< Job 3 >

1 After this Job opened his mouth, and cursed his day,
Kana irratti Iyyoob afaan isaa banatee guyyaa itti dhalate abaare.
2 saying,
Innis akkana jedhe:
3 Let the day perish in which I was born, and that night in which they said, Behold a boy!
“Guyyaan ani itti dhaladhe haa badu; halkan, ‘Ilmi dhalate!’ jedhame sunis haa badu.
4 Let that night be darkness, and let not the Lord regard it from above, neither let light come upon it.
Guyyaan sun haa dukkanaaʼu; Waaqni ol gubbaadhaa isa hin ilaalin; ifnis itti hin ifin.
5 But let darkness and the shadow of death seize it; let blackness come upon it;
Dukkannii fi gaaddidduun guddaan isa haa dhaalan; duumessi isa irra haa buʼu; ifa isaa dukkanni haa liqimsu.
6 let that day and night be cursed, let darkness carry them away; let it not come into the days of the year, neither let it be numbered with the days of the months.
Halkan sana dukkanni limixiin haa qabatu; guyyoota waggaa keessa jiranittis hin dabalamin yookaan jiʼoota kam iyyuu keessatti hin lakkaaʼamin.
7 But let that night be pain, and let not mirth come upon it, nor joy.
Halkan sun haa maseenu; ililleenis keessatti hin dhagaʼamin.
8 But let him that curses that day curse it, [even] he that is ready to attack the great whale.
Warri Lewaataanin kakaasuuf qophaaʼan, kanneen guyyoota abaaran guyyaa sana haa abaaran.
9 Let the stars of that night be darkened; let it remain [dark], and not come into light; and let it not see the morning star arise:
Bakkalchi barii kan guyyaa sanaa haa dukkanaaʼu; ifa eeggatee haa dhabu; boruu baqaqus hin argin.
10 because it shut not up the gates of my mother's womb, for [so] it would have removed sorrow from my eyes.
Inni ija koo duraa rakkina dhoksuuf, balbala gadameessa haadha kootii natti hin cufneetii.
11 For why died I not in the belly? and [why] did I not come forth from the womb and die immediately?
“Ani maaliif gadameessa haadha kootii keessatti hin badin? Maaliifis yeruman garaa keessaa baʼetti hin duʼin?
12 and why did the knees support me? and why did I suck the breasts?
Jilbawwan na simatan, harmawwan ani hodhus maaliif achitti argaman?
13 Now I should have lain down and been quiet, I should have slept and been at rest,
Ani silaa yoona nagaan nan ciisa; rafees nan boqodhan tureetii;
14 with kings [and] councillors of the earth, who gloried in [their] swords;
moototaa fi gorsitoota addunyaa warra iddoowwan amma diigamanii jiran ofii isaaniitiif qopheeffatan wajjin,
15 or with rulers, whose gold was abundant, who filled their houses with silver:
bulchitoota warqee qaban, kanneen manneen isaanii meetiidhaan guutatan wajjin nan boqodhan ture.
16 or [I should have been] as an untimely birth proceeding from his mother's womb, or as infants who never saw light.
Yookaan ani maaliifin akkuma mucaa duʼee garaa baʼee, akkuma daaʼima ifa guyyaa hin arginiitti hin awwaalamin?
17 There the ungodly have burnt out the fury of rage; there the wearied in body rest.
Achittis namoonni hamoonni jeequu ni dhiisu; dadhaboonnis achitti ni boqotu.
18 And the men of old time have together ceased to hear the exactor's voice.
Boojiʼamtoonni nagaadhaan walii wajjin jiraatu; waca cunqursitoota isaaniis hin dhagaʼan.
19 The small and great are there, and the servant that feared his lord.
Xinnaa fi guddaan achi jira; garbichis gooftaa isaa jalaa bilisoomeera.
20 For why is light given to those who are in bitterness, and life to those souls which are in griefs?
“Maaliif warra gadadoo keessa jiraniif ifni warra lubbuun isaanii gadditeef immoo jireenyi kennama?
21 who desire death, and obtain it not, digging [for it] as [for] treasures;
Warra duʼa hawwanii dhabaniif warra qabeenya dhokfame caalaa duʼa barbaadaniif
22 and would be very joyful if they should gain it?
warra yommuu awwaalamuu gaʼanitti gammachuun guutamanii ililchaniif jireenyi maaliif kennama?
23 Death [is] rest to [such] a man, for God has hedged him in.
Nama karaan isaa duraa dhokateef nama Waaqni dallaa itti marse jireenyi maaliif kennama?
24 For my groaning comes before my food, and I weep being beset with terror.
Gaddi buddeena naa taʼeera; aaduun koos akka bishaanii dhangalaʼa.
25 For the terror of which I meditated has come upon me, and that which I had feared has befallen me.
Wanni ani sodaadhe natti dhufeera; wanni na naasisus narra gaʼeera.
26 I was not at peace, nor quiet, nor had I rest; yet wrath came upon me.
Ani nagaa hin qabu; tasgabbiis hin qabu; jeequmsa malee boqonnaa hin qabu.”

< Job 3 >