< Esther 9 >

1 And, in the twelfth month, the same, is the month Adar, on the thirteenth day thereof, when the word of the king and his edict arrived to be put in execution, —on the day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, though it, was changed, so that the Jews themselves should have power over them who hated them,
Amah hla hlai nit, Adar hla, hnin hlai thum a pha coeng. Te khohnin ah manghai ol neh a olkhan te saii ham om. Judah kah thunkha rhoek loh amih soah taemrhai ham a lamso uh. Tedae te a palet la om tih a hmuhuet Judah rhoek loh amih soah lat a taemrhai uh.
2 the Jews assembled themselves together in their cities, throughout all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, to thrust forth a hand against them who were seeking their hurt, and, no man, stood before them, for the dread of them had fallen upon all the peoples.
Judah rhoek khaw amih boethae aka tlap thil rhoek te kut hlah ham manghai Ahasuerus paeng tom kah amamih khopuei ah tingtun uh. Pilnam boeih soah a birhihnah loh a tlak dongah amih mikhmuh ah hlang a pai thai moenih.
3 And, all the rulers of the provinces, and the satraps and the pashas, and the doers of business that pertained to the king, were extolling the Jews, —for the dread of Mordecai, had fallen upon them;
Paeng kah mangpa boeih neh khoboei rhoek khaw, rhalboei rhoek khaw, manghai bitat aka saii rhoek khaw, Judah rhoek ni a duel uh. Amih te Mordekai taengkah birhihnah loh a tlak thil.
4 since great was Mordecai, in the house of the king, and, his fame, was going forth throughout all the provinces, —for, the man Mordecai, went on waxing great.
Mordekai te manghai im ah len tih a thang khaw paeng tom ah cet. Mordekai he hlang la pongpa coeng tih pantai coeng.
5 So then the Jews smote all their enemies, with the smiting of the sword and slaughter, and destruction, —and they dealt with them who hated them according to their pleasure.
Judah loh a thunkha boeih te cunghang hmasoe neh, ngawnnah neh, pocinah neh a ngawn uh. Amih aka lunguet rhoek te a kolonah bangla a saii uh.
6 Yea, in Shusan the palace, did the Jews slay and destroy five hundred men.
Shushan rhalmah im ah Judah rhoek loh a ngawn tih hlang ya nga milh.
7 And Parshandatha and Dalphon, and Aspatha;
Te phoeiah Parshandatha, Dalphon neh Aspatha ah.
8 and Poratha, and Adalia, and Aridatha;
Poratha, Adalia neh Aridatha ah.
9 and Parmashta, and Arisai, and Aridai, and Vaizatha; —
Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai neh Vaizatha ah.
10 the ten sons of Haman son of Hammedatha, the adversary of the Jews, slew they, —but, on the spoil, thrust they not forth their hand.
Judah aka daengdaeh Hammedatha capa Haman koca parha te a ngawn uh. Tedae kutbuem dongah tah a kut te hlah uh pawh.
11 On that day, came in the number of the slain into Shusan the palace, before the king.
Te khohnin ah Shushan rhalmah im kah a ngawn hlangmi rhoek te manghai mikhmuh la pawk.
12 Then said the king unto Esther the queen, In Shusan the palace, have the Jews slain and caused to perish five hundred men, and the ten sons of Haman, —in the rest of the provinces of the king, what have they done? What, then, is thy petition, that it may be granted thee? and what is thy request further, that it may he performed?
Manghai loh Esther manghainu taengah, “Shushan rhalmah im ah Judah rhoek loh a ngawn uh tih hlang ya nga neh Haman koca parha te milh coeng. Manghai paeng kah a coih ah metlam a saii uh co? Nang kah mebang huithuinah mai akhaw nang taengah m'paek bitni. Na kueknah te metla om bal cakhaw han saii bitni,” a ti nah.
