< Obdias 1 >

1 The vision of Obdias. Thus says the Lord God to Idumea; I have heard a report from the Lord, and he has sent forth a message to the nations.
Kuno kwe kwolesebwa kwa Obadiya. Mukama Ayinzabyonna kwe yamuwa ku bikwata ku nsi ya Edomu. Tuwulidde obubaka obuva eri Katonda, Katonda yaweereza omubaka eri amawanga n’obubaka buno nti, “Mugolokoke tulumbe Edomu tumulwanyise.”
2 Arise you, and let us rise up against her to war.
“Laba, ndibafuula aba wansi ennyo mu mawanga, era olinyoomererwa ddala.
3 Behold, I have made you small among the Gentiles: you are greatly dishonored. The pride of your heart has elated you, dwelling [as you do] in the holes of the rocks, [as one that] exalts his habitation, saying in his heart, Who will bring me down to the ground?
Mwelimbye n’amalala agali mu mitima gyammwe, mmwe abasula mu mpuku ez’omu njazi, era ne muzimba amaka gammwe waggulu ku njazi. Mmwe aboogera nti, ‘Ani alituwanulayo n’atussa wansi?’
4 If you should mount up as the eagle, and if you should make your nest among the stars, thence will I bring you down, says the Lord.
Wadde nga mwewanika waggulu ng’empungu era ne muzimba ebisu byammwe wakati w’emmunyeenye, ndibawanulayo ne mbasuula wansi,” bw’ayogera Mukama.
5 If thieves came in to you, or robbers by night, where would you have been cast away? would they not have stolen [just] enough for themselves? and if grape gatherers went in to you, would they not leave a gleaning?
“Singa ababbi babajjira, n’abanyazi ne babalumba ekiro, akabi nga kaba kabatuuseeko. Tebandibabbyeko byonna bye baagala? Oba singa abanozi b’emizabbibu bakujjiridde, tebandireseeko obuzabbibu butono nnyo?
6 How has Esau been searched out, and [how] have his hidden things been detected?
Esawu alinyagulurwa, eby’obugagga bye ebikusike birinyagibwa.
7 They sent you to your coasts: all the men of your covenant have withstood you; your allies have prevailed against you, they have set snares under you: they have no understanding.
Abaalagaana naawe balikusindiikiriza ku nsalo, Mikwano gyo balikulimbalimba ne bakuwangula; abo abalya emmere yo balikutega omutego, balikutega omutego kyokka toliguvumbula.
8 In that day, says the Lord, I will destroy the wise men out of Idumea, and understanding out of the mount of Esau.
“Ku lunaku olwo, sirizikiriza bagezi b’e Edomu, abantu ab’amagezi ababeera mu nsozi za Esawu?” bw’ayogera Mukama.
9 And your warriors from Thaeman shall be dismayed, to the end that man may be cut off from the mount of Esau.
“Abalwanyi bo abazira ggwe, Temani, balitya, era na buli muntu mu nsozi za Esawu alittibwa.
10 Because of the slaughter and the sin [committed against] your brother Jacob, shame shall cover you, and you shall be cut off for ever.
Olw’ebikolwa eby’obukambwe ebyo bye wakola muganda wo Yakobo, oliswazibwa. Olizikirizibwa n’otaddayo kuwulirwa.
11 From the day that you stood in opposition [to him], in the days when foreigners were taking captive his forces, and strangers entered into his gates, and cast lots on Jerusalem, you also was as one of them.
Ku lunaku lwe wayimirira ku bbali n’otofaayo, nga banyaga obugagga bwa Isirayiri, ne bannaggwanga ne bayingira mu miryango gye, ne bakuba obululu okulaba atwala Yerusaalemi, wali omu ku bo.
12 And you should not have looked on the day of your brother in the day of strangers; nor should you have rejoiced against the children of Juda in the day of their destruction; neither should you have boasted in the day of [their] affliction.
Tosaanye kusekerera muganda wo mu biseera bye eby’okulaba ennaku, wadde okusanyuka ku lunaku olw’okuzikirira kw’abantu ba Yuda, newaakubadde okwewaana ennyo ku lunaku lwe baatawaanyizibwa ennyo.
13 Neither should you have gone into the gates of the people in the day of their troubles; nor yet should you have looked upon their gathering in the day of their destruction, nor should you have attacked their host in the day of their perishing.
Temukumba nga muyita mu miryango gy’abantu bange ku lunaku kwe baalabira obuyinike, wadde okubasekerera ku lunaku kwe baabonaabonera, newaakubadde okutwala obugagga bwabwe ku lunaku lwe baatuukibwako akabi.
14 Neither should you have stood at the opening of their passages, to destroy utterly those of them that were escaping; neither should you have shut up his fugitives in the day of affliction.
Temulindira mu masaŋŋanzira okutta abo abadduka, wadde okuwaayo abawonyeewo mu biro eby’okulabiramu ennaku.
15 For the day of the Lord is near upon all the Gentiles: as you have done, so shall it be [done] to you: your recompense shall be returned on your [own] head.
“Olunaku luli kumpi kwe ndisalira amawanga gonna omusango. Nga bwe mwakola abalala, nammwe bwe mulikolebwa. Ebikolwa byammwe biribaddira.
16 For as you have drunk upon my holy mountain, [so] shall all the nations drink wine; they shall drink, and go down, and be as if they were not.
Ng’abantu bange bwe baanywa ekikompe eky’ekibonerezo ku lusozi lwange olutukuvu n’amawanga ageetooloddewo bwe galikinywa obutakoma; balikinywa, babe ng’abataganywangako.
17 But on mount Sion there shall be deliverance, and there shall be a sanctuary; and the house of Jacob shall take for an inheritance those that took them for an inheritance.
Naye ku Lusozi Sayuuni baliwona, kubanga lutukuvu, n’ennyumba ya Yakobo eritwala omugabo gwabwe.
18 And the house of Jacob shall be fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau [shall be] for stubble; and [Israel] shall flame forth against them, and shall devour them, and there shall not be a corn-field [left] to the house of Esau; because the Lord has spoken.
Ennyumba ya Yakobo eriba omuliro, n’ennyumba ya Yusufu olulimi olw’omuliro. Ennyumba ya Esawu eriba bisusunku, era baligyokya n’eggwaawo. Tewaliba muntu wa nnyumba ya Esawu n’omu alisigalawo, kubanga Mukama akyogedde.
19 And they [that dwell] in the south shall inherit the mount of Esau, and they in the plain the Philistines: and they shall inherit the mount of Ephraim, and the plain of Samaria, and Benjamin, and the land of Galaad.
“Abantu b’e Negebu balitwala olusozi Esawu, n’abantu ab’omu biwonvu balitwala ensi y’Abafirisuuti. Balyetwalira n’ennimiro ez’omu Efulayimu ne Samaliya, ne Benyamini ne yeetwalira Gireyaadi.
20 And this [shall be] the domain of the captivity of the children of Israel, the land of the Chananites as far as Sarepta; and the captives of Jerusalem [shall inherit] as far as Ephratha; they shall inherit the cities of the south.
Ekibiina ky’Abayisirayiri abaali mu buwaŋŋanguse e Kanani, balyetwalira ensi, okutuukira ddala ku Zalefaasi; abawaŋŋanguse abaava mu Yerusaalemi abali mu Sefalaadi, balyetwalira ebibuga mu Negebu.
21 And they that escape shall come up from mount Sion, to take vengeance on the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the Lord's.
Abanunuzi balyambuka ku Lusozi Sayuuni, okufuga ensozi za Esawu. Obwakabaka buliba bwa Mukama.”

< Obdias 1 >