< Ezekiel 15 >

1 The word of YHWH came to me, saying,
Konsa, pawòl SENYÈ a te vin kote mwen. Li te di:
2 "Son of man, what is the vine tree more than any tree, the vine-branch which is among the trees of the forest?
Fis a lòm, kisa bwa chan rezen fè pou l pi bon pase nenpòt bwa branch lyann yo ki pami pyebwa forè yo?
3 Shall wood be taken of it to make any work? Or will men take a pin of it to hang any vessel thereon?
Èske ou ka retire bwa sou li pou fè yon bagay, oswa èske moun ka fè yon kwòk ak li pou pann veso?
4 Look, it is cast into the fire for fuel; the fire has devoured both its ends, and its midst is burned: is it profitable for any work?
Si yo te mete li nan dife la pou brile, dife a fin manje de pwent li e mitan an fin boukannen tounwa. Konsa, èske li ka itil pou yon bagay?
5 Look, when it was whole, it was meet for no work: how much less, when the fire has devoured it, and it is burned, shall it yet be meet for any work.
Gade byen, pandan li an bòn fòm nan, li pa itil anyen. Konbyen anmwens lè dife fin manje li e vin boukannen l tounwa a, pou l ka itil pou fè yon bagay!
6 "Therefore thus says YHWH: 'As the vine tree among the trees of the forest, which I have given to the fire for fuel, so will I give the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
Pou sa, konsa pale Senyè BONDYE a: “Jan lyann yo pami tout pyebwa forè yo, ke m te bay nan dife pou brile a, se konsa mwen te bay moun ki rete Jérusalem yo.
7 I will set my face against them; they shall go forth from the fire, but the fire shall devour them; and you shall know that I am YHWH, when I set my face against them.
Mwen mete figi M kont yo. Byenke yo te sòti nan dife a, malgre sa, dife a va manje yo. Ou va konnen ke Mwen se SENYÈ a, lè Mwen mete figi M kont yo.
8 I will make the land desolate, because they have committed a trespass,' says YHWH."
Konsa, Mwen va fè tè a vin dezole, akoz yo te aji ak enfidelite,” deklare Senyè BONDYE a.

< Ezekiel 15 >