< Romans 8 >

1 There is, then, now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus, who walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit;
Ndi hinu, kawaka kuhamuliwa mbunu kwa vala vevawungini na Kilisitu Yesu.
2 for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus set me free from the law of sin and of death;
Muni, mukuwungana na Yesu Kilisitu, Malagizu ga Mpungu Msopi mweileta wumi kwa yinigombwili kuhuma mu malagizu ga kumbudila Chapanga na lifwa.
3 for what the Law was not able to do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God, His own Son having sent in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh,
Chapanga akitili lijambu lila langahotoleka kuhengeka na Muhilu ndava ya mnogo uhakau wetavelekiwi nawu, wewayikitili Malagizu genago kuvya ganyong'onyo. Chapanga amtumili Mwana waki ngamwene mweavi na higa ngati tete vetibuda, muni ahukumwayi kubuda, na kwa higa yaki yeniyo akakomekesa kubuda.
4 that the righteousness of the Law may be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
Chapanga akitili chenichi muni gala gegiganikiwa na Malagizu ga Musa gahengekayi mugati yitu neju, tete vetitama kwa makakala ga Mpungu Msopi ndi lepi kwa makakala ga mnogo uhakau wetivelekiwi nawu.
5 For those who are according to the flesh, mind the things of the flesh; and those according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit;
Muni, vala vevitama kulandana na mnogo uhakau wa wakuvelekewa nawu maholo gavi gitalaliwa na mnogo uhakau wenuwo. Nambu vala vevitama kulandana na uganu wa Mpungu Msopi, vitalaliwa na gala geigana Mpungu Msopi,
6 for the mind of the flesh [is] death, and the mind of the Spirit—life and peace;
maholo gegilongoswa na mnogo uhakau wakuvelekewa nawu weyileta lifwa, nambu uholalelu wewilongoswa na Mpungu Msopi uleta wumi na uteke.
7 because the mind of the flesh [is] enmity to God, for to the Law of God it does not subject itself,
Mundu, mweitalaliwa na maholo ga mnogo uhakau weavelikwi nawu ivya likoko wa Chapanga. Ndava muni ilanda lepi Malagizu ga Chapanga mewa akuyiyidakila lepi.
8 for neither is it able; and those who are in the flesh are not able to please God.
Vandu vevilongoswa na mnogo uhakau wa higa yeavelekiwi nayu nakuhotola kumganisa Chapanga.
9 And you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you; and if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ—this one is not His;
Nambu nyenye Mpungu wa Chapanga akatama mugati yinu yati mwilongoswa lepi na mnogo uhakau wa higa weavelekiwi nawu nambu mwilongoswa na mpungu. Ngati mundu yoyoha avi lepi na mpungu wa Kilisitu, mwenuyo lepi wa Kilisitu,
10 and if Christ [is] in you, the body, indeed, [is] dead because of sin, and the Spirit [is] life because of righteousness,
Nambu ngati Kilisitu avili mugati yinu, mpungu akuvapela wumi muni nyenye muvalangiwi ubwina palongolo ya Chapanga. Hati ngati higa yinu yati yifwa ndava ya kubuda nyenye mwakona mumi.
11 and if the Spirit of Him who raised up Jesus out of the dead dwells in you, He who raised up the Christ out of the dead will also quicken your dying bodies, through His Spirit dwelling in you.
Ngati Mpungu wa Chapanga mweamuyukisi Yesu kuhuma mulifwa itama mugati yinu, ndi mwenuyo mwamuyukisi Kilisitu mewawa yati akuiyukisa higa yinu yeyifwa. Yati ikita chenicho mu njila ya Mpungu waki wewitama mugati yinu.
12 So, then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh;
Hinu ndi, valongo vangu, tivii na lihengu, tiganikiwa lepi kutama ngati mnogo witu uhakau wetivelekiwi nawu chewigana titama.
