< 2 Samuel 2 >

1 And it came to pass, after this, that David enquired of Yahweh, saying—Shall I go up into one of the cities of Judah? And Yahweh said unto him, Go up. And David said—Whither shall I go up? And he said—Unto Hebron.
Beberapa waktu kemudian, Daud bertanya kepada TUHAN, “Apakah sebaiknya aku pergi ke salah satu kota di Yehuda?” Jawab TUHAN kepadanya, “Ya, pergilah.” Tanya Daud, “Ke kota manakah aku harus pergi?” Jawab TUHAN, “Hebron.”
2 So David went up thither, and his two wives also, —Ahinoam, the Jezreelitess, and Abigail, wife of Nabal the Carmelite.
Maka Daud pergi ke Hebron bersama kedua istrinya, yaitu Ahinoam, orang Yisreel, dan Abigail, janda Nabal dari Karmel.
3 His men also who were with him, did David bring up, every man with his household, —and they dwelt in the cities of Hebron.
Daud juga membawa pasukannya, masing-masing dengan keluarga mereka. Lalu mereka menetap di Hebron dan desa-desa sekitarnya.
4 Then came the men of Judah, and anointed David there, to be king over the house of Judah. And they told David, saying, Men of Jabesh-gilead, were they who buried Saul.
Kemudian datanglah orang-orang dari suku Yehuda kepada Daud. Mereka mengurapi Daud dan melantik dia menjadi raja atas suku Yehuda. Setelah diberitahukan kepada Daud bahwa orang-orang Benyamin dari kota Yabes di wilayah Gilead sudah menguburkan mayat Saul,
5 So David sent messengers unto the men of Jabesh-gilead, —and said unto them—Blessed, be ye of Yahweh, that ye did this lovingkindness unto your lord, unto Saul, and buried him.
Daud mengutus pembawa pesan kepada mereka untuk menyampaikan, “Semoga TUHAN memberkati kalian, karena kalian sudah menunjukkan kesetiaan kepada Saul, tuanmu, dengan menguburkan mayatnya.
6 Now, therefore, Yahweh requite you with lovingkindness and truth, —moreover also, I, will requite you, for this noble deed, in that ye did this thing.
Kiranya TUHAN menunjukkan kesetiaan-Nya kepada kalian, dan saya pun akan berbuat demikian, sebab kalian sudah berbuat baik kepada Saul.
7 Now, therefore, let your hands be made firm, and become ye sons of valour, for your lord Saul is dead, —and, me, moreover have the house of Judah anointed, to be king over them.
Dengan kematian tuan kita Saul, saya sudah dilantik sebagai raja oleh suku Yehuda. Saya mohon supaya kalian kuat dan berani untuk mendukung saya juga.”
8 But, Abner son of Ner, prince of the host that pertained unto Saul, took Ish-bosheth, son of Saul, and brought him over to Mahanaim;
Sementara hal itu terjadi, panglima pasukan Saul, yaitu Abner anak Ner, sudah membawa Isboset anak Saul ke Mahanaim
9 and made him king for Gilead, and for the Ashurites, and for Jezreel, —and over Ephraim, and over Benjamin, and over, all Israel.
untuk melantik dia sebagai raja atas wilayah Gilead dan Yisreel, beserta suku Asyer, Efraim, dan Benyamin. Dengan demikian Isboset menjadi raja atas seluruh Israel, kecuali suku Yehuda.
10 Forty years old, was Ish-bosheth son of Saul, when he began to reign over Israel, and, two years, reigned he, —but, the house of Judah, followed David.
Isboset berumur 40 tahun sewaktu mulai memerintah atas Israel, dan dia memerintah selama dua tahun. Namun, suku Yehuda tetap setia kepada Daud.
11 And it came to pass, that, the number of the days that David was king in Hebron, over the house of Judah, was seven years and six months.
Daud menjadi raja di Hebron atas orang-orang Yehuda selama tujuh tahun enam bulan.
12 And Abner son of Ner, and the servants of Ish-bosheth, son of Saul, came out from Mahanaim to Gibeon.
Suatu hari, Abner dan para pasukan Isboset keluar dari Mahanaim menuju kota Gibeon.
13 And, Joab son of Zeruiah, and the servants of David, went out from Hebron and met, by the pool of Gibeon, together, —and they sat down, these, by the pool, on the one side, and, those, by the pool, on the other side.
Pada saat yang sama, Yoab anak Zeruya memimpin pasukan Daud keluar untuk berhadapan dengan pasukan Isboset di kolam Gibeon. Pihak Abner berada di salah satu sisi kolam, sedangkan pihak Yoab berada di seberang mereka.
14 Then said Abner unto Joab, Let the young men arise, I pray thee, and make sport before us. And Joab said—Let them arise.
Kata Abner kepada Yoab, “Biarlah anak buah kita maju dan bertarung di hadapan kita.” Kata Yoab, “Baiklah!”
15 Then there arose, and went over by number, —twelve of Benjamin, pertaining to Ish-bosheth, son of Saul, and twelve, of the servants of David.
Maka dipilihlah dua belas orang dari suku Benyamin untuk maju mewakili pihak Isboset anak Saul, dan dua belas orang mewakili pihak Daud.
16 And they caught every one his fellow by the head, with his sword in his fellow’s side, so they fell, together, —and that place was called Helkath-hazzadim ["Field of Plotters"], which is in Gideon.
Saat mereka berhadapan satu sama lain, mereka saling menangkap kepala lawannya dan menusukkan pedang ke perut lawannya masing-masing, sehingga kedua puluh empat orang yang maju itu mati bersama. Itulah sebabnya tempat di Gibeon itu dinamai Ladang Pedang.
