< Leviticus 14 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Waaqayyo Museedhaan akkana jedhe;
2 This is the law of the leper: in whatever day he shall have been cleansed, then shall he be brought to the priest.
“Kun seera nama lamxii qabu tokkoof guyyaa inni itti qulqulleeffamuuf kennamee dha; namichi lubatti haa fidamu.
3 And the priest shall come forth out of the camp, and the priest shall look, and, behold, the plague of the leprosy is removed from the leper.
Lubni sun iddoo qubataa keessaa gad baʼee namicha haa qoru. Kunoo, yoo namichi lamxii qabu sun fayyee jiraate,
4 And the priest shall give directions, and they shall take for him that is cleansed two clean live birds, and cedar wood, and spun scarlet, and hyssop.
lubichi akka sababii namicha qulqulleeffamu sanaatiif simbirroonni lubbuu qaban qulqulluun lamaa fi mukni birbirsaa, kirriin bildiimaa fi hiisophiin fidaman haa ajaju.
5 And the priest shall give direction, and they shall kill one bird over an earthen vessel over running water.
Lubni sunis ergasii akka simbirroota sana keessaa isheen tokko bishaan yaaʼu kan okkotee keessa jiru irratti qalamtu haa ajaju.
6 And as for the living bird he shall take it, and the cedar wood, and the spun scarlet, and the hyssop, and he shall dip them and the living bird into the blood of the bird that was slain over running water.
Innis simbirroo lubbuu qabdu sana fuudhee muka birbirsaa, kirrii bildiimaa fi hiisophii wajjin dhiiga simbirroo bishaan yaaʼu irratti qalamte sanaa keessa haa cuuphu.
7 And he shall sprinkle seven times upon him that was cleansed of his leprosy, and he shall be clean; and he shall let go the living bird into the field.
Lubichi namicha lamxii irraa qulqulleeffamu sanatti yeroo torba faffacaasee akka inni qulqulluu taʼe haa labsu; ergasii simbirroo lubbuu qabdu sana dirreetti gad haa dhiisu.
8 and the man that has been cleansed shall wash his garments, and shall shave off all his hair, and shall wash himself in water, and shall be clean; and after that he shall go into the camp, and shall remain out of his house seven days.
“Namichi qulqulleeffamu sun uffata isaa miiccachuu, rifeensa isaa hunda haaddachuu fi dhagna isaa bishaaniin dhiqachuu qaba; akkasiin inni akka seeraatti qulqulluu taʼa. Ergasii iddoo qubataatti ol galuu dandaʼa; garuu bultii torba dunkaana isaatiin ala turuu qaba.
9 And it shall come to pass on the seventh day, he shall shave off all his hair, his head and his beard, and his eye-brows, even all his hair shall he shave; and he shall wash his garments, and wash his body with water, and shall be clean.
Guyyaa torbaffaattis rifeensa isaa hunda haaddachuu qaba; mataa isaa, areeda isaa, nyaara isaatii fi rifeensa isaa biraa haa haaddatu. Uffata isaas miiccatee dhagna isaa bishaaniin dhiqachuu qaba; innis ni qulqullaaʼa.
10 And on the eighth day he shall take two lambs without spot of a year old, and one ewe lamp without spot of a year old, and three-tenths of fine flour for sacrifice kneaded with oil, and one small cup of oil.
“Guyyaa saddeettaffaattis namichi sun korbeeyyii hoolaa kanneen hirʼina hin qabne lamaa fi hoolaa dhalaa waggaa tokkoo kan hirʼina hin qabne tokko, daakuu bullaaʼaa iifii tokkoo kan zayitiidhaan sukkuumame irraa harka kudhan keessaa harka sadii kan kennaa midhaaniitiif taʼuu fi zayitii loogii tokkoo haa fidu.
11 And the priest that cleanses shall present the man under purification, and these [offerings] before the Lord, at the door of the tabernacle of witness.
Lubni akka namichi qulqulluu taʼe labsu sun namicha qulqulleefamu sanaa fi kennaawwan isaa balbala dunkaana wal gaʼii irratti fuula Waaqayyoo duratti haa dhiʼeessu.
12 And the priest shall take one lamb, and offer him for a trespass-offering, and the cup of oil, and set them apart for a special offering before the Lord.
“Ergasiis lubichi korbeeyyii hoolaa sana keessaa tokko fuudhee aarsaa yakkaa godhee loogii zayitii tokko wajjin haa dhiʼeessu; innis aarsaa sochoofamu godhee fuula Waaqayyoo duratti haa sochoosu.
