< Psalms 26 >

1 “Of David.” Judge me, O Lord; for I have indeed walked in my integrity: and in the Lord have I trusted; I shall not slip.
ヱホバよねがはくはわれを鞫きたまへわれわが完全によりてあゆみたり 然のみならず我たゆたはずヱホバに依賴めり
2 Try me, O Lord, and prove me; purify my reins and my heart.
ヱホバよわれを糺しまた試みたまへ わが腎とこころとを錬きよめたまへ
3 For thy kindness is before my eyes; and I have walked in thy truth.
そは汝のいつくしみわが眼前にあり 我はなんぢの眞理によりてあゆめり
4 I have not sat with men of falsehood, and with dissemblers will I not enter [in communion].
われは虚しき人とともに座らざりき 惡をいつはりかざる者とともにはゆかじ
5 I have hated the assemblage of evil-doers; and with the wicked will I not sit.
6 I will wash in innocency my hands, and I will compass thy altar, O Lord:
われ手をあらひて罪なきをあらはす ヱホバよ斯てなんぢの祭壇をめぐり
7 That I may publish with a loud voice [my] thanksgiving, and relate all thy wondrous deeds.
感謝のこゑを聞えしめ すべてなんぢの奇しき事をのべつたへん
8 Lord, I love the site of thy house, and the place where thy glory dwelleth.
9 Take not away with sinners my soul, nor with men of blood my life;
願くはわがたましひを罪人とともに わが生命を血をながす者とともに取收めたまふなかれ
10 In whose hands are wicked devices, and whose right hand is full of bribes.
かかる人の手にはあしきくはだてあり その右の手は賄賂にてみつ
11 But as for me, I will walk in my integrity: redeem me, and be gracious unto me.
12 My foot standeth on an even place: in assemblies will I bless the Lord.
わがあしは平坦なるところにたつ われもろもろの會のなかにてヱホバを讃まつらん

< Psalms 26 >