17 So the battle became exceeding obstinate, on that day, —and Abner and the men of Israel were defeated before the servants of David.
Pertempuran tersebut berlangsung amat sengit. Abner dan pasukan Israel dikalahkan oleh pasukan Daud.
18 Now there were there, three sons of Zeruiah, Joab, and Abishai, and Asahel, —and, Asahel, was light of foot as a wild gazelle.
Ada tiga orang anak Zeruya yang berada dalam pertempuran itu, yakni Yoab, Abisai, dan Asael. Asael mampu berlari secepat kijang.
19 And Asahel pursued Abner, —and turned not, in going, to the right hand or to the left, from pursuing Abner.
Asael terus mengejar dan mengikuti Abner tanpa henti.
20 Then Abner looked behind him, and said—Art thou Asahel? And he said—I am.
Lalu Abner menengok ke belakang dan bertanya, “Apakah itu kamu, Asael?!” Jawab Asael, “Ya, ini saya!”
21 Then Abner said to him—Turn thee aside, to thy right hand, or to thy left, and lay thee hold on one of the young men, and take thee his armour. But Asahel would not turn aside from pursuing him.
Kata Abner kepadanya, “Berhentilah mengejar saya! Bunuhlah salah satu tentara lain dan ambillah segala perlengkapan darinya!” Tetapi Asael tidak mau berhenti mengejar Abner.
22 And Abner said, yet again, unto Asahel, Turn thee aside from pursuing me, —wherefore should I smite thee to the earth? how then should I lift up my face unto Joab, thy brother?
Berkatalah Abner sekali lagi kepada Asael, “Berhentilah mengejar saya! Saya tidak mau membunuhmu! Bagaimana nanti saya bisa menghadap kakakmu Yoab?!”
23 Howbeit he refused to turn aside, wherefore Abner smote him with the hinder end of the spear, in the belly, that the spear came out behind him, and he fell there, and died on the spot, —and so it was, that, as many as came up to the place where Asahel fell and died, stood still.
Namun, Asael tetap menolak untuk berhenti. Maka ketika Asael mendekati Abner dari belakang, Abner menusukkan pangkal tombaknya ke belakang mengenai perut Asael sehingga menembus punggungnya. Lalu jatuhlah Asael dan mati di tempat itu juga. Semua tentara Daud yang melihat Asael terbunuh berhenti mengejar musuh untuk menengok mayatnya.
24 Then Joab and Abishai pursued Abner, —but, the sun, had gone in by the time, they, had come as far as the hill of Ammah, that overlooketh Giah, by way of the wilderness of Gibeon.
Mendengar apa yang terjadi dengan Asael, maka Yoab, Abisai, dan para tentara yang bersama mereka terus mengejar Abner dan pasukannya yang masih hidup. Pada saat matahari terbenam, pasukan Abner tiba di bukit Ama, dekat Gia, di jalan yang menuju ke padang belantara Gibeon.
25 And, when the sons of Benjamin had gathered themselves together after Abner, and become one band, —and had taken their stand on the top of a certain hill,
Di sana para tentara dari suku Benyamin berkelompok di belakang Abner dan mengatur barisan mereka di atas bukit itu.
26 then Abner cried aloud unto Joab, and said—To the uttermost, must the sword devour? Dost thou not well know that, bitter, shall it be, in the latter end? How long, then, wilt thou not bid the people turn back from pursuing their own brethren?
Kemudian Abner berseru kepada Yoab, “Apakah kita akan selalu menyelesaikan persoalan di antara kita dengan pedang?! Tidakkah kamu sadar bahwa satu-satunya hal yang akan tersisa hanyalah dendam satu sama lain! Kapan kamu akan menyuruh pasukanmu berhenti mengejar saudara mereka sebangsa?!”
27 Then said Joab—As God liveth, surely, if thou hadst not spoken, then in the morning, the people would of themselves have gone up, every man from pursuing his brother.
Jawab Yoab, “Demi Allah yang hidup, jika kamu tidak berkata demikian, maka aku dan pasukanku tidak akan berhenti mengejar kalian sepanjang malam bahkan sampai pagi! Padahal kita ini bersaudara.”
28 So Joab blew with the horn, and all the people stood still, and they neither pursued Israel further, —nor fought any more.
Lalu Yoab meniup terompet, sehingga semua pasukannya berhenti mengejar dan bertempur dengan pasukan pihak Israel.
29 And, Abner and his men, journeyed through the waste plain all that night, —and crossed the Jordan, and went through all the Bithron, and entered Mahanaim.
Sepanjang malam itu Abner dan pasukannya kembali melalui lembah Yordan. Kemudian mereka menyeberangi sungai Yordan dan berjalan sepanjang pagi sampai tiba di Mahanaim.
30 And, Joab, returned from pursuing Abner, and, when he had gathered together all the people, there were missing of the servants of David—nineteen men, and Asahel;
Setelah Yoab kembali dari mengejar Abner, dia mengumpulkan dan menghitung pasukan Daud. Ada sembilan belas tentara yang meninggal dalam perang, selain Asael.
31 but, the servants of David, had smitten of Benjamin, of the men of Abner, —[so that] three hundred and sixty men, had died.
Akan tetapi, pasukan Daud menewaskan tiga ratus enam puluh orang pasukan Abner, yang semuanya dari suku Benyamin.
32 And they carried Asahel, and buried him in the grave of his father, which was in Bethlehem, —and Joab and his men journeyed all the night, and had daylight in Hebron.
Lalu Yoab dan pasukan Daud itu membawa jenazah Asael ke kuburan keluarganya yang ada di Betlehem dan menguburkannya di situ. Kemudian mereka berjalan sepanjang malam dan tiba kembali di Hebron saat fajar.

< 2 Samuel 2 >