< Esias 3 >

1 Behold now, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, will take away from Jerusalem and from Judea the mighty man and mighty woman, the strength of bread, and the strength of water,
Laba kaakano, Mukama, Mukama Katonda ow’Eggye, aggya ku Yerusaalemi ne ku Yuda ekibeesiguza ne kwe banyweredde, ekibeesiguza kyonna k’ebeere mmere, ka gabe mazzi.
2 the great and mighty man, the warrior and the judge, and the prophet, and the counsellor, and the elder,
Omusajja ow’amaanyi, n’omusajja omulwanyi omuzira, omulamuzi, ne nnabbi, n’omulaguzi, n’omukadde.
3 the captain of fifty also, and the honorable counsellor, and the wise artificer, and the intelligent hearer.
Omuduumizi akulira ekibinja ky’amakumi ataano, n’omuwi w’amagezi, omulogo, omufuusa omugezigezi.
4 And I will make youths their princes, and mockers shall have dominion over them.
“Era ndifuula abalenzi obulenzi okuba abafuzi baabwe, n’abaana obwana balibafuga.”
5 And the people shall fall, man upon man, and [every] man upon his neighbor: the child shall insult the elder man, and the base the honorable.
Era abantu balijooga bannaabwe, buli muntu anyigirize munne, ne muliraanwa anyigirize muliraanwa we. Abato baliyisa mu bakulu amaaso n’oyo omuntu ataliiko bw’ali ajooge omuntu ow’ekitiibwa.
6 For a man shall lay hold of his brother, as one of his father's household, saying, You have raiment, be you our ruler, and let my meat be under you.
Ekiseera kirituuka omusajja agambe muganda we nti, “Ggwe alina ku ngoye ba omukulembeze waffe, n’ebizibu bino ggwe oba obyetikka!”
7 And he shall answer in that day, and say, I will not be your ruler; for I have no bread in my house, nor raiment: I will not be the ruler of this people.
Naye ku olwo lwennyini aliddamu nti, “Si nze n’aba ow’okubawonya, mu nnyumba yange temuli mmere, wadde ebyambalo. Temumpa kukulembera bantu!”
8 For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judea has fallen, and their tongues [have spoken] with iniquity, disobedient [as they are] towards the Lord.
Kubanga Yerusaalemi kizikiridde ne Yuda agudde! Kubanga ebigambo byabwe byonna n’ebikolwa biwakanya Mukama Katonda, bityoboola ekitiibwa kye.
9 Therefore now their glory has been brought low, and the shame of their countenance has withstood them, and they have proclaimed their sin as Sodom, and made it manifest.
Engeri gye batunulamu eragira ddala nga bwe balina omusango, era boolesa ekibi kyabwe nga Sodomu awatali kukweka n’akatono. Zibasanze! Kubanga bo bennyini be beereeteedde okuzikirira.
10 Woe to their soul, for they have devised an evil counsel against themselves, saying against themselves, Let us bind the just, for he is burdensome to us: therefore shall they eat the fruits of their works.
Gamba abatuukirivu nti bo tebaabeeko mutawaana, kubanga baakuwoomerwa ebibala by’ebikolwa byabwe.
11 Woe to the transgressor! evils shall happen to him according to the works of his hands.
Zisanze abakozi b’ebivve! Banaatuuka mu kuzikirira! Balisasulibwa emikono gyabwe kye gikoze.
12 O my people, your exactors strip you, and extortioners rule over you: O my people, they that pronounce you blesses lead you astray, and pervert the path of your feet.
Abantu bange banyigirizibwa abaana abato, abakazi kaakano be babafuga. Woowe! Abantu bange bakyamizibwa abakulembeze baabwe era babatabulatabula okubaggya mu kkubo ettuufu.
13 But now the Lord will stand up for judgment, and will enter into judgment with his people.
Mukama Katonda ali mu kifo kye mu mbuga, ayimiridde okusalira abantu be omusango.
14 The Lord himself shall enter into judgment with the elders of the people, and with their rulers: but why have you set my vineyard on fire, and [why is] the spoil of the poor in your houses?
Mukama Katonda asala omusango gw’abakadde n’abakulembeze b’abantu be. “Mmwe mwayonoona ennimiro yange ey’emizabbibu. Ebyanyagibwa ku baavu biri mu nnyumba zammwe.
15 Why do you wrong my people, and shame the face of the poor?
Lwaki mulinnyirira abantu bange, lwaki mutulugunya abaavu?” bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda Ayinzabyonna.
16 Thus says the Lord, Because the daughters of Sion are haughty, and have walked with an outstretched neck, and with winking of the eyes, and motion of the feet, at the same time drawing their garments in trains, and at the same time sporting with their feet:
Mukama Katonda agamba nti, “Abakazi b’omu Sayuuni beemanyi, era batambula balalambazza ensingo nga batunuza bukaba. Batambula basiira nga bavuza obukomo bw’oku magulu gaabwe.
17 therefore the Lord will humble the chief daughters of Sion, and the Lord will expose their form in that day;
Mukama kyaliva aleeta amabwa ku mitwe gy’abakazi ba Sayuuni, ne gifuuka gya biwalaata.”
18 and the Lord will take away the glory of their raiment, the curls and the fringes, and the crescents,
Olunaku lujja Mukama lwaliggya ku bakazi b’omu Yerusaalemi ebintu byonna ebibaleetera amalala, ebikomo by’oku magulu, ebitambaala ebibikka ku mitwe, n’obukuufiira,
19 and the chains, and the ornaments of their faces,
ebyokumatu, ebyambalwa mu bulago, n’obutimba bