< 1 Kings 20 >

1 Ben Hadad the king of Aram gathered all his army together; and there were thirty-two kings with him, and horses and chariots: and he went up and besieged Samaria, and fought against it.
Alò, Ben-Hadad, wa Syrie a, te ranmase tout lame li a. Te gen trann-de wa avèk li, avèk cheval ak cha. Li te monte fè syèj sou Samarie e li te goumen kont li.
2 He sent messengers to Ahab king of Israel, into the city, and said to him, "Thus says Ben Hadad,
Li te voye mesaje yo lavil Achab, wa Israël la, e yo te di li: “Konsa pale Ben-Hadad;
3 'Your silver and your gold is mine. Your wives also and your children, even the best, are mine.'"
‘Ajan ou avèk lò ou se pou mwen. Pi bèl madanm ou yo avèk pitit yo se pa m tou.’”
4 The king of Israel answered, "It is according to your saying, my lord, O king. I am yours, and all that I have."
Wa Israël la te reponn: “Se jan pawòl ou yo ye a, mèt mwen, O wa a. Mwen se pa w ak tout sa ke m genyen.”
5 The messengers came again, and said, "Ben Hadad says, 'I sent indeed to you, saying, "You shall deliver me your silver, and your gold, and your wives, and your children;
Alò, mesaje yo te retounen. Yo te di: “Konsa pale Ben-Hadad: ‘Anverite, mwen te voye kote ou pou te di: “Ou va ban mwen ajan ou avèk lò ou avèk madanm ou ak pitit ou yo,
6 but I will send my servants to you tomorrow about this time, and they shall search your house, and the houses of your servants; and it shall be, that whatever is pleasant in their eyes, they shall put it in their hand, and take it away."'"
men vè lè sa a demen mwen va voye sèvitè mwen yo kote ou. Yo va chache fouye tout lakay ou avèk lakay sèvitè ou yo, epi nenpòt sa ki gen valè nan zye ou, y ap pran nan men yo pou pote ale.”’”
7 Then the king of Israel called all the elders of the land, and said, "Please notice how this man seeks mischief; for he sent to me for my wives, and for my children, and for my silver, and for my gold; and I did not deny him."
Epi wa Israël la te rele tout ansyen peyi a e te di: “Souple, gade byen jan mesye sila a ap chache pwoblèm. Li te voye kote mwen pou madanm mwen avèk pitit mwen yo ak ajan mwen avèk lò mwen, epi mwen pa t refize li.”
8 All the elders and all the people said to him, "Do not listen, neither consent."
Tout ansyen yo avèk tout pèp la te di li: “Pa koute l ni vin dakò avè l.”
9 Therefore he said to the messengers of Ben Hadad, "Tell my lord the king, 'All that you sent for to your servant at the first I will do; but this thing I cannot do.'" The messengers departed, and brought him back the message.
Konsa, li te di a mesaje Ben-Hadad yo: “Di mèt mwen an, wa a, ‘Tout sa ke ou te premye mande sèvitè ou a, m ap fè yo. Men sila ou mande koulye a, mwen p ap kab fè l.’” Mesaje yo te pati, epi te pòte bay li mesaj la.
10 Ben Hadad sent to him, and said, "The gods do so to me, and more also, if the dust of Samaria shall suffice for handfuls for all the people who follow me."
Ben-Hadad te voye kote li e te di: “Ke dye yo ta fè m sa e menm plis, si pousyè Samarie rete kont pou ranpli men a moun ki swiv mwen yo.”
11 The king of Israel answered, "Tell him, 'Do not let him who puts on his armor brag like he who takes it off.'"
Epi wa Israël la te reponn li: “Pa kite sila k ap fenk abiye ak boukliye a vante tèt li tankou sila k ap retire l la.”
12 It happened, when Ben Hadad heard this message, as he was drinking, he and the kings, in the pavilions, that he said to his servants, "Prepare to attack." They prepared to attack the city.