13 for if according to the flesh you live, you are about to die; and if, by the Spirit, the deeds of the body you put to death, you will live;
Ndava muni, mukatama ngati higa cheyigana chakaka yati mwifwa. Nambu ngati mkagakoma matendu ginu gahakau mu njila ya Mpungu Msopi, yati mwivya muwumi.
14 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God;
Ndava muni voha vevilongoswa na Mpungu wa Chapanga ndi vana va Chapanga.
15 for you did not receive a spirit of bondage again for fear, but you received [the] Spirit of adoption in which we cry, “Abba! Father!”
Ndava muni, mwampokili lepi Mpungu mweakuvakita vavanda kangi mweakuvayogofya, nambu mwampokili Mpungu mweakuvakita vana va Chapanga. Ndi tikumkemela Chapanga “Aba,” Ndi mana yaki “Dadi!”
16 [This] One—the Spirit—testifies with our spirit, that we are children of God;
Mpungu wa Chapanga mwene iwungana na mpungu witu na ijova kuvya chakaka tete ndi tavana va Chapanga.
17 and if children, also heirs, heirs, indeed, of God, and heirs together of Christ—if, indeed, we suffer together, that we may also be glorified together.
Hinu, yikavya tete tavana vaki, ndi vahali va Chapanga yati tipokela vindu vyeativikili Chapanga pamonga na Kilisitu, muni tikang'aikayi pamonga nayu mewawa yati tihanganila nayu muukulu waki.
18 For I reckon that the sufferings of the present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory about to be revealed in us;
Nilola kuvya mang'ahiso ga lukumbi ulu lwa hinu katu chindu lepi ngati tiwanangisa na ukulu weugubukuliwa kwitu.
19 for the earnest looking out of the creation expects the revelation of the sons of God;
Viumbi vyoha vilindila kwa mnogo uvaha Chapanga avamanyisa vana vaki.
20 for to vanity was the creation made subject—not of its will, but because of Him who subjected [it]—in hope,
Ndava muni, viumbi vyoha vyabadiliswi na kuvya vyangali mana, lepi kwa kugana vyene nambu vyakitiwi kwa uganu wa Chapanga, Hati naha livii huvalila,
21 that also the creation itself will be set free from the servitude of the corruption to the liberty of the glory of the children of God;
muni viumbi na vyene yati vilekekeswa kuhuma mu uvanda wa kuhalibika, na viyingila muukulu wa kulekewa kwa vana va Chapanga.
22 for we have known that all the creation groans together, and travails in pain together until now.
Muni timanyili mbaka hinu, viumbi vyoha ving'ita kwa mvinisu ngati lipyanda la kuveleka mwana.
23 And not only [so], but also we ourselves, having the first-fruit of the Spirit, we also ourselves groan in ourselves, expecting adoption—the redemption of our body;
Nambu lepi viumbi vyenivyo ndu, hati tete vetivili na Mpungu mwenuyo, mweavili njombi ya kutumbula ya Chapanga, mewawa cha mugati ting'ita kwa lipyanda, tilindila kwa mnogo ligono lila Chapanga leakutigubukula tete kuvya vana vaki chakaka na kuying'anamusa higa zitu kuvya zamupya.
24 for in hope we were saved, and hope beheld is not hope; for what anyone beholds, why does he also hope for [it]?
Muni tisanguliwi nambu takona tivii na huvalila yeniyi. Nambu chindu chechihuvaliwi chakalolekana, lepi huvalila kavili. Ndi mundu yoki ihuvalila chindu chila cheavili nachu?
25 And if what we do not behold we hope for, through continuance we expect [it].
Ngati tikuchihuvalila chila tangachiwona, ndi tikuchilindila kwa kusindimala.
26 And in like manner also, the Spirit helps our weaknesses; for what we may pray for, as it is necessary, we have not known, but [this] One—the Spirit—makes intercession for us with unutterable groanings,
Mewawa, na mwene Mpungu Msopi akutitangatila mu kulenda kwitu. Muni timanyi lepi cheyiganikiwa tiyupayi, na Mpungu mwene akutiyupila tete kwa Chapanga kwa kung'ita kwa malovi gangajoveka.
