< Joshua 22 >

1 Then Joshua called the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh,
Konsa, Josué te rele tout Ribenit yo ak Gadit yo ak mwatye tribi Manassé a.
2 and said to them, "You have kept all that Moses the servant of YHWH commanded you, and have listened to my voice in all that I commanded you.
Li te di yo: “Nou te swiv tout sa ke Moïse, sèvitè SENYÈ a, te kòmande nou an e nou te koute vwa m nan tout sa ke m te kòmande nou yo.
3 You have not left your brothers these many days to this day, but have performed the duty of the commandment of YHWH your God.
Nou pa t abandone frè nou yo pandan tout jou sila yo, jis rive jodi a, men nou te kenbe lòd a kòmandman a SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an.
4 Now YHWH your God has given rest to your brothers, as he spoke to them. Therefore now return and go to your tents, to the land of your possession, which Moses the servant of YHWH gave you beyond the Jordan.
Epi koulye a, SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an, te bay repo a frè nou yo, jan Li fenk pale yo a. Pou sa, vire koulye a e ale nan tant pa nou yo, nan peyi posesyon pa nou an, ke Moïse, sèvitè Bondye a, te bannou lòtbò Jourdain an.
5 Only take diligent heed to do the commandment and the law which Moses the servant of YHWH commanded you, to love YHWH your God, to walk in all his ways, to keep his commandments, to hold fast to him, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul."
Sèlman, fè atansyon pou swiv kòmandman an ak lalwa ke Moïse, sèvitè SENYÈ a, te kòmande nou an, pou nou renmen SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an, epi mache nan tout chemen Li yo, kenbe kòmandman Li yo, kenbe fèm a Li menm, e sèvi Li avèk tout kè nou e ak tout nanm nou.”
6 So Joshua blessed them, and sent them away; and they went to their tents.
Epi Josué te beni yo. Li te voye yo ale, e yo te ale nan pwòp tant pa yo.
7 Now to the one half-tribe of Manasseh Moses had given inheritance in Bashan; but to the other half gave Joshua among their brothers beyond the Jordan westward. Moreover when Joshua sent them away to their tents, he blessed them,
Alò, a mwatye tribi sila ki te pou Manassé a, Moïse te ba yo yon posesyon nan Basan; men a lòt la, Josué te ba yo yon posesyon pami frè yo nan lwès lòtbò Jourdain an. Konsa, lè Josué te voye yo ale nan tant yo, li te beni yo,
8 and spoke to them, saying, "Return with much wealth to your tents, with very much livestock, with silver, with gold, with bronze, with iron, and with very much clothing. Divide the spoil of your enemies with your brothers."
epi li te di yo: “Retounen vè tant nou yo avèk gran richès, avèk yon gran kantite bèt, avèk ajan, lò, bwonz, fè, e avèk anpil rad. Divize piyaj a lènmi nou yo avèk frè nou.”
9 The descendants of Reuben and the descendants of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh returned, and departed from the children of Israel out of Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan, to go to the land of Gilead, to the land of their possession, which they owned, according to the commandment of YHWH by Moses.
Fis a Ruben yo ak fis a Gad yo ak mwatye tribi Manassé a te retounen kite fis Israël yo nan Silo, ki te nan peyi Canaan an, pou ale nan peyi Galaad, nan peyi ke yo te posede a, selon kòmand a SENYÈ a ki te soti nan Moïse la.
10 When they came to the region about the Jordan, that is in the land of Canaan, the descendants of Reuben and the descendants of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh built there an altar by the Jordan, a great altar to look at.
Lè yo te vini nan rejyon Jourdain an, ki nan peyi Canaan an, fis a Ruben yo avèk fis a Gad yo ak mwatye tribi Manassé a te bati yon lotèl la akote Jourdain an, yon lotèl ki parèt byen gran.
11 The children of Israel heard this, "Look, the descendants of Reuben and the descendants of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh have built an altar in the forefront of the land of Canaan, in the region about the Jordan, on the side that pertains to the children of Israel."
Lè fis Israël yo te tande afè sa a, yo te di: “Gade byen, fis Ruben yo ak fis Gad yo ak mwatye tribi Manassé a gen tan bati yon lotèl nan fwontyè peyi Canaan an, nan rejyon Jourdain an, sou bò ki pou fis Israël yo.”
12 When the children of Israel heard of it, the whole congregation of the children of Israel gathered themselves together at Shiloh, to go up against them to war.
Lè fis Israël yo te vin tande sa a, tout asanble a fis Israël yo te rasanble yo nan Silo pou monte kont yo nan lagè.
