegeno, anante Aroni zane, Israeli kva vahe'mo'za Jetro'ene emetru hu'za Anumzamofo avurera ne'zana ne'naze.
13 Now it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses sat, to judge the people, —and the people stood by Moses, from the morning, until the evening.
Hagi maseno nanterana Mosese'a keagama refkohu trate mani'nege'za, Israeli vahe'mo'za emetru hu'za regagi'za oti'nazageno, mago'magomofo nanekea refko huno nentahigeno, vuno kinaga ome ase'ne.
14 And when Moses father-in-law saw all that he, was doing for the people, he said—What is this thing which, thou, art doing for the people? Wherefore art, thou, sitting alone, with all the people, stationed by thee, from morning until evening?
E'inahu'zama Mosese'ma vahe'mokizmima hunezmantegeno, nenemo Jetro'a negeno amanage hu'ne, nankna'za ama vahe'mofona hunezmantane? Na'a agafare kagrakera mani'nenka nanekea refko nehankeno, ama vahe'mo'za oti'za mani'nazageno vuno kinaga omenese?
15 And Moses said to his father-in-law, —Because the people come in unto me to seek God:
Mosese'a ana kemofo nona'a amanage huno nenemo Jetrona asami'ne, Na'ankure zamagra Anumzamofo avesi'za antahinaku nagritera emetru hu'za mani'naze.
16 When they have a matter, they come in unto me, then do I judge between a man and his neighbour, —and make known the statutes of God and his laws.
Hagi tava'ozmire'ma mani'naza vahe'enema zmagrama ha'frama nehu'za, nagrite azage'na zamaza hu'na naneke'zimia antahi'na refko nehu'na, Anumzamofo tra kene, kasegenena eri ama hu'na nezmasamue.
17 Then said Moses’ father-in-law unto him, —Not good, is the thing that thou art doing.
Higeno Jetro'a anage huno nenemo nera Mosesena asami'ne. E'inahu zama nehanana knare zana nosane.
18 Thou wilt get quite worn out, both thou and this people that is with thee, —for the thing is too heavy for thee, thou canst not do it, alone.
Ama eri'zana kna'a me'neankinka, kagrakera e'origahane. Kagrane vahe'ka'anena tamage huno tamavesra hugahie.
19 Now, hearken thou to my voice—let me counsel thee, and may God be with thee: Be, thou, for the people, in front of God, so shalt, thou, bring the matters unto God;
Hagi menina ke'ni'a antahio, nagra antahintahia kamisugeno Anumzamo'a kagrane manigahie. Kagra vahe'mokizmi zmagi erinka Anumzamofo avure mani'nenka, vahe'mo'zama ha'frama hanaza zana erinka Anumzamofo ome asamigahane.
20 and shalt cause to shine upon them, the statutes and the laws, —and make known to them the way wherein they should go, and the work they should do.
Ana nehunka kagra Anumzamofo tra kene kasegenena vahera rempi hunezminka, mani'zazimi eri fatgo hu'za kama nevu'za, eri'zama erisaza zamofona zmaveri hughane.
21 Thou thyself, therefore shalt look out, from among all the people—men of ability, reverers of God, men of fidelity, haters of extortion, —and place them over [them] as rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.
Hagi mago'ane Jetro'a huno, Vahepintira tamagema huno eri'zama eriga'ma nehuno, Anumzamofonku'ma kore'ma hunenteno, krunage'ma huno fenoma eri'zanku avesra nehia vahe'ene, huhampri zamantege'za 1 tauseni'a vahete kva manina, 1 hantreti'a vahete kva manina, 50'a vahete kva manina 10ni'a vahete kva manitere hiho.
22 So shall they judge the people at any time, and it shall be, all the great matters, shall they bring in unto thee, but all the small matters, shall, they themselves, judge, —so, lighten thou the burden for thyself, and let them bear it with thee.
E'i ana kva vahe'mokizmi zamatrege'za maka knafina, vahe'mokizmi knazana refko huzmanteho. Hianagi ra hazenke'zana kagrite eri'za esagenka refko huzmanto. Hianagi ne'one knazazamia ana kva vahe'mo'za eri fatgo nehanageno, knama e'nerina zamo'a osi'a o'za hugantegahie.
23 If, this thing, thou wilt do, and God shall command thee, then shalt thou be able to endure, —yea, moreover, all this people, shall go in, unto their dwellings, contented.
Amama negasmua kema amage nentesankeno, Anumzamo kama kaverima hanigenka kazikazi hunka mika eri'zana knare hunka e'nerisankeno, vahe'mo'za muse nehu'za zamarimpa fru'ne nozimirega vu'za e'za hugahaze.
24 So Moses hearkened to the voice of his father-in-law, and did all that he had said;
Mosese'a, Jetro'ma asmi'nea kea antahino, ana maka kea amage ante'ne.
25 and Moses chose men of ability out of all Israel, and set them to be heads over the people, —rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.
Hagi Israeli vahepinti knare'nare vahe'a Mosese'a huhampri zmantege'za, kva vahera mani'za 1 tauseni'a vahe'mokizmi kva nemanizageno, 100'a vahe'mokizmi kva nemanizageno, 50'a vahe'mokizmi kva nemanizageno, 10ni'a vahe'mokizmi kva manitere hu'za kegava hu'naze.
26 And they shall judge the people, at any time, —the hard matters, shall they bring in unto Moses, but all the small matters, shall, they themselves, judge.
Ana kva vahe'mo'za maka knafina, refko'ma huga knazana zamagra'a refko hu'naze. Hianagi amuhoma hianknazamofo keaga eri'za Mosesente vu'naze.
27 And Moses sent forth his father-in-law, —and he went his way by himself unto his own land.
Anante Mosese'a nenemo nera Jetrona hu frufra huntegeno mopa'arega ete vu'ne.

< Exodus 18 >