< Job 25 >

1 Then Baldad the Sauchite answered and said,
Bilida: de da amane sia: i,
2 What beginning or fear is his—even he that makes all things in the highest?
“Gode da gasa bagadedafa! Dunu huluanedafa da Ema beda: mu da defea. E da Ea Hebene Hinadafa Hou olofolewane ouligilala.
3 For let none think that there is a respite for robbers: and upon whom will there not come a snare from him?
Dunu afae da a: igele dunu amo da Ema hawa: hamonana, amo idima: ne, dunu afae da defele esalala: ? Hame mabu! Soge afae amoga Gode Ea hadigi amoga hame diga: i da ganabela: ? Hame mabu!
4 For how shall a mortal be just before the Lord? or who that is born of a woman shall purify himself?
Dunu afae da Ea siga ba: ma: ne, moloidafa esalabala? Hame mabu!
5 If he gives an order to the moon, then it shines not; and the stars are not pure before him.
Gode Ea siga ba: ma: ne, oubi amolawane da gugumi gala. Amola gasumuni da fofoloi hame ba: sa.
6 But alas! man is corruption, and the son of man a worm.
Amaiba: le, E da osobo bagade dunu habodane ba: ma: bela: ? Dunu da daba: amola sage agoai ba: sa. Gode Ea siga ba: sea, dunu ea esalusu da haboda: i ganabela: ?”

< Job 25 >