< Esther 5 >

1 And it came to pass, on the third day, that Esther put on her royal apparel, and stood in the inner court of the house of the king, over against the house of the king, —and, the king, was sitting upon his royal seat, in the royal house, over against the opening of the house.
A an-ngol nithum lhinni chun, Esther in lengnu von in akivon in, indan sungnung’a alut in, lengpa touna laltouna na chu angan agading tai. Lengpa chu indan sunga alatouna a chun atouvin, kotphung lam chu ana nga in ahi.
2 And it came to pass, when the king saw Esther the queen standing in the court, that she obtained favour in his eyes, —and the king held out to Esther, the golden sceptre which was in his hand, so Esther drew near, and touched the top of the sceptre.
Aman lengnu Esther chu indan sungnung lang ngatna a adin chu amutan ahi, hichun aman anasang in asana tenggol chu agah lhundoh peh in ahi. Hichun Esther in anailut in ateng golchu athamtan ahi.
3 Then said the king unto her, What aileth thee, Queen Esther? and what is thy request? Unto the half of the kingdom, shall it be given thee.
Hijouchun lengpan adongtan ahi: “Lengnu Esther ipi nadei ham? Ipiham nathum nom chu? Kaleng gam akehkhat jen hijongleh napenge!” ati.
4 Then said Esther, If, unto the king, it seem good, let the king with Haman come in this day, unto the banquet which I have prepared for him.
Esther in adonbut in, “Lengpa nalung ahiding leh lengpa dinga kagon golvah ankong’a hin Haman toh tuni hin hunglhon lechun kati,” ati tan ahi.
5 And the king said, Hasten ye Haman, to perform the word of Esther. So the king with Haman came in, unto the banquet which Esther had prepared,
Lengpan alhachaho khat akouvin, Esther in agon golvah ankong um ding'in Haman gangtah in hung hen tin aga kousah tai. Hiti chun lengpa le Haman chu Esther golvah ankong um ding'in ache lhontai.
6 Then said the king unto Esther, during the banquet of wine, What is thy petition, that it may be granted thee?—and what is thy request—unto the half of the kingdom—that it may be performed?
Hitia chu aneh uva adon laitah un, lengpan Esther jah a, “Tun ipi mong ham nadeichu seitan, ipiham nathum nomchu? Kalenggam akehkhat hijongleh kapeh ding nahi!” ati.
7 Then answered Esther, and said, —As touching my petition and my request,
Esther lin adonbut nin: “Hichehi kathum nom leh kangai chatpen chu ahi.
8 If I have found favour in the eyes of the king, and if, unto the king, it seem good, to grant my petition, and to perform my request, let the king with Haman come in unto the banquet which I will prepare for them, and, to-morrow, I will do according to the word of the king.
Lengpa nalunglhaina kahi khah a chuleh lengpan kathilthum neisanpeh dinghi nalunglhaina ahidinga, kathum neibolpeh dinga ahileh jingteng jongle kagolvah ankonga Haman toh hungkit lhon inlang hitengle chu ipi kadei ham seichen nange” ati.
9 Then went Haman forth on that day, joyful and of a merry heart, —but, when Haman saw Mordecai in the gate of the king, that he rose not up nor moved because of him, then was Haman filled with wrath against Mordecai.
Hiche golvah ankong adalhah chun Haman akipah lheh jenge! Ahinla Mordecai chu leng inpi kelkot phung’a anatouva, amasang a ding dohlou chule jana imacha apehlou jeh chun Haman alunghan adeojah tan ahi.
10 Nevertheless Haman restrained himself, and came into his own house, —and sent and brought in his friends, and Zeresh his wife;
Ahivanga amale ama akitim ham ham in ain ajon ahi. Hiche jouchun Haman in aloi agol ho leh ajinu Zaresh akou khom in,
11 and Haman recounted unto them the glory of his riches, and the multitude of his children, —and all the things wherein the king had promoted him to power, and how he had advanced him, above the rulers and the servants of the king.
Cha tamtah aneijeh leh nei le gou ahaojeh in amaho kom’a chun kiletsah tah in thu aseijin ahi. Lengpan vaipo ho jouse le milen milal hojouse chung alenpenna atahsang nale jana apehho jeh chun aham hoitho lheh jengin ahi.
12 And Haman said, Moreover Esther the queen did bring in no one with the king into the banquet which she had prepared, saving myself, —yea moreover, even for to-morrow, I, am invited unto her, with the king.
Haman in aseijin “Hiche ho chungchon ah, Esther lengnu in golvah ankong agonna a lengpa toh ankong umkhom dingin koimacha dang koulouvin keibou eikouvin ahi, chule jing jongleh lengpa toh keibou eikoukit lhonin ahi.” Ati.
13 Yet, all this, sufficeth me not, —so long as, I, see Mordecai the Jew, sitting in the gate of the king.
“Ahijeng vang'in hiche Judate mipa Mordecai khu khopi kelkotna atou kamulai sen kakipana ho jousehi amolsoh jitai,” ati.
14 Then said Zeresh his wife and all his friends unto him, Let them make ready a gallows, of the height of fifty cubits, and, in the morning, speak thou unto the king, that they hang Mordecai thereon, then go with the king into the banquet joyfully. And the thing seemed good before Haman, and he made ready the gallows.
Hijeh chun Haman jinu Zaresh chuleh aloi agolhon aseipeh un, “Thinglhon hem feet som sage le nga a sangkhat tungdoh inlang jingkah tengleh lengpa kom’a chun Mordecai khetbehna dingin ga-ngeh lechun ahijenge” ati peh un ahi. Hichechu akichaiteng leh lengnu golvah a ding chun lungmongin chethei tan nate” atiuvin ahi. Hiche chun Haman alunglhai sahlheh jengin thing lhonchu tundoh dingin thu apetai.

< Esther 5 >