Lè Ben-Hadad te tande mesaj sila a, pandan li t ap bwè avèk wa yo nan tonèl pwovizwa pa yo, li te di a sèvitè li yo: “Pran plas nou”. Konsa, yo te pran plas yo kont vil la.
13 Look, a prophet came near to Ahab king of Israel, and said, "Thus says YHWH, 'Have you seen all this great multitude? Look, I will deliver it into your hand this day; and you shall know that I am YHWH.'"
Alò, lapoula, yon pwofèt te pwoche Achab, wa Israël la, e te di: “Konsa pale SENYÈ a, ‘Èske ou te wè tout gran kantite foul sila a? Veye byen, Mwen va livre yo nan men ou jodi a e ou va konnen ke se SENYÈ a Mwen ye.’”
14 Ahab said, "By whom?" He said, "Thus says YHWH, 'By the young men of the governors of the districts.'" Then he said, "Who shall begin the battle?" He answered, "You."
Epi Achab te di: “Pa kilès?” Epi li te di: “Pa jennonm ki se chèf a pwovens yo.” Epi Achab te di: “Se kilès ki pou louvri batay la?” Epi li te reponn: “Ou menm”.
15 Then he mustered the young men of the governors of the districts, and they were two hundred and thirty-two. After them, he mustered all the people, even all the children of Israel, being seven thousand.
Alò, li te rasanble jennonm a chèf pwovens yo, te gen de-san-trann-de. Apre yo, li te rasanble tout pèp la; menm tout fis Israël yo, sèt-mil.
16 They went out at noon. But Ben Hadad was drinking himself drunk in the pavilions, he and the kings, the thirty-two kings who helped him.
Yo te sòti a midi, pandan Ben-Hadad t ap bwè jiskaske li sou nan tonèl pwovizwa avèk trann-de wa ki te ede li yo.
17 the young men of the governors of the districts went out first; and Ben Hadad sent out, and they told him, saying, "Men are coming out from Samaria."
Jennonm a chèf pwovens yo te sòti devan. Ben-Hadad te voye mesaje deyò, yo te pale li, e te di: “Moun yo gen tan parèt sòti Samarie.”
18 He said, "If they have come out for peace, take them alive; or if they have come out for war, take them alive."
Alò, li te di: “Si yo sòti pou fè lapè, pran yo vivan; oswa si yo te sòti pou fè lagè, pran yo vivan.”
19 So these went out of the city, the young men of the governors of the districts, and the army which followed them.
Men sa yo te sòti depi lavil la; jennonm a chèf pwovens yo ak lame ki te swiv yo.
20 They each killed his man. The Arameans fled, and Israel pursued them. Ben Hadad the king of Aram escaped on a horse with horsemen.
Chak moun te touye yon nonm pou kont li; epi Siryen yo te sove ale e wa Israël la te kouri dèyè yo e Ben-Hadad, wa Syrie a, te chape sou yon cheval avèk chevalye yo.
21 The king of Israel went out, and struck the horses and chariots, and killed the Arameans with a great slaughter.
Wa Israël la te parèt deyò, li te frape cheval yo avèk cha yo e te touye Siryen yo nan yon gwo masak.
22 The prophet came near to the king of Israel, and said to him, "Go, strengthen yourself, and mark, and see what you do; for at the return of the year the king of Aram will come up against you."
Alò, pwofèt la te pwoche wa Israël la e te di li: “Ale, ranfòse ou menm e okipe pou wè sa ou gen pou fè; paske nan fen ane a, wa a Syrie va vin monte kont ou.”
23 The servants of the king of Aram said to him, "Their god is a god of the hills; therefore they were stronger than we. But let us fight against them in the plain, and surely we shall be stronger than they.
Alò, sèvitè a wa Syrie a te di li: “dye pa yo se dye mòn yo ye. Pou sa, yo te pi fò pase nou. Men pito ke nou fè lagè kont yo nan ba plèn nan e asireman, nou va vin pi fò pase yo.
