< Proverbs 16 >

1 To man belongeth the preparation of the heart; But the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.
Èovjek sprema srce, ali je od Gospoda što æe jezik govoriti.
2 All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes; But the LORD weigheth the spirit.
Èovjeku se svi putovi njegovi èine èisti, ali Gospod ispituje duhove.
3 Commit thy doings to the LORD, And thy purposes shall be established.
Ostavi na Gospoda djela svoja, i biæe tvrde namjere tvoje.
4 The LORD hath ordained every thing for its end; Yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.
Gospod je stvorio sve sam za se, i bezbožnika za zli dan.
5 Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD; From generation to generation he shall not be unpunished.
Mrzak je Gospodu ko je god ponosita srca, i neæe ostati bez kara ako æe i druge uzeti u pomoæ.
6 Through kindness and truth, iniquity is expiated; And, through the fear of the LORD, men depart from evil.
Milošæu i istinom oèišæa se bezakonje, i strahom Gospodnjim uklanja se èovjek oda zla.
7 When a man's ways please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Kad su èiji putovi mili Gospodu, miri s njim i neprijatelje njegove.
8 Better is a little with righteousness, Than great revenues without right.
Bolje je malo s pravdom nego mnogo dohodaka s nepravdom.
9 The heart of man deviseth his way, But the LORD establisheth his steps.
Srce èovjeèije izmišlja sebi put, ali Gospod upravlja korake njegove.
10 A divine sentence is upon the lips of a king; His mouth transgresseth not in judgment.
Proroštvo je na usnama carevijem, u sudu neæe pogriješiti usta njegova.
11 A just balance and scales are the appointment of the LORD; All the weights of the bag are his work.
Mjerila i potezi pravi od Gospoda su, i sve kamenje u tobocu njegovo je djelo.
12 The doing of wickedness is an abomination to kings; For by righteousness is the throne established.
Gadno je carevima èiniti nepravdu, jer se pravdom utvrðuje prijesto.
13 Righteous lips are the delight of kings, And they love him who speaketh right things.
Mile su carevima usne pravedne, i oni ljube onoga koji govori pravo.
14 The wrath of a king is messengers of death; But a wise man will pacify it.
Gnjev je carev glasnik smrtni, ali mudar èovjek ublažiæe ga.
15 In the light of the king's countenance is life, And his favor is a like a cloud bringing the latter rain.
U veselu je licu carevu život, i ljubav je njegova kao oblak s poznijem daždem.
16 How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! Yea, to get understanding is rather to be chosen than silver.
Koliko je bolje teæi mudrost nego zlato! i teæi razum koliko je ljepše nego srebro!
17 It is the highway of the upright to depart from evil; He that taketh heed to his way preserveth his life.
Put je pravednijeh uklanjanje oda zla; èuva dušu svoju ko pazi na put svoj.
18 Pride goeth before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.
Oholost dolazi pred pogibao, i ponosit duh pred propast.
19 Better is it to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, Than to share the spoil with the proud.
Bolje je biti ponizna duha s krotkima nego dijeliti plijen s oholima.
20 He who giveth heed to the word shall find good; And he who trusteth in the LORD, happy is he!
Ko pazi na rijeè, nalazi dobro, i ko se uzda u Gospoda, blago njemu.
21 The wise in heart shall be called intelligent, And sweetness of the lips increaseth learning.
Ko je mudra srca, zove se razuman, a slast na usnama umnožava nauku.
22 Understanding is a wellspring of life to him that hath it. And the chastisement of fools is their folly.
Izvor je životu razum onima koji ga imaju, a nauka bezumnijeh bezumlje je.
23 The heart of the wise man instructeth his mouth, And addeth learning to his lips.
Srce mudroga razumno upravlja ustima njegovijem, i dodaje nauku usnama njegovijem.
24 Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweet to the taste, and health to the bones.
Ljubazne su rijeèi sat meda, slast duši i zdravlje kostima.
25 There is a way that seemeth right to a man, But the end thereof is the way to death.
Neki se put èini èovjeku prav, a kraj mu je put k smrti.
26 The hunger of the laborer laboreth for him; For his mouth urgeth him on.
Ko se trudi, sebi se trudi, jer ga nagone usta njegova.
27 A worthless man diggeth mischief, And on his lips there is, as it were, a burning fire.
Èovjek nevaljao kopa zlo, i na usnama mu je kao oganj koji pali.
28 A deceitful man stirreth up strife, And a whisperer separateth friends.
Opak èovjek zameæe svaðu, i opadaè rastavlja glavne prijatelje.
29 A man of violence enticeth his neighbor, And leadeth him into a way which is not good.
Nasilnik mami druga svojega i zavodi ga na put koji nije dobar;
30 He who shutteth his eyes to devise fraud, He who compresseth his lips, hath accomplished mischief!
Namiguje oèima, kad misli naopako; kad mièe usnama, èini zlo.
31 The hoary head is a crown of glory, If it be found in the way of righteousness.
Sijeda je kosa slavna kruna, nalazi se na putu pravednom.
32 He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty; And he who ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh a city.
Bolji je spor na gnjev nego junak, i gospodar od svoga srca bolji je nego onaj koji uzme grad.
33 The lot is cast into the lap; But the whole decision thereof is from the LORD.
Ždrijeb se baca u krilo, ali je od Gospoda sve što izlazi.

< Proverbs 16 >