13 Then said Esther, If, unto the king, it seem good, let it be granted, to-morrow also, unto the Jews who are in Shusan, to do according to the edict of to-day, —and that, the ten sons of Haman, be hanged upon the gallows.
Te dongah Esther loh, “Manghai ham khaw a then mak atah, tihnin kah olkhan bangla thangvuen ah Shushan kah Judah rhoek taengla pae saeh lamtah saii saeh. Te vaengah Haman ca rhoek parha te thing dongah kuiok sak saeh,” a ti nah.
14 And the king commanded it to be done so, and there was given an edict, in Shusan, —and, the ten sons of Haman, they hanged.
Te dongah manghai loh te tlam te saii ham om,” a ti nah. Te phoeiah Shushan ah olkhan a paek tih Haman ca rhoek parha te a kuiok sakuh.
15 So the Jews who were in Shusan assembled themselves together, on the fourteenth day also, of the month Adar, and slew in Shusan three hundred men, —but, on the spoil, thrust they not forth their hand.
Judah, Judah rhoek van khaw Adar hla kah hnin hlai li vaengah tah Shushan ah koep tingtun uh. Te vaengah Shushan ah hlang ya thum a ngawn uh dae kutbuem dongah tah a kut te hlah uh pawh.
16 And, the remainder of the Jews who were in the provinces of the king, assembled themselves together and stood for their life, and then had rest from their enemies, having slain of them that hated them seventy-five thousand, —but, on the spoil, thrust they not forth their hand:
Manghai paeng khuikah Judah aka coih rhoek khaw amamih hinglu te pai puei ham, a thunkha taeng lamloh duem hamla tingtun uh. Te vaengah a lunguet rhoek a ngawn te thawng sawmrhih neh thawng nga lo. Tedae kutbuem dongah tah a kut te hlah uh pawh.
17 on the thirteenth day of the month Adar, —and then had rest on the fourteenth day thereof, and made it a day of banqueting and rejoicing.
Adar hla kah hnin hlai thum phoeikah a hlai li dongah tah amah duem uh. Te te buhkoknah neh kohoenah hnin la a khueh uh.
18 But, the Jews who were in Shusan, assembled themselves together on the thirteenth day thereof, and on the fourteenth day thereof, —and then had rest on the fifteenth day thereof, and made it a day of banqueting and rejoicing.
Judah khuiah khaw Shushan kah Judah rhoek tah a hlai thum ah, a hlai li ah tingtun uh tih a hlai nga dongah duem uh. Te te buhkoknah neh kohoenah hnin la a khueh uh.
19 For this cause, the country Jews, who dwelt in the country towns, were making the fourteenth day of the month Adar one of rejoicing and banqueting, and a day of happiness, —and of sending portions every one to his neighbour.
Te dongah vongah khopuei ah vangca hlang la kho aka sa Judah rhoek long tah Adar hla kah hnin hlai li te kohoenah neh buhkoknah la, khohnin then la a saii uh. Te vaengah hlang loh a hui taengah maehvae taelnah om.
20 And Mordecai wrote these things, —and sent letters unto all the Jews who were in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, near, and far off;
Te ol te Mordekai loh a daek tih manghai Ahasuerus paeng pum kah Judah hlang a yoei a hla boeih taengah ca a pat.
21 to establish for them, that they should continue to observe the fourteenth day of the month Adar, and the fifteenth day thereof, —always year by year;
Kum takuem kum khat dongkah Adar hla hnin hlai li neh a hlai nga hnin vaengah te te saii ham om tila amih soah a cak sak.
22 according to the days wherein the Jews found rest from their enemies, and the month which was turned for them, from sorrow to joy, and from mourning to a happy day, —that they should make them days of banqueting and rejoicing, and of sending portions, every one to his neighbour, and gifts, unto the needy.