13 and they shall kill the lamb in the place where they kill the whole burnt offerings, and the sin-offerings, in the holy places; for it is a sin-offering: as the trespass-offering, it belongs to the priest, it is most holy.
Xobbaallaa hoolaa sanas iddoo aarsaan cubbuutii fi aarsaan gubamu itti qalamanitti haa qalu. Akkuma aarsaa cubbuu sana aarsaan yakkaas kan lubaa ti; aarsaan kun waan hunda caalaa qulqulluu dha.
14 And the priest shall take of the blood of the trespass-offering, and the priest shall put it on the tip of the right ear of the person under cleansing, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot.
Lubichis dhiiga aarsaa yakkaa sana irraa fuudhee fiixee gurra mirgaa namicha qulqulleeffamu sanaa, quba abbuudduu harka isaa mirgaatii fi quba abbuudduu miilla isaa mirgaa haa dibu.
15 And the priest shall take of the cup of oil, and shall pour it upon his own left hand.
Lubni sun zayitii loogii sana irraa fuudhee barruu harka isaa bitaatti haa naqu;
16 And he shall dip with the finger of his right hand [into] some of the oil that is in his left hand, and he shall sprinkle with his finger seven times before the Lord.
quba harka isaa mirgaas zayitii barruu harka isaa irra jiru keessa cuuphee quba isaatiin yeroo torba fuula Waaqayyoo duratti haa facaasu.
17 And the remaining oil that is in his hand, the priest shall put on the tip of the right ear of him that is under cleansing, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot, on the place of the blood of the trespass-offering.
Lubni sun zayitii barruu isaa irratti hafe irraa fuudhee fiixee gurra mirgaa namicha qulqulleeffamuu qabu sanaa, quba abbuudduu harka isaa mirgaatii fi quba abbuudduu miilla isaa mirgaa, dhiiga aarsaa yakkaa sana irratti dabalee haa dibu.
18 And the remaining oil that is on the hand of the priest, the priest shall put on the head of the cleansed [leper], and the priest shall make atonement for him before the Lord.
Lubichi zayitii barruu harka isaa irratti hafe immoo mataa namicha qulqulleeffamuu sanaatti naqee fuula Waaqayyoo duratti araara haa buusuuf.
19 And the priest shall sacrifice the sin-offering, and the priest shall make atonement for the person under purification [to cleanse him] from his sin, and afterwards the priest shall kill the whole burnt offering.
“Ergasiis lubichi aarsaa cubbuu dhiʼeessee namicha xuraaʼummaa ofii irraa qulqulleeffamu sanaaf araara haa buusu. Sana booddee lubni sun aarsaa gubamu haa qalu;
20 And the priest shall offer the whole burnt offering, and the sacrifice upon the altar before the Lord; and the priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be cleansed.
kanas kennaa midhaanii wajjin iddoo aarsaa irratti dhiʼeessee araara isaaf haa buusu; namichis qulqulluu taʼa.
21 And if he should be poor, and can’t afford so much, he shall take one lamb for his transgression for a separate-offering, so as to make propitiation for him, and a tenth deal of fine flour mingled with oil for a sacrifice, and one cup of oil,
“Taʼus namichi sun yoo hiyyeessa taʼee waan kana dhiʼeessuu hin dandeenye, akka sochoofamee araarri isaaf buufamuuf inni xobbaallaa hoolaa tokko aarsaa yakkaa godhee daakuu bullaaʼaa zayitiidhaan sukkuumame kan kennaa midhaaniitiif taʼu iifii tokko irraa harka kudhan keessaa harka tokko zayitii loogii tokko wajjin haa fidu;
22 and two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, as he can afford; and the one shall be for a sin-offering, and the other for a whole burnt offering.
akkasumas waan fiduu dandaʼu jechuunis gugee lama yookaan gugee sosookkee lama, tokko aarsaa cubbuutiif kaan immoo aarsaa gubamuuf haa fidu.
23 And he shall bring them on the eighth day, to purify him, to the priest, to the door of the tabernacle of witness before the Lord.
“Guyyaa saddeettaffaatti inni qulqullaaʼummaa isaatiif balbala dunkaana wal gaʼii irratti fuula Waaqayyoo duratti waan kana lubatti haa fidu.
24 And the priest shall take the lamb of the trespass-offering, and the cup of oil, and place them for a set-offering before the Lord.
Lubni sunis xobbaallaa hoolaa aarsaa yakkaa sana zayitii loogii tokko wajjin fuudhee aarsaa sochoofamu godhee fuula Waaqayyoo duratti haa sochoosu.
25 And he shall kill the lamb of the trespass-offering; and the priest shall take of the blood of the trespass-offering, and put it on the tip of the right ear of him that is under purification, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot.