13 The children of Israel sent to the descendants of Reuben, and to the descendants of Gad, and to the half-tribe of Manasseh, into the land of Gilead, Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest,
Alò, fis Israël yo te voye prèt la, Phinées, fis Éléazar a, kote fis Ruben yo avèk fis Gad yo ak mwatye tribi Manassé a pou antre nan peyi Galaad la.
14 and with him ten princes, one prince of a fathers' house for each of the tribes of Israel; and every one of them heads of ancestral houses among the thousands of Israel.
Ansanm avèk li, dis chèf yo, yon chèf pou kay a chak fanmi zansèt nan tribi Israël yo; epi yo chak se te tèt an chèf kay fanmi zansèt li pami milye an Israël yo.
15 They came to the descendants of Reuben, and to the descendants of Gad, and to the half-tribe of Manasseh, to the land of Gilead, and they spoke with them, saying,
Yo te vin kote fis Ruben yo, kote fis Gad yo ak kote mwatye tribi Manassé a, nan peyi Galaad la. Yo te pale avèk yo e te di:
16 "Thus says the whole congregation of YHWH, 'What trespass is this that you have committed against the God of Israel, to turn away this day from following YHWH, in that you have built you an altar, to rebel this day against YHWH?
“Konsa pale tout kongregasyon a SENYÈ a: ‘Ki zak movèz fwa sa ye ke nou te komèt kont Bondye Israël la? Poukisa nou vire kite chemen SENYÈ a jodi a pou bati yon lotèl pou fè rebèl kont SENYÈ a jodi a?
17 Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us, from which we have not cleansed ourselves to this day, although there came a plague on the congregation of YHWH,
Èske inikite Peor a pa t sifi pou nou, nan sila nou poko pwòp jis rive jodi a, sepandan yon epidemi te vin parèt sou asanble SENYÈ a,
18 that you must turn away this day from following YHWH? It will be, seeing that you rebel today against YHWH, that tomorrow he will be angry with the whole congregation of Israel.
ke nou bezwen vire kite Jodi a chemen SENYÈ a? Si nou fè rebèl kont SENYÈ a Jodi a, Li va fache avèk tout asanble Israël la demen.
19 However, if the land of your possession is unclean, then pass over to the land of the possession of YHWH, in which YHWH's tabernacle dwells, and take possession among us; but do not rebel against YHWH, nor rebel against us, in building an altar other than the altar of YHWH our God.
Si, malgre sa, peyi posesyon nou an pa pwòp, alò, travèse antre nan peyi posesyon SENYÈ a, kote tabènak SENYÈ a kanpe a pou vin pran posesyon pami nou. Sèlman, pa fè rebèl kont SENYÈ a, ni fè rebèl kont nou avèk lotèl ke nou bati pou kont nou an, anplis ke lotèl SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an.
20 Did not Achan the son of Zerah commit a trespass in the devoted thing, and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel? That man did not perish alone in his iniquity.'"
Èske Acan, fis Zérach la, pa t aji an movèz fwa nan zafè bagay ki te dedye anba ve a e kòlè te tonbe sou tout asanble a SENYÈ a? Epi se pa mesye sa a sèl ki te peri nan inikite l la.’”
21 Then the descendants of Reuben and the descendants of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh answered, and spoke to the heads of the thousands of Israel,
Epi fis Ruben yo ak fis Gad yo ak mwatye tribi Manassé a te reponn e te pale avèk chèf an tèt fanmi a Israël yo.
22 "El, God, YHWH. El, God, YHWH. He knows; and Israel shall know. If it was in rebellion, or if in trespass against YHWH, do not save us this day,
Sila ki Toupwisan an, Bondye SENYÈ a, Sila ki Toupwisan an, Bondye SENYÈ a, Li menm ki konnen! E Li menm va kite Israël konnen tou a. Si se te nan rebelyon, oswa si se nan movèz fwa, yon zak ki fèt kont SENYÈ a, pa sove lavi nou jodi a!
23 that we have built us an altar to turn away from following YHWH; or if to offer burnt offering or meal offering, or if to offer sacrifices of peace offerings, let YHWH himself require it.
Si nou bati pou kont nou yon lotèl pou detounen pa swiv SENYÈ a, oswa si pou nou ofri yon ofrann brile, oswa yon ofrann sereyal sou li, oswa si se pou ofri sakrifis lapè sou li, ke SENYÈ a, li menm, fè demann sa a.
24 If we have not out of concern done this, and for a reason, saying, 'In time to come your descendants might speak to our descendants, saying, "What have you to do with YHWH, the God of Israel?
“Men anverite, si nou pa t fè sa avèk lakrent Bondye avèk yon bi ki te di ke: ‘Nan tan k ap vini an, fis ou yo kapab di a fis nou yo: “Ki relasyon nou gen avèk SENYÈ a, Bondye Israël la?
