< Jeremias 37 >

Nebukadnezar mootichi Baabilon Zedeqiyaa ilma Yosiyaas mootii Yihuudaa taasise; innis iddoo Yehooyaakiin ilma Yehooyaaqiim buʼee mootii taʼe.
2 Thus speaks the Lord God of Israel, saying, Write all the words which I have spoken to you in a book.
Garuu inni yookaan tajaajiltoonni isaa yookaan sabni biyya sanaa dubbii Waaqayyo karaa Ermiyaas raajichaatiin dubbate sana hin qalbeeffanne.
3 For, behold, the days come, says the Lord, when I will bring back the captivity of my people Israel and Juda, said the Lord: and I will bring them back to the land which I gave to their fathers, and they shall be lords of it.
Taʼus Zedeqiyaa mootichi, “Maaloo Waaqayyo Waaqa keenya nuu kadhadhu” jedhee Yehuukal ilma Shelemiyaatii fi Sefaaniyaa lubicha ilma Maʼaseyaa gara Ermiyaas raajichaatti erge.
Ermiyaas waan yeroo sanatti mana hidhaatti hin galfaminiif sodaa malee saba gidduu ni deddeebiʼa ture.
5 Thus said the Lord: You shall hear a sound of fear, [there is] fear, and there is not peace.
Loltoonni Faraʼoon Gibxii baʼanii turan; Baabilononni Yerusaalemin marsanii turanis yommuu waan kana dhagaʼanitti Yerusaalemin dhiisanii baʼan.
6 Enquire, and see if a male has born a child? and [ask] concerning the fear, wherein they shall hold their loins, and [look for] safety: for I have seen every man, and his hands are on his loins; [their] faces are turned to paleness.
Kana irratti dubbiin Waaqayyoo akkana jedhee gara Ermiyaas raajichaa dhufe:
7 For that day is great, and there is not such [another]; and it is a time of straitness to Jacob; but he shall be saved out of it.
“Waaqayyo, Waaqni Israaʼel akkana jedha: Mooticha Yihuudaa isa akka isin waa na gaafattaniif isin erge sanaan akkana jedhaa; ‘Loltoonni Faraʼoon kanneen isin gargaaruuf dhufan sun gara biyya isaanii, gara Gibxitti ni deebiʼu.
8 In that day, said the Lord, I will break the yoke off their neck, and will burst their bonds, and they shall no longer serve strangers:
Ergasii Baabilononni deebiʼanii magaalaa kana ni dhaʼu; ni qabatu; ni gubus.’
9 but they shall serve the Lord their God; and I will raise up to them David their king.
“Waaqayyo akkana jedha: ‘Baabilononni dhugumaan nu dhiisanii deemu’ jettanii yaaduudhaan of hin gowwoomsinaa; isaan hin deemaniitii!
Utuu isin loltoota Baabilonotaa kanneen isin lolaa jiran kana hunda moʼattanii warri madaaʼan qofti dunkaana isaanii keessatti hafanii iyyuu isaan gad baʼanii magaalaa kana ni gubu.”
Erga loltoonni Baabilonotaa sababii waraana Faraʼooniif jedhanii Yerusaalemin dhiisanii baʼanii as,
12 Thus says the Lord; I have brought on [you] destruction; your stroke is painful.
Ermiyaas saba achi jiraatu keessaa qooda qabeenyaa kan isa gaʼu argachuuf jedhee Yerusaalemii kaʼee biyya Beniyaam dhaqe.
13 There is none to judge your cause: you have been painfully treated for healing, there is no help for you.
Garuu yeroo inni karra Beniyaam bira gaʼetti Yiriyaan ilmi Shelemiyaa, ilmi Hanaaniyaa itti gaafatamaan eegumsaa sun, “Ati gara Baabilonotaatti sokkaa jirta!” jedhee Ermiyaas raajicha qabee hidhe.
14 All your friends have forgotten you; they shall not ask [about you] at all, for I have struck you with he stroke of an enemy, [even] severe correction: your sins have abounded above all your iniquity.
Ermiyaas immoo, “Kun dhugaa miti! Ani gara Baabilonotaatti sokkuutti hin jiru” jedhe. Yiriyaan garuu isa dhagaʼuu dide; qooda kanaa Ermiyaasin qabee qondaaltotatti dhiʼeesse.
15 Your sins have abounded beyond the multitude of your iniquities, [therefore] they have done these things to you. Therefore all that devour you shall be eaten, and all your enemies shall eat all their [own] flesh.
Isaanis Ermiyaasitti aaranii isa tuman; mana Yoonaataan barreessaa sanaa kan mana hidhaa godhatan sana keessatti isa hidhan.
16 And they that spoil you shall become a spoil, and I will give up to be plundered all that have plundered you.
Ermiyaasis kutaa mana boollaa keessa buufame; achis yeroo dheeraa ture.
17 For I will bring about your healing, I will heal you of your grievous wound, says the Lord; for you are called Dispersed: she is your prey, for no one seeks after her.
Ergasii Zedeqiyaa Mootichi nama itti ergee gara masaraa ofii isaatti isa fichisiise. Achittis kophaatti baasee, “Dubbiin Waaqayyo biraa dhufe tokko iyyuu jiraa?” jedhee isa gaafate. Ermiyaasis, “Eeyyee; ati dabarfamtee mootii Baabiloniitti ni kennamta” jedhee deebise.
18 Thus said the Lord; Behold, I will turn the captivity of Jacob, and will have pity upon his prisoners; and the city shall be built upon her hill, and the people shall settle after their manner.
Ergasiis Ermiyaas, Zedeqiyaas mootichaan akkana jedhe; “Ani sitti yookaan qondaaltota keetti yookaan saba kanatti balleessaa maalii hojjennaan isin mana hidhaa keessa na buuftan?
19 And there shall go forth from them singers, [even] the sound of men making merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not at all be diminished.
Raajonni kee warri, ‘Mootiin Baabilon siʼi yookaan biyya kana hin lollu’ jedhanii raajii siif dubbatan sun eessa jiru?
20 And their sons shall go in as before, and their testimonies shall be established before me, and I will visit them that afflict them.
Amma garuu gooftaa koo yaa mootichaa, maaloo na dhagaʼi. Ani iyyata koo fuula kee duratti nan dhiʼeeffadhaatii, mana Yoonaataan barreessaa sanaatti deebiftee na hin ergin; yoo ati na ergite ani achumatti duʼaatii.”
21 And their mighty ones shall be over them, and their prince shall proceed of themselves; and I will gather them, and they shall return to me: for who is this that has set his heart to return to me? says the Lord.
Kana irratti Zedeqiyaa Mootichi akka Ermiyaas oobdii eegumsaa keessa kaaʼamuu fi akka isaan hamma buddeenni magaalaa sanaa dhumutti guyyaa guyyaatti buddeena tokko tokko warra buddeena tolchan irraa fuudhanii isaaf kennan ajaje. Akkasiin Ermiyaas oobdii eegumsaa keessa ture.
23 For the wrathful anger of the lord has gone forth, [even] a whirlwind of anger has gone forth: it shall come upon the ungodly.
24 The fierce anger of the Lord shall not return, until he shall execute [it], and until he shall establish the purpose of his heart: in the latter days you shall know these things.

< Jeremias 37 >