< Psalms 36 >

1 For the end, by David the servant of the Lord. The transgressor, that he may sin, says within himself, [that] there is no fear of God before his eyes.
Ya Mukulu wa Bayimbi. Zabbuli ya Dawudi. Nnina obubaka mu mutima gwange obukwata ku bwonoonyi bw’omukozi w’ebibi. N’okutya tatya Katonda.
2 For he has dealt craftily before him, to discover his iniquity and hate it.
Ye nga bw’alaba yeewaanawaana n’atasobola kutegeera oba okukyawa ekibi kye.
3 The words of his mouth are transgression and deceit: he is not inclined to understand [how] to do good.
Ebigambo ebiva mu kamwa ke biba bibi era nga bya bulimba; takyalina magezi era takyakola birungi.
4 He devises iniquity on his bed; he gives himself to every evil way; and does not abhor evil.
Ne ku kitanda kye afumiitiriza ebibi by’anaakola; amalirira okutambuliranga mu kkubo ekyamu, era ebitali bituufu tabyewala.
5 O Lord, your mercy is in the heaven; and your truth [reaches] to the clouds.
Okwagala kwo, Ayi Mukama, kutuuka ne ku ggulu; obwesigwa bwo butuuka ku bire.
6 Your righteousness is as the mountains of God, your judgments are as a great deep: O Lord, you will preserve men and beasts.
Obutuukirivu bwo bugulumivu ng’agasozi aganene, n’obwenkanya bwo buwanvu nnyo ng’ennyanja ennene ennyo. Ayi Mukama, olabirira abantu n’ebisolo.
7 How have you multiplied your mercy, O God! so the children of men shall trust in the shelter of your wings.
Okwagala kwo okutaggwaawo nga tekugeraageranyizika. Ab’ebitiibwa n’abatali ba bitiibwa baddukira mu biwaawaatiro byo.
8 They shall be fully satisfied with the fatness of your house; and you shall cause them to drink of the full stream of your delights.
Balya ku bingi eby’omu nnyumba yo ne bakkuta; obawa ebyokunywa by’omugga gwo ogwesiimisa.
9 For with you is the fountain of life: in your light we shall see light.
Kubanga gw’olina ensulo ey’obulamu, era gw’otwakiza omusana.
10 Extend your mercy to them that know you; and your righteousness to the upright in heart.
Yongeranga okwagala abo abakutegeera, era n’obutuukirivu bwo eri abo abalina emitima emirongoofu.
11 Let not the foot of pride come against me, and let not the hand of sinners move me.
Ab’amalala baleme okunninnyirira, wadde ababi okunsindiikiriza.
12 There have all the workers of iniquity fallen: they are cast out, and shall not be able to stand.
Laba, ababi nga bwe bagudde! Basuuliddwa wansi era tebasobola na ku golokokawo.

< Psalms 36 >