25 For YHWH has made the Jordan a border between us and you, you descendants of Reuben and descendants of Gad. You have no portion in YHWH."' So your children might make our children cease from fearing YHWH.
Paske SENYÈ a te fè Jourdain nan yon lizyè antre nou ak ou, nou menm, fis a Ruben yo ak fis a Gad yo. Nou pa gen pòsyon nan SENYÈ a.”’” Pou sa a, li ta kab fèt ke fis ou yo ta ka petet fè pitit pa nou vin pa gen krent SENYÈ a.
26 Therefore we said, 'Let's now prepare to build ourselves an altar, not for burnt offering, nor for sacrifice;
“Pou sa, nou te di: ‘Annou bati yon lotèl, pa pou ofrann brile ni pou sakrifis;
27 but it will be a witness between us and you, and between our generations after us, that we may perform the service of YHWH before him with our burnt offerings, with our sacrifices, and with our peace offerings;' that your descendants may not tell our descendants in time to come, 'You have no portion in YHWH.'
men sa va pou yon temwen antre nou avèk ou menm ak antre jenerasyon ki swiv nou yo, ke nou kapab fè sèvis SENYÈ a devan Li avèk ofrann brile nou, avèk sakrifis nou yo e avèk ofrann lapè nou yo;’ pou fis pa w yo pa vin di a fis pa nou yo nan tan ki pou vini an: ‘Nou pa gen pòsyon nan SENYÈ a.’
28 Therefore we said, 'It shall be, when they tell us or our generations this in time to come, that we shall say, "Look the pattern of the altar of YHWH, which our fathers made, not for burnt offering, nor for sacrifice; but it is a witness between us and you."'
“Pou sa, nou te di, ‘Li va osi vin rive ke si yo di sa a nou, oswa a jenerasyon nou k ap vini an, alò nou va di: “Nou wè modèl lotèl ke zansèt nou yo te fè a, pa pou ofrann brile, ni pou fè sakrifis; men olye de sa, li se yon temwen antre nou menm ak ou menm.”’
29 Far be it from us that we should rebel against YHWH, and turn away this day from following YHWH, to build an altar for burnt offering, for meal offering, or for sacrifice, besides the altar of YHWH our God that is before his tabernacle."
Lwen de nou ke nou ta fè rebèl kont SENYÈ a pou vin detounen pa swiv SENYÈ a jodi a, pou nou ta bati yon lotèl ofrann brile, oswa ofrann sereyal, oswa sakrifis, ot ke lotèl ki pou SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an, ki devan tabènak pa Li a!”
30 When Phinehas the priest, and the leaders of the congregation, even the heads of the thousands of Israel that were with him, heard the words that the descendants of Reuben and the descendants of Gad and the descendants of Manasseh spoke, it pleased them well.
Lè Phinées, prèt la, avèk chèf asanble yo, menm chèf an tèt a fanmi zansèt Israël ki te avèk li yo, te tande pawòl ke fis Ruben yo, fis Gad yo ak fis Manassé yo te pale, sa te fè kè yo kontan.
31 Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest said to the descendants of Reuben, to the descendants of Gad, and to the descendants of Manasseh, "Today we know that YHWH is in the midst of us, because you have not committed this trespass against YHWH. Now you have delivered the children of Israel out of the hand of YHWH."
Phinées, fis a Éléazar a, prèt la, te di a fis Ruben yo, fis Gad yo ak fis Manassé yo: “Jodi a, nou konnen ke SENYÈ a pami nou, akoz nou pa t fè zak malonèt sila a kont SENYÈ a. Koulye a, nou gen tan livre fis Israël yo soti nan men SENYÈ a.”
32 And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, and the leaders, returned from the descendants of Reuben, and from the descendants of Gad, out of the land of Gilead, to the land of Canaan, to the children of Israel, and brought them word again.
Alò, Phinées, fis a Éléazar a, prèt la, avèk chèf yo te retounen sòti nan fis Ruben yo ak nan fis Gad yo, nan peyi Galaad la, yo te rive nan peyi Canaan an vè fis Israël yo e te pote pawòl sa ba yo.
33 The thing pleased the children of Israel; and the children of Israel blessed God, and spoke no more of going up against them to war, to destroy the land in which the descendants of Reuben and the descendants of Gad lived.
Pawòl la te fè kè kontan pami fis Israël yo, e fis Israël yo te beni Bondye. Yo pa t pale ankò afè fè lagè pou detwi peyi kote fis a Ruben yo avèk fis a Gad yo te rete a.
34 The descendants of Reuben and the descendants of Gad called the altar: "A witness between us that YHWH is God."
Fis a Ruben yo avèk fis a Gad yo te rele lotèl la “Temwen lan Antre Nou, ke SENYÈ a Se Bondye.”

< Joshua 22 >