24 Do this thing: take the kings away, every man out of his place, and put captains in their place.
Fè bagay sa a: retire chak wa sou plas yo e ranplase yo avèk kapitèn nan plas yo,
25 Muster an army, like the army that you have lost, horse for horse, and chariot for chariot. We will fight against them in the plain, and surely we will be stronger than them." He listened to their voice, and did so.
epi rasanble yon lame tankou lame ke ou te pèdi a, cheval pou cheval e cha pou cha. Nou va goumen kont yo nan plèn nan e asireman, nou va pi fò pase yo.” Epi li te koute vwa yo e te fè l konsa.
26 It happened at the return of the year, that Ben Hadad mustered the Arameans, and went up to Aphek, to fight against Israel.
Nan fen ane a, Ben-Hadad te ranmase Siryen yo e te monte nan Aphek pou goumen kont Israël.
27 The children of Israel were mustered, and were provisioned, and went against them. The children of Israel camped before them like two little flocks of young goats; but the Arameans filled the country.
Fis Israël yo te deja rasanble avèk tout pwovizyon yo pou te ale rankontre yo. Yo te fè kan devan Siryen yo tankou de ti bann kabrit, men Siryen yo te ranpli peyi a.
28 A man of God came near and spoke to the king of Israel, and said, "Thus says YHWH, 'Because the Arameans have said, "YHWH is a god of the hills, but he is not a god of the valleys"; therefore I will deliver all this great multitude into your hand, and you shall know that I am YHWH.'"
Alò, yon nonm Bondye te vin toupre pou te pale a wa Israël la. Li te di: “Konsa pale SENYÈ a: ‘Akoz Siryen yo te di: “SENYÈ a se yon dye a mòn yo, men Li pa yon dye nan vale yo,” pou sa, mwen va bay tout vast kantite moun sa yo nan men ou e ou va konnen ke Mwen se SENYÈ a.’”
29 They camped one over against the other seven days. So it was, that in the seventh day the battle was joined; and the children of Israel killed one hundred thousand footmen of the Arameans in one day.
Konsa, yo te fè kan an, youn kont lòt, pandan sèt jou. Epi nan setyèm jou a, batay la te ouvri e fis Israël yo te touye nan Siryen yo san-mil sòlda apye nan yon sèl jou.
30 But the rest fled to Aphek, into the city; and the wall fell on twenty-seven thousand men who were left. Ben Hadad fled, and came into the city, into an inner room.
Men tout moun ki te rete yo te sove ale antre nan lavil Aphek e miray la te tonbe sou venn-sèt-mil òm ki te rete. Epi Ben-Hadad te sove ale pou te rive anndan vil la nan yon chanm enteryè.
31 His servants said to him, "See now, we have heard that the kings of the house of Israel are merciful kings. Please let us put sackcloth on our bodies, and ropes on our heads, and go out to the king of Israel. Maybe he will save your life."
Sèvitè li yo te di li: “Alò, gade byen, nou konn tande ke wa lakay Israël yo se wa ki gen mizerikòd. Souple, annou mete twal sak sou senti nou avèk kòd sou tèt nou pou ale parèt kote wa Israël la. Petèt, li va sove lavi nou.”
32 So they put sackcloth on their bodies and ropes on their heads, and came to the king of Israel, and said, "Your servant Ben Hadad says, 'Please let me live.'" He said, "Is he still alive? He is my brother."
Konsa, yo te mare twal sak sou senti yo, avèk kòd sou tèt yo pou te vin kote wa Israël la e te di: “Sèvitè ou, Ben-Hadad voye di: ‘Souple, kite mwen viv.’” Epi li te di: “Èske li toujou vivan? Li se frè m.”
33 Now the men were looking for an omen, and they seized upon it from him, and they said, "Ben Hadad is your brother." Then he said, "Go, bring him." Then Ben Hadad came out to him, and he had him come up into the chariot.
