< Psalms 147 >

1 Alleluia, [a Psalm] of Aggaeus and Zacharias. Praise you the Lord: for psalmody is a good thing; let praise be sweetly sung to our God.
Hina Godema nodoma! Ninia Godema nodone gesami hea: mu da defea! Ema nodomu da noga: idafa amola moloidafa.
2 The Lord builds up Jerusalem; and he will gather together the dispersed of Israel.
Hina Gode da Yelusaleme ea hou bu hahamonana. E da mugululi asi dunu bu lale sala.
3 He heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds.
E da baligili da: i dioi dunu amo ilia dogo denesisa. E da ilia fofa: gi lala: gisa.
4 He numbers the multitudes of stars; and calls them all by names.
E da gasumuni ilia idi ilegei dagoi. Amola gasumuni afae afae ilia dio adosa.
5 Great is our Lord, and great is his strength; and his understanding is infinite.
Ninia Hina Gode da bagadedafa amola gasa bagadedafa. Ea asigi dawa: su amo afaega defemu da hamedei.
6 The Lord lifts up the meek; but brings sinners down to the ground.
E da fonoboi dunu wa: lesisa. Be wadela: i hamosu dunu, osoba banenesisa.
7 Begin [the song] with thanksgiving to the Lord; sing praises on the harp to our God:
Hina Godema nodone gesami hea: ma! Ninia Godema nodone sani baidama duma!
8 who covers the heaven with clouds, who prepares rain for the earth, who causes grass to spring up on the mountains, [[and green herb for the service of men; ]]
E da mu dedeboma: ne, mu mobi baila: lesisa. E da osobo bagadema gibu iaha. E da agologa, gisi heda: ma: ne hahamosa.
9 and gives cattle their food, and to the young ravens that call upon him.
E da ohe fi ilima ha: i manu iaha. Guimi mano da ga: sea, E da ilima ha: i manu iaha.
10 He will not take pleasure in the strength of a horse; neither is he well-pleased with the legs of a man.
E da gasa bagade hosi amola nimi bagade dadi gagui dunu amo hahawane hame ba: sa.
11 The Lord takes pleasure in them that fear him, and in all that hope in his mercy.
Be E da fonoboi dunu amo da Ema nodobe amola Ea mae fisili asigidafa hou dafawaneyale dawa: be, amo dunu E da hahawane ba: sa.
12 Alleluia, a Psalm of Aggaeus and Zacharias. Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem; praise your God, O Sion.
Yelusaleme fi! Hina Godema nodoma! Saione fi! Dilia Godema nodoma!
13 For he has strengthened the bars of your gates; he has blessed your children within you.
E da dilia logo ga: su gasa bagadewane dialoma: ne hamosa. E da dilia fi dunuma hahawane hamosa.
14 He makes your borders peaceful, and fills you with the flour of wheat.
E da dilia soge alaloa gaga: sa. E da dili sadima: ne, widi ha: i manu noga: idafa dilima iaha.
15 He sends his oracle to the earth: his word will run swiftly.
E da osobo bagadema hamoma: ne sia: sea, Ea sia: be liligi da hedolowane hamoi dagoi ba: sa.
16 He gives snow like wool: he scatters the mist like ashes.
E da mugene su, abula agoai baila: lesisa. Amola anegagi ofo gulu agoane dudulisisa.
17 Casting [forth] his ice like morsels: who shall stand before his cold?
E da mugene amo igi fofonobo agoane iasisa. E da anegagidafa eso iasisia, dunu afae da amo ganodini esalumu hamedei ba: sa.
18 He shall send out his word, and melt them: he shall blow [with] his wind, and the waters shall flow.
Amasea, E da amo hamoma: ne sia: sea, mugene ganumu da daeasa. E da fo iasisia, hano da ahoana.
19 He sends his word to Jacob, his ordinances and judgments to Israel.
E da sia: ne iasu amo Ea fi dunuma iaha. E da Ea sema amola hamoma: ne sia: i amo Isala: ili fi ilima iaha.
20 He has not done so to any [other] nation; and he has not shown them his judgments.
E da eno fifi asi gala ilima agoane hame hamosu. Eno fifi asi gala, ilia da Ea sema hame dawa: Hina Godema nodoma!

< Psalms 147 >