< Joshua 2 >

1 And Joshua the son of Naue sent out of Sattin two young men to spy [the land], saying, Go up and view the land and Jericho: and the two young men went and entered into Jericho; and they entered into the house of a harlot, whose name [was] Raab, and lodged there.
Ilia da Aga: isia sogebi abula diasu gilisisu ganodini esalu. Amalalu, Yosiua da desega ahoasu dunu aduna asunasi. E da ela da wamowane Ga: ina: ne soge amola baligili Yeligou moilai bai bagade, amo hou ba: la masa: ne sia: i. Yeligou moilai bai bagadega doaga: le, ela da wadela: i hamosu uda (hina: da: i bidi lasu uda) ea dio amo La: iha: be, amo ea diasu ganodini gasi afadafa midi.
2 An it was reported to the king of Jericho, saying, Men of the sons of Israel have come in hither to spy the land.
Yeligou Hina bagade da amo gasia, Isala: ili dunu da ilia soge desega ba: la misi, amo sia: ne iasu nabi dagoi.
3 And the king of Jericho sent and spoke to Raab, saying, Bring out the men that entered into your house this night; for they are come to spy out the land.
Amaiba: le, e da La: iha: bema amane sia: si, “Dunu dia diasuga esala da ninia soge desega misi. Amo dunu, gadili oule misa.”
4 And the woman took the two men and hid them; and she spoke to the messengers, saying, The men came in to me,
Be La: iha: be da amane sia: i, “Dafawane! Dunu da na diasuga misi dagoi. Be ilia da habidili misi na da hame dawa: i galu. Eso dabe amoga moilai bai bagade logo ga: su da hame ga: si galu, amo dunu da fisili asi. Ilia masunu soge nama hame adoi. Be dilia da ilima hedolo fa: no bobogesea, afugili lamu.” (Be La: iha: be da desega ahoasu dunu ea diasu gadodili saga: ligisisu bi amo hagudu wamoaligi.)
5 but when the gate was shut in the evening, the men went out; I know not whither they are gone: follow after them, if you may overtake them.
6 But she [had] brought them up upon the house, and hid them in the flax-stalks that were spread by her on the house.
7 And the men followed after them in the way to Jordan to the fords; and the gate was shut.
Hina bagade ea hawa: hamosu dunu da moilai bai bagade fisili amalalu logo da ga: si dagoi ba: i. Ilia da Isala: ili desega ahoasu dunu hogomusa: , logoga ahoanoba, logo da Yodane Hano degesu amoga doaga: i dagoiba: le fawane yolesi.
8 And it came to pass when the men who pursued after them were gone forth, and before the spies had lain down to sleep, that she came up to them on the top of the house;
Desega ahoasu dunu da golamusa: dawa: i be hidadea La: iha: be da diasu gado amoga heda: le,
9 and she said to them, I know that the Lord has given you the land; for the fear of you has fallen upon us.
elama amane sia: i, “Hina Gode da amo soge dilima i amo na dawa: Dunu huluane na soge ganodini da diliba: le bagade beda: i.
10 For we have heard that the Lord God dried up the Red Sea before you, when you came out of the land of Egypt, and all that he did to the two kings of the Amorites, who were beyond Jordan, to Seon and Og, whom you utterly destroyed.
Hina Gode da dili Idibidi sogega fisili masa: ne gadili oule asili, dilia midadi Maga: me Hano Wayabo hafoga: i dagoi amo ninia nabi. Ninia nabi dilia da A: moulaide hina bagade aduna Yodane eso mabadi la: idi, amo Saihone amola Oge medole legei.
11 And when we heard it we were amazed in our heart, and there was no longer any spirit in any of us because of you, for the Lord your god [is] God in heaven above, and on the earth beneath.
Dilia hou nababeba: le, ninia da bagadewane beda: i. Diliba: le, ninia gasa huluane fisi dagoi ba: i. Dilia Hina Gode da Hebene amola osobo bagade amoma Hinadafa esala.
12 And now swear to me by the Lord God; since I deal mercifully with you, so do you also deal mercifully with the house of my father:
Wali, Hina Gode Ea Dioba: le, alia da na alima asigi hou defele, alia da na sosogo fi ilima asigima: ne ilegele sia: ma. Amola na da alia sia: dafawaneyale dawa: ma: ne, dawa: digima: ne olelesu nama ima.