Xobbaallaa hoolaa sanas aarsaa yakkaatiif qalee dhiiga isaa irraa fuudhee fiixee gurra mirgaa namicha qulqulleeffamu sanaa, quba abbuudduu harka isaa mirgaatii fi quba abbuudduu miilla isaa mirgaa haa dibu.
26 And the priest shall pour of the oil on his own left hand.
Lubichis zayitii sana irraa fuudhee barruu harka isaa bitaa irratti haa naqu;
27 And the priest shall sprinkle with the finger of his right hand some of the oil that is in his left hand seven times before the Lord.
quba harka isaa mirgaatiinis zayitii barruu isaa irra jiru sana irraa yeroo torba fuula Waaqayyoo duratti haa facaasu.
28 And the priest shall put of the oil that is on his hand on the tip of the right ear of him that is under purification, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot, on the place of the blood of the trespass-offering.
Zayitii barruu isaa irra jiru irraa fuudhee idduma dhiiga aarsaa yakkaa ittiin tuqe sana jechuunis fiixee gurra namicha qulqulleeffamu sanaa mirgaa, quba abbuudduu harka isaa mirgaatii fi quba abbuudduu miilla isaa mirgaa haa dibu.
29 And that which is left of the oil which is on the hand of the priest he shall put on the head of him that is purged, and the priest shall make atonement for him before the Lord.
Lubichis fuula Waaqayyoo duratti araara isaaf buusuuf zayitii barruu isaa irratti hafe sana mataa namicha qulqulleeffamu sanaa irratti haa naqu.
30 And he shall offer one of the turtledoves or of the young pigeons, as he can afford it,
Lubni sunis gugeewwan yookaan gugee sosookkee namichi dhiʼeessuu dandaʼu haa dhiʼeessu;
31 the one for a sin-offering, the other for a whole burnt offering with the meat-offering, and the priest shall make an atonement before the Lord for him that is under purification.
isaan kanneen keessaas tokko aarsaa cubbuutiif, kaan immoo aarsaa gubamuuf, kennaa midhaanii wajjin haa dhiʼeessu. Haala kanaanis lubichi namicha qulqulleeffamu sanaaf fuula Waaqayyoo duratti araara ni buusa.”
32 This is the law for him in whom is the plague of leprosy, and who can’t afford the offerings for his purification.
Kun seera nama lamxii qabaatee waan ittiin qulqulleeffamu baasuu hin dandeenyeef kennamee dha.
33 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,
Waaqayyos Musee fi Arooniin akkana jedhe;
34 Whenever you shall enter into the land of the Chananites, which I give you for a possession, and I shall put the plague of leprosy in the houses of the land of your possession;
“Yommuu isin biyya Kanaʼaan kan ani akka dhaalaatti isiniif kennu sana seentanii anis mana biyya sanaa keessaa tokkotti dhukkuba lamxii facaasutti,
35 then the owner of the house shall come and report to the priest, saying, I have seen as it were a plague in the house.
abbaan mana sanaa deemee, ‘Ani mana koo keessatti waan lamxii fakkaatu tokko argeera’ jedhee lubatti haa himu.
36 And the priest shall give orders to remove the furniture of the house, before the priest comes in to see the plague, and [thus] none of the things in the house shall become unclean; and afterwards the priest shall go in to examine the house.
Lubichis akka wanni mana sana keessa jiru tokko iyyuu xuraaʼaa dha jedhamee hin labsamneef utuu lamxii sana qoruuf ol hin seenin dura akka mana sana keessaa miʼi gad baafamu haa ajaju. Ergasii lubichi ol seenee manicha haa qoru.
37 And he shall look on the plague, and, behold, [if] the plague is in the walls of the house, [he will see] greenish or reddish cavities, and the appearance of them [will be] beneath the surface of the walls.
Innis lamxii keenyan manaa irra jiru haa qoru; yoo wanni sun dhooqa magariisa yookaan diimatu qabaatee keenyan manaa keessa gad seene,
38 And the priest shall come out of the house to the door of the house, and the priest shall separate the house seven days.
lubichi mana sana keessaa balbalaan gad baʼee bultii torbaaf mana sana haa cufu.
39 And the priest shall return on the seventh day and view the house; and, behold, [if] the plague is spread in the walls of the house,
Guyyaa torbaffaatti lubichi mana sana qoruuf haa deebiʼu. Kunoo yoo lamxiin sun keenyan manaa irratti babalʼatee jiraate,
40 then the priest shall give orders, and they shall take away the stones in which the plague is, and shall cast them out of the city into an unclean place.
lubichi akka dhagaawwan faalaman achi keessaa baafamanii lafa xuraaʼaa magaalaan ala jirutti gataman haa ajaju.