Alò mesye yo te pran sa kòm yon sign, yo te sezi sou pawòl la vit, e yo te di: “Frè ou, Ben-Hadad.” Epi li te di: “Ale, mennen li.” Alò, Ben-Hadad te vin deyò kote li e li te pran li monte nan cha a.
34 Ben Hadad said to him, "The cities which my father took from your father I will restore. You shall make streets for yourself in Damascus, as my father made in Samaria." "I," said Ahab, "will let you go with this covenant." So he made a covenant with him, and let him go.
Ben-Hadad te di li: “Vil ke papa m te pran nan men papa ou yo, mwen va remèt yo e ou va fè ri yo pou ou menm nan Damas, tankou papa m te fè nan Samarie a.” Achab te di: “Epi mwen va kite ou ale avèk akò sila a.” Konsa, li te fè yon akò avèk li e te kite li ale.
35 A certain man of the sons of the prophets said to his fellow by the word of YHWH, "Please strike me." The man refused to strike him.
Alò, yon sèten nonm pami fis a pwofèt yo te di a yon lòt mesye pa pawòl SENYÈ a: “Souple, frape mwen.” Men mesye a te refize frape li.
36 Then he said to him, "Because you have not obeyed the voice of YHWH, look, as soon as you are departed from me, a lion shall kill you." As soon as he was departed from him, a lion found him, and killed him.
Epi li te di li: “Akoz ou pa t koute vwa SENYÈ a, tande byen, depi ou kite mwen, yon lyon va touye ou.” Epi depi li te kite li a, yon lyon te twouve li e te touye li.
37 Then he found another man, and said, "Please strike me." The man struck him, smiting and wounding him.
Alò, li te twouve yon lòt mesye e te di: “Souple, frape mwen.” Epi mesye a te frape li e te blese li.
38 So the prophet departed, and waited for the king by the way, and disguised himself with his headband over his eyes.
Konsa, pwofèt la te pati e te tann wa a akote chemen an e li te kache idantite li avèk yon bandaj ki te kouvri zye li.
39 As the king passed by, he cried to the king; and he said, "Your servant went out into the midst of the battle; and look, a man turned aside, and brought a man to me, and said, 'Guard this man. If by any means he be missing, then your life shall be for his life, or else you shall pay a talent of silver.'
Pandan wa a t ap pase, li te kriye a wa a e te di: “Sèvitè ou a te antre nan mitan batay la; epi tande byen, yon nonm te vire akote pou te mennen yon mesye kote mwen e li te di: ‘Veye nonm sa a; si pou nenpòt rezon li vin disparèt, alò lavi ou va peye pou lavi pa li, oswa ou va peye yon talan ajan.’
40 As your servant was busy here and there, he was gone." The king of Israel said to him, "So your judgment shall be; you yourself have decided it."
Pandan sèvitè ou a te okipe pa isit e pa la, li te vin disparèt.” Epi wa Israël la te di li: “Se konsa jijman ou ap ye; se ou menm ki deside li.”
41 He hurried, and took the headband away from his eyes; and the king of Israel recognized that he was of the prophets.
Epi byen vit li te retire bandaj sou zye li e wa Israël la te vin rekonèt li kòm youn nan pwofèt yo.
42 He said to him, "Thus says YHWH, 'Because you have let go out of your hand the man whom I had devoted to destruction, therefore your life shall go for his life, and your people for his people.'"
Li te di li: “Konsa pale SENYÈ a: ‘Akoz ou te kite sòti nan men ou nonm ke mwen te dedye a destriksyon an; pou sa, lavi ou va ale pou lavi pa li e pèp ou a pou pèp pa li a.’”
43 The king of Israel went to his house sullen and angry, and came to Samaria.
Konsa, wa Israël la te ale lakay li pa kontan e byen vekse pou te rive Samarie.

< 1 Kings 20 >