13 and save alive the house of my father, my mother, and my brethren, and all my house, and all that they have, and you shall rescue my soul from death.
Dilia da na ada, na ame, na olalali, na dalusi huluane amola ilia sosogo fi huluane, amo dilia da gaga: ma: ne ilegele sia: ma. Nini mae medole legema.
14 And the men said to her, Our life for yours [even] to death: and she said, When the Lord shall have delivered the city to you, you shall deal mercifully and truly with me.
Desega ahoasu dunu da bu adole i, “Defea! Di da hame bogomu. Di da ania esalusu anima iba: le, ania da dilia esalusu dabe agoane imunu. Di da dunu eno ania hou hamedafa adosea, Hina Gode da amo soge ninima iasea, ani da dafawane ilegele sia: sa, di da se hame nabimu.”
15 And she let them down by the window;
La: iha: be da diasu amo moilai bai bagade gagoi gadodili gagui galu. Amaiba: le, e da fo misa: ne agenesi doasili, desega ahoasu dunu aduna efega bagele, osoboga sanasi.
16 and she said to them, Depart into the hill-country, lest the pursuers meet you, and you shall be hidden there three days until your pursuers return from after you, and afterwards you shall depart on your way.
E amane sia: i, “Hina bagade ea hawa: hamosu dunu da ali ba: sa: besa: le, agolo sogega masa. Amogawi, eso udiana amoga wamoaligili, hogosu dunu da guiguda: bu misi dagoiba: le, bu masa.”
17 And the men said to her, We are clear of this your oath.
Desega ahoasu dunu da ema amane sia: i, “Ania dima dafawane sia: i amo ania da hame gogolemu.
18 Behold, we shall enter into a part of the city, and you shall set a sign; you shall bind this scarlet cord in the window, by which you have let us down, and you shall bring in to yourself, into your house, your father, and your mother, and your brethren, and all the family of your father.
Di agoane hamoma. Ninia da dia soge doagala: sea, amo fo misa: ne agenesi di da ani sanasi, amoga amo yoi efe bagesima. Dia ada, ame, yolalali amola dia sosogo fi huluane, amo dia diasu ganodini gilisima: ne sia: ma.
19 And it shall come to pass that whoever shall go outside the door of your house, his guilt shall be upon him, and we shall be quit of this your oath; and we will be responsible for all that shall be found with you in your house.
Be nowa da diasu gadili ahoasea, ea bogosu da hi hamoiba: le bogoi ba: mu - ninia hame. Be nowa da dia diasu ganodini sali ba: sea amo bogosea, amo bogoi da ninima dabe lamu agoai galebe.
20 But if any one should injure us, or betray these our matters, we shall be quit of this your oath.
Be, di da amo hou eno dunuma olelesea, defea, ninia amo ilegele sia: i fisili, di hame gaga: mu.”
21 And she said to them, Let it be according to your word; and she sent them out, and they departed.
La: iha: be da ela sia: i hahawane naba ba: lalu, ela asunasi. Ela da asi dagoloba, e da yoi efe, amo ea fo misa: ne agenesi amoga bagesi dagoi.
22 And they came to the hill-country, and remained there three days; and the pursuers searched all the roads, and found them not.
Desega ahoasu dunu da agolo sogega asili, wamoaligi.
23 And the two young men returned, and came down out of the mountain; and they went over to Joshua the son of Naue, and told him all things that had happened to them.
Yeligou hina bagade ea hawa: hamosu dunu da eso udianaga ela hogolalu be hame ba: beba: le, Yeligou diasuga buhagi. Amalalu, desega ahoasu dunu aduna da agolo soge fisili, hano degele, Yosiua ema buhagi. Ela da elama doaga: i hou huluane amo Yosiuama olelei.
24 And they said to Joshua, The Lord has delivered all the land into our power, and all the inhabitants of that land tremble because of us.
Amalalu ela amane sia: i, “Hina Gode da amo soge huluane ninima i dagoi, amo ania da dafawaneyale dawa: be. Dunu huluane amo ganodini esala da niniba: le bagadewane beda: i.”

< Joshua 2 >