41 And they shall scrape the house within round about, and shall pour out the dust scraped off outside the city into an unclean place.
Akka keenyan mana sanaa karaa keessaatiin guutummaatti soqamee wanni irraa hooqame sunis lafa xuraaʼaa magaalaan ala jirutti gad gatamu haa godhu.
42 And they shall take other scraped stones, and put them in the place of the [former] stones, and they shall take other plaster and plaster the house.
Iddoo dhagaawwan sun hooqamanii baʼan sanas dhagaawwan haaraa fidanii iddoo haa buusan; dhoqqee haaraadhaanis manicha haa maragan.
43 And if the plague should return again, and break out in the house after they have taken away the stones and after the house is scraped, and after it has been plastered,
“Yoo lamxiin sun erga dhagaawwan baʼanii manichi hooqamee maragamee booddee deebiʼee mana keessatti mulʼate,
44 then the priest shall go in and see if the plague is spread in the house: it is a confirmed leprosy in the house, it is unclean.
lubichi dhaqee haa qoru; lamxiin sun kunoo yoo mana keessa babalʼatee jiraate, kun lamxii hamaa dha; manichis xuraaʼaa dha.
45 And they shall take down the house, and its timbers and its stones, and they shall carry out all the mortar without the city into an unclean place.
Manni sun haa diigamu; dhagaan isaa, mukni isaa akkasumas maraggiin isaa hundinuu lafa xuraaʼaa magaalaan ala jirutti haa gatamu.
46 And he that goes into the house at any time, during its separation, shall be unclean until evening.
“Namni yoo utuu manichi cufamee jiruu ol seene, namni sun hamma galgalaatti xuraaʼaa dha.
47 And he that sleeps in the house shall wash his garments, and be unclean until evening; and he that eats in the house shall wash his garments, and be unclean until evening.
Namni mana sana seenee rafe yookaan keessatti waa nyaate uffata isaa haa miiccatu.
48 and if the priest shall arrive and enter and see, and behold the plague be not at all spread in the house after the house has been plastered, then the priest shall declare the house clean, because the plague is healed.
“Garuu yoo lubni lamxii sana qoruudhaaf dhufee erga manichi maragamee booddee lamxiin sun babalʼachuu baate waan lamxiin sun badeef lubni sun akka manni sun qulqullaaʼe haa labsu.
49 And he shall take to purify the house two clean living birds, and cedar wood, and spun scarlet, and hyssop.
Innis manicha qulqulleessuuf simbirroo lama, muka birbirsaa, kirrii bildiimaa fi hiisophii haa dhiʼeessu.
50 And he shall kill one bird in an earthen vessel over running water.
Innis simbirroo sana keessaa tokko bishaan yaaʼu kan okkotee keessa jiru irratti haa qalu.
51 And he shall take the cedar wood, and the spun scarlet, and the hyssop, and the living bird; and shall dip it into the blood of the bird slain over running water, and with them he shall sprinkle the house seven times.
Ergasiis birbirsaa, hiisophii, kirrii bildiimaa fi simbirroo lubbuu qabdu sana fuudhee dhiiga simbirroo qalamtee fi bishaan yaaʼu keessa cuuphee yeroo torba mana sanatti haa facaasu.
52 and he shall purify the house with the blood of the bird, and with the running water, and with the living bird, and with the cedar wood, and with the hyssop, and with the spun scarlet.
Innis dhiiga simbirrootiin, bishaan yaaʼuun, simbirroo jirtuun, birbirsaan, hiisophii fi kirrii bildiimaadhaan manicha haa qulqulleessu.
53 And he shall let the living bird go out of the city into the field, and shall make atonement for the house, and it shall be clean.
Simbirroo jirtuu immoo magaalaan alatti baasee dirreetti gad haa dhiisu. Haala kanaanis manichaaf araara buusa; manichis ni qulqullaaʼa.”
54 This [is] the law concerning every plague of leprosy and scurf,
Kun seera dhukkuba lamxiitii fi hooqxoodhaaf,
55 and of the leprosy of a garment, and of a house,
lamxii wayyaa irratti yookaan mana keessatti mulʼatuuf,
56 and of a sore, and of a clear spot, and of a shining one,
iitoodhaaf, finniisaaf yookaan baaroleedhaaf,
57 and of declaring in what day it is unclean, and in what day it shall be purged: this [is] the law of the leprosy.
akka wanni tokko qulqulluu yookaan xuraaʼaa taʼe addaan baasuuf kennamee dha. Kun seera lamxiidhaaf kennamee dha.

< Leviticus 14 >