27 and He who is searching the hearts has known what [is] the mind of the Spirit, because according to God He intercedes for holy ones.
Ni mwene Chapanga mweilola mbaka mumitima ya vandu, amanyili uholalelu lwa Mpungu, muni Mpungu akuvayupila vandu va Chapanga, kulandana na uganisu wa Chapanga.
28 And we have known that to those loving God all things work together for good, to those who are called according to purpose;
Chakaka timanyili mu mambu goha Chapanga ihenga lihengu kwa chiyonjokesu cha vala vevakumgana, vala vevakemeliwi kuhenga gala geigana mwene gahengekayi.
29 because whom He foreknew, He also foreordained, conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be firstborn among many brothers;
Muni avo Chapanga avamanyili kutumbula kadeni, ndi avahagwili vawananganayi na Mwana waki, muni mwana avyayi wa kutumbula pagati ya valongo vamahele.
30 and whom He foreordained, these also He called; and whom He called, these also He declared righteous; and whom He declared righteous, these also He glorified.
Ndi, vala Chapanga avahagwili, mewawa avakemili, na venavo veavakemili vabwina palongolo yaki na venavo vevakitili vabwina ndi akahanganila nawu muukulu waki.
31 What, then, will we say to these things? If God [is] for us, who [is] against us?
Pa genago goha, tijovayi kyani kangi? Ngati Chapanga avili upandi witu, yani mweihotola kutidivalila?
32 He who indeed did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him grant to us all things?
Chapanga amuhengili lepi lipyana hati mwana waki, ndi amuwusili ndava ya tavoha tete. Wu, ngati atipelili mwana waki wu, akutipela lepi waka mambu goha pamonga nayu?
33 Who will lay a charge against the chosen ones of God? God [is] He that is declaring righteous;
Yani mweakuvatakila vandu vahaguliwa va Chapanga? Chapanga mwene akuvawusila kuhoka!
34 who [is] he that is condemning? Christ [is] He that died, indeed, rather also, was raised up; who is also on the right hand of God—who also interceded for us.
Yani mwakuvahukumwa? Lepi Kilisitu Yesu! Muni Kilisitu Yesu ndi mweafwili, neju pa genago ayukili kuhuma lifwa na itama upandi wa kulyela wa Chapanga. Mwene yati akutiyupila kwa Chapanga!
35 Who will separate us from the love of the Christ? Tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
Yani mweihotola kutilekenganisa na uganu wa Kilisitu? Wu, mang'ahiso, amala mtahu amala mvinisu amala njala amala changali nyula amala kuyokiwa amala lifwa?
36 According as it has been written: “For Your sake we are put to death all the day long; we were reckoned as sheep of slaughter.”
Ngati Mayandiku Gamsopi chegijova, “Ndava yaku, titama mumtahu wa lifwa muhi mbaka kilu, tiwanangana ngati limbelele lelihamba kuhinjwa.”
37 But in all these we more than conquer, through Him who loved us;
Nambu mu mambu goha tete tihotola, kangi neju ya kuhotola kwa mwene mweatiganili.
38 for I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor messengers, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present,
Muni nene nimanyili chakaka kawaka chindu chechihotola kutilekanganisa na uganu wa Chapanga, lepi lifwa, amala wumi, lepi vamitumu va kunani kwa Chapanga, amala makakala, lepi vindu vya hinu amala vyevibwela,
39 nor things about to be, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God that [is] in Christ Jesus our Lord.
lepi gegavi kunani, amala gegavi pahi amala chochoha chechiwumbiwi chechihotola kutilekanganisa na uganu wa Chapanga weuvili witu mugati ya Kilisitu Yesu BAMBU witu.

< Romans 8 >