< Ezekiel 41 >

1 And he brought me to the sanctuary, and measured the jambs, ten feet four inches broad on the one side, and ten feet four inches broad on the other side, which was the breadth of the jambs.
Потом ввел меня в храм и намерил в столбах шесть локтей ширины с одной стороны и шесть локтей ширины с другой стороны, в ширину скинии.
2 The breadth of the entrance was seventeen feet three inches; and the sides of the entrance were eight feet seven inches on the one side, and eight feet seven inches on the other side. And he measured its length, sixty-eight feet eleven inches, and the breadth, thirty-four feet five inches.
В дверях десять локтей ширины, и по бокам дверей пять локтей с одной стороны и пять локтей с другой стороны; и намерил длины в храме сорок локтей, а ширины двадцать локтей.
3 Then he went into the inner room, and measured each jamb of the entrance, three feet five inches; and the entrance, ten feet four inches; and the breadth of the entrance twelve feet one inch.
И пошел внутрь, и намерил в столбах у дверей два локтя и в дверях шесть локтей, а ширина двери - в семь локтей.
4 He measured its length, thirty-four feet five inches, and the breadth, thirty-four feet five inches, before the sanctuary. And he said to me, "This is the most holy place."
И отмерил в нем двадцать локтей в длину и двадцать локтей в ширину храма, и сказал мне: “это - Святое Святых”.
5 Then he measured the wall of the house, ten feet four inches; and the breadth of every side-room, six feet eleven inches, all around the house on every side.
И намерил в стене храма шесть локтей, а ширины в боковых комнатах, кругом храма, по четыре локтя.
6 The side-rooms were in three stories, one over another, thirty in each story. And there were offsets all around the wall to serve as supports for the side-rooms, so that the supports were not supported by the wall of the house.
Боковых комнат было тридцать три, комната подле комнаты; они вдаются в стену, которая у храма для комнат кругом, так что они в связи с нею, но стены самого храма не касаются.
7 And the side-rooms were broader as they encompassed the house at each successive story, for the structure encompassing the house went upward all around the house. Therefore the breadth of the house increased as it went up, and so one went up from the lowest story to the highest by the way of the middle room.
И он более и более расширялся кругом вверх боковыми комнатами, потому что окружность храма восходила выше и выше вокруг храма, и потому храм имел большую ширину вверху, и из нижнего этажа восходили в верхний через средний.
8 I saw also that the house had a raised platform all around; the foundations of the side-rooms were a full measuring stick of ten feet four inches.
И я видел верх дома во всю окружность; боковые комнаты в основании имели там меры цельную трость, шесть полных локтей.
9 The thickness of the wall, which was for the side-rooms, on the outside, was eight feet seven inches: and that which was left was the place of the side-rooms that belonged to the house.
Ширина стены боковых комнат, выходящих наружу, пять локтей, и открытое пространство есть подле боковых комнат храма.
10 Between the rooms was a breadth of thirty-four feet five inches around the house on every side.
И между комнатами расстояние двадцать локтей кругом всего храма.
11 The doors of the side-rooms were toward the place that was left, one door toward the north, and another door toward the south: and the breadth of the place that was left was eight feet seven inches all around.
Двери боковых комнат ведут на открытое пространство, одни двери - на северную сторону, а другие двери - на южную сторону; а ширина этого открытого пространства - пять локтей кругом.
12 The building that was before the separate place at the side toward the west was one hundred twenty feet seven inches broad; and the wall of the building was eight feet seven inches thick all around, and its length one hundred fifty-five feet.
Здание перед площадью на западной стороне - шириною в семьдесят локтей; стена же этого здания - в пять локтей ширины кругом, а длина ее - девяносто локтей.
13 So he measured the house, one hundred seventy-two feet three inches long; and the separate place, and the building, with its walls, one hundred seventy-two feet three inches long;
И намерил он в храме сто локтей длины, и в площади и в пристройке, и в стенах его также сто локтей длины.
14 also the breadth of the face of the house, and of the separate place toward the east, one hundred seventy-two feet three inches.
И ширина храма по лицевой стороне и площади к востоку сто же локтей.
15 He measured the length of the building before the separate place which was at its back, and its galleries on the one side and on the other side, one hundred seventy-two feet three inches; and the inner temple, and the porches of the court;
И в длине здания перед площадью на задней стороне ее с боковыми комнатами его по ту и другую сторону он намерил сто локтей, со внутренностью храма и притворами двора.
16 the thresholds, and the closed windows, and the galleries around on their three stories, over against the threshold, with wood ceilings all around, and from the ground up to the windows, (now the windows were covered),
Дверные брусья и решетчатые окна, и боковые комнаты кругом, во всех трех ярусах, против порогов обшиты деревом и от пола по окна; окна были закрыты.
17 to the space above the door, even to the inner house, and outside, and by all the wall all around inside and outside, by measure.
От верха дверей как внутри храма, так и снаружи, и по всей стене кругом, внутри и снаружи, были резные изображения,
18 It was made with cherubim and palm trees; and a palm tree was between cherub and cherub, and every cherub had two faces;
сделаны были херувимы и пальмы: пальма между двумя херувимами, и у каждого херувима два лица.
19 so that there was the face of a man toward the palm tree on the one side, and the face of a young lion toward the palm tree on the other side. Thus was it made through all the house all around:
С одной стороны к пальме обращено лицо человеческое, а с другой стороны к пальме - лице львиное; так сделано во всем храме кругом.
20 from the ground to above the door were cherubim and palm trees made: thus was the wall of the temple.
От пола до верха дверей сделаны были херувимы и пальмы, также и по стене храма.
21 As for the temple, the door posts were squared; and as for the face of the sanctuary, the appearance of it was as the appearance of the temple.
В храме были четырехугольные дверные косяки, и святилище имело такой же вид, как я видел.
22 The altar was of wood, five feet two inches high, and three feet five inches long, and three feet five inches wide; and its corners, and its base, and its walls were of wood. And he said to me, "This is the table that is before Jehovah."
Жертвенник был деревянный в три локтя вышины и в два локтя длины; и углы его, и подножие его, и стенки его из дерева. И сказал он мне: “это трапеза, которая пред Господом”.
23 The temple and the sanctuary had two doors.
В храме и во святилище по две двери,
24 The doors had two leaves apiece, two turning leaves: two leaves for the one door, and two leaves for the other.
и двери сии о двух досках, обе доски подвижные, две у одной двери и две доски у другой;
25 There were made on them, on the doors of the temple, cherubim and palm trees, like as were made on the walls; and there was a threshold of wood on the face of the porch outside.
и сделаны на них, на дверях храма, херувимы и пальмы такие же, какие сделаны по стенам; а перед притвором снаружи был деревянный помост.
26 There were closed windows and palm trees on the one side and on the other side, on the sides of the porch: thus were the side-rooms of the house, and the thresholds.
И решетчатые окна с пальмами, по ту и другую сторону, были по бокам притвора и в боковых комнатах храма и на деревянной обшивке.

< Ezekiel 41 >