Te khohnin van vaengah amih Judah rhoek ham khaw a thunkha rhoek taeng lamloh duem uh. Tekah hla vaengah tah amih ham kothaenah te kohoenah la, nguekcoinah lamloh khohnin then la a poeh pah. Te te buhkoknah neh kohoenah khohnin a khueh tih a hui taengah maehvae taelnah rhip om tih, khodaeng rhoek te kutdoe a paekuh.
23 And the Jews took upon them that which they had begun to do, —and that which Mordecai had written unto them;
Saii hamla a phueng uh tih Mordekai loh amih ham a daek pah te tah Judah rhoek long khaw a doe uh.
24 because, Haman, son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, the adversary of all the Jews, had plotted against the Jews, to cause them to perish, —and had cast Pur, the same, is the Lot, to terrify them, and to destroy them;
Judah pum aka daengdaeh Agagite Hammedatha capa Haman loh amih Judah rhoek te milh sak ham a moeh. Amih khawkkhek ham neh milh sak ham Pur hmulung te a naan bal.
25 but, by [Esther’s] going in before the king, he commanded by letter, that his wicked plot which he had plotted against the Jews, should return, upon his own head, —and that he and his sons should be hanged upon the gallows.
Tedae manghai mikhmuh ah a phoe vaengah tah anih kah kopoek thae neh Judah rhoek a moeh thil te amah lu ah tla tih amah neh a ca rhoek te thing dongah kuiok sak ham khaw ca neh mael ham a thui.
26 For this cause, called they these days Purim, after the name Pur, for this cause, —for all the words of this epistle, —and what they had seen concerning such a matter, and what had reached unto them.
Te dongah te khohnin te Pur ming lamloh Purim la a khue uh. Teka ca dongah ol boeih a om dongah he dong lamloh mebang a hmuh uh tih amih taengah mebang a thoeng khaw a sawtuh.
27 The Jews established and took upon themselves—and upon their seed, and upon all who should join themselves unto them, that it might not pass away, that they would continue to keep these two days, according to the writing concerning them and at their set time, —always year by year.
Judah rhoek loh a doe, a doe uh tih amamih so neh a tiingan soah khaw, amih taengah aka naep boeih soah khaw a thoh puei uh. Te dongahA kum, kum takuem ah, a ca neh a tuetang bangla hnin hnih khuiah saii tih om thil ham te dal uh pawh.
28 And, these days, were to be remembered and to be kept, always from generation to generation, by every family, every province, and every city, —that, these days of Purim, should not pass away, out of the midst of the Jews, and, the memorial of them, not cease from their seed.
Te khohnin te poek uh tih thawnpuei neh cadilcahma loh a cako, a cako ah, paeng, paeng ah, kho, kho boeih ah a saii uh. Purim hnin he Judah khui lamloh dalh tlaih mahpawh. Te te poekkoepnah khaw a tiingan lamloh muei tlaih mahpawh.
29 Then wrote Esther the queen daughter of Abihail and Mordecai the Jew, with all authority, —to confirm this second epistle concerning the Purim;
Abihail canu Esther manghainu neh Judah Mordekai loh Purim ca he pabae la cak sak ham saithainah boeih neh a daek.
30 and he sent letters unto all the Jews, throughout the hundred and twenty-seven provinces of the kingdom of Ahasuerus, —words of peace and stability:
Ngaimongnah oltak ol te manghai Ahasuerus kah paeng ya pakul parhih kah Judah boeih taengah ca a pat.
31 to establish these days of the Purim, in their set times, according as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had enjoined upon them, and according as they had enjoined upon their own soul, and upon their seed, —the story of the fastings and of their outcry.
Purim hnin he amah tuetang vaengah Judah Mordekai neh Esther manghainu loh amih ham a thoh pah vanbangla a thoh puei uh. Te vaengah amamih hinglu ham neh a tiingan ham khaw yaehnah neh a pang ol neh a saii uh.
32 And, the command of Esther, confirmed the story of these Purim, —and it was written in a book.
Esther kah olpaek he Purim ol la a cak sak tih cabu khuiah khaw a daek.

< Esther 9 >