< Esias 66 >

1 Thus says the Lord, Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: what kind of a house will you build me? and of what kind [is to be] the place of my rest?
Hina Gode da amane sia: sa, “Hebene da Na Fisu gala. Amola osobo bagade da Na emo osa: sisu. Amaiba: le, dilia da habodili diasu amo ganodini Na esaloma: ne gaguma: bela: ?
2 For all these things are mine, says the Lord: and to whom will I have respect, but to the humble and meek, and the [man] that trembles [at] my words?
Na Nisu da osobo bagade amola mu huluane hahamoi dagoi. Nowa dunu da ilia hou fonobosa amola Nama sinidigili, Nama beda: i gala amola Na sia: naba, amo dunuma Na da hahawane gala.
3 But the transgressor that sacrifices a calf to me, is as he that kills a dog; and he that offers fine flour, as [one that offers] swine's blood; he that gives frankincense for a memorial, is as a blasphemer. Yet they have chosen their own ways, and their soul has delighted in their abominations.
Be dunu fi ilia nodone sia: ne gadosu hou da wadela: idafa. Ilia da bulamagau medole legele gobele sala amo defele dunu medole legele gobele sala. Ilia da sibi mano gobele salasu defele, wa: me ea galogoaga fisa. Ilia gagoma iasu defele gebo ea maga: me iaha. Ilia da ogogosu loboga hamoi ‘gode’ liligi ilima sia: ne gadosa amola gabusiga: manoma gobesisa. Ilia da hahawane wadela: idafa nodone sia: ne gadosu hou hamosa.
4 I also will choose their mockeries, and will recompense their sins upon them; because I called them, and they did not listen to me; I spoke, and they heard not: and they did evil before me, and chose the things wherein I delighted not.
Amaiba: le, Na da ili gugunufinisimu. Liligi amoga ilia beda: i amoga ili gugunufinisimu. Bai Na da ilima misa: ne wele sia: beba: le, ilia da hame misi, amola Na da ilima sia: beba: le, ilia da Na sia: nabimu higa: i galu. Ilia da Na sia: i mae nabima: ne, amola wadela: i hou hamoma: ne, ilegei dagoi.”
5 Hear the words of the Lord, you that tremble at his word; speak you, our brethren, to them that hate you and abominate you, that the name of the Lord may be glorified, and may appear their joy; but they shall be ashamed.
Dilia dunu amo da Godema beda: i amola Ea sia: naba, dilia! Hina Gode Ea sia: nabima, “Dilia fidafa dunu mogili da dili higasa amola dilima gilisimu higasa. Bai dilia Nama molole fa: no bobogesa. Ilia da dilima oufesega: le, amane sia: sa, ‘Hina Gode da Ea gasa bagade hou olelemu amola dili gaga: mu da defea. Amasea, dilia hahawane hou ninia ba: mu.’ Be ilisu da gogosiasu ba: mu.”
6 A voice of a cry from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of the Lord rendering recompence to [his] adversaries.
Nabima! Ga: bagade moilai amola Debolo diasu ganodini nabima! Amo da Hina Gode da Ea ha lai dunu ilima se iaha.
7 Before she that travailed brought forth, before the travail-pain came on, she escaped [it] and brought forth a male.
Hina Gode da amane sia: sa, “Na hadigi moilai bai bagade da uda amo da hedolodafa mano lalelegesa be sega gawialasu hame hamosa, agoaiwane gala.
8 Who has heard such a thing? and who has seen after this manner? Has the earth travailed in one day? or has even a nation been born at once, that Sion has travailed, and brought forth her children?
Dunu afae da musa: amo hou ba: bela: ? o nabibala: ? Fifi asi gala afae da eso afadafa amoga lalelegebela: ? Be Saione da fonobahadi fawane se nabalu, Isala: ili fifi asi da lalelegei dagoi ba: mu.
9 But I have raised this expectation, yet you have not remembered me, says the Lord: behold, have not I made the bearing and barren woman? says your God.
Dilia adi dawa: bela: ? Na da Na fi fidisia, ilia lalelegemu gadenesea, ilia lalelegemu logo Na da ga: ma: bela: ? Hame mabu! Ilia da lalelegemu,” Hina Gode da amane sia: i.
10 Rejoice, O Jerusalem, and all you that love her hold in her a general assembly: rejoice greatly with her, all that [now] mourn over her:
Nowa da Yelusaleme amoma asigi galea, wali e amola gilisili hahawane hamoma. Dilia da ea dafai eso amoga, ema asigiba: le, dinanu. Be wali, e da wa: legadomuba: le, hahawane ba: mu.
11 that you may suck, and be satisfied with the breast of her consolation; that you may milk out, and delight yourselves with the influx of her glory.
E da bu bagade gagui ba: muba: le, dilia da mano ea: mea dodo nabeba: le, hahawane gala, amo defele hahawane ba: mu.
12 For thus says the Lord, Behold, I turn toward them as a river of peace, and as a torrent bringing upon them in a flood the glory of the Gentiles: their children shall be borne upon the shoulders, and comforted on the knees.
Hina Gode da amane sia: sa, “Na da dilima bagade gagui hou imunu, amola amo hou da dialumu. Fifi asi gala ilia liligi da hano amo hafoga: su hame dawa: defele, dilima manebe ba: mu. Dilia da mano amo ea: me da ema dodo maga: me iaha amola ouga: ne, ema asigi bagade hamosa, dilia da amo mano agoaiwane ba: mu.
13 As if his mother should comfort one, so will I also comfort you; and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
Eme da ea mano dogo denesima: ne hamosa, amo defele Na da Yelusaleme ganodini, dilia dogo denesimu.
14 And you shall see, and your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall thrive like grass: and the hand of the Lord shall be known to them that fear him, and he shall threaten the disobedient.
Dilia amo hou ba: sea, hahawane ba: mu. Amola Na da dilima amo hou hamomuba: le, dilia da gasa bagade amola oloi hame gala ba: mu. Amasea, dilia da dawa: mu, amo Na, Hina Gode, da nowa dunu da Na sia: nabawane hamosa amo fidisa, amola nowa da Nama ha lai amoma Na da ougi hou olelesa.”
15 For, behold, the Lord will come as fire, and his chariots as a storm, to render his vengeance with wrath, and his rebuke with a flame of fire.
Hina Gode da lalu gaguli manebe ba: mu. E da fedege agoane, isu ea ougia fila heda: le, Ea ha lai ilima se imunusa: manebe ba: mu.
16 For with the fire of the Lord all the earth shall be judged, and all flesh with his sword: many shall be slain by the Lord.
E da nowa osobo bagade dunu da wadela: i hou hamonanebe ba: sea, ilima laluga amola gegesu gobihei amoga, se iasu ilima imunu. E da dunu bagohame medole lelegemu.
17 They that sanctify themselves and purify themselves in the gardens, and eat swine's flesh in the porches, and the abominations, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, says the Lord.
Hina Gode da amane sia: sa, “Na ha lai da ogogosu ‘gode’ ilima nodone sia: ne gadomusa: , ilia ledo doga: sea, ilia da sema ifabi amoga mogodigili ahoa, amola ilia da gebo hu amola dauwa amola eno sema ha: i manu naha. Ilia wadela: mu eso da gadenesa.
18 And I [know] their works and their imagination. I am going to gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see my glory.
Ilia asigi dawa: su amola wadela: i hou amo Na dawa: Na da fifi asi gala fi dunu huluane amo gilisima: ne misunu. Ilia da gilisisia, Na gasa bagade hou ea hamobe ba: mu.
19 And I will leave a sign upon them, and I will send forth them that have escaped of them to the nations, to Tharsis, and Phud, and Lud, and Mosoch, and to Thobel, and to Greece, and to the isles afar off, to those who have not heard my name, nor seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles.
Amola Na da se bidi iasu dunu, amo ilia da dawa: mu. Be mogili ilima Na da se hame imunu. Be Na da ili soge sedaga amo da Na dio hame nabi amola Na gasa bagade hou hame ba: i, amoga asunasimu. Na da Siba: ini amola Libia amola Lidia (amoga dadi gagui dunu da gegesu bagade dawa: ) amola Duba: le amola Galisi amo sogega asunasimu. Amo sogega ilia Na gasa bagade hou amo dunu fi ilima sisia: mu.
20 And they shall bring your brethren out of all nations for a gift to the Lord with horses, and chariots, in litters [drawn by] mules with awnings, to the holy city Jerusalem, said the Lord, as though the children of Israel should bring their sacrifices to me with psalms into the house of the Lord.
Ilia da dilia fi Isala: ili dunu amo soge ganodini esala, amo guiguda: bu oule misini, Nama hahawane iasu defele, Nama oule misunu. Ilia da amo Na sema agolo Yelusaleme ganodini amoga oule misunu. Ilia da hosi amola dougi amola ga: mele amo da: iya fila heda: le, amola sa: liode amola gaguli fula ahoasu amo ganodini oule misunu. Isala: ili dunu da widi amola gagoma ledo hamedei, ofodo ganodini Debolo diasuga gaguli maha, amo defele ilia da Yelusalemega oule misunu.
21 And I will take of them priests and Levites, says the Lord.
Amo dunu mogili, Na da gobele salasu amola Lifai dunu ilegemu.
22 For as the new heaven and the new earth, which I make, remain before me, says the Lord, so shall your seed and your name continue.
Osobo bagade gaheabolo amola mu gaheabolo da Na gasaga dialumu. Amo defele, diligaga fi, amola dilia dio, da Na gasaga dialumu.
23 And it shall come to pass from month to month, and from sabbath to sabbath, [that] all flesh shall come to worship before me in Jerusalem, says the Lord.
Oubi Gaheabolo Lolo Nabe amola Sa: bade Eso huluane, fifi asi gala huluane dunu ilia da Nama nodone sia: ne gadomusa: , Yelusaleme guiguda: misunu.
24 And they shall go forth, and see the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched; and they shall be a spectacle to all flesh.
Ilia da Yelusaleme fisili, ahoasea, dunu amo da Nama odoga: i, amo ilia bogoi da: i hodo ba: mu. Ifidi amo da ilia da: i hodo nanebe da bogosu hame ba: mu. Amola lalu ili nenana da ha: ba: dosu hame dawa: Amola amo liligi ba: sea, fifi lasu dunu huluanedafa da higale ba: mu.” Sia: ama dagoi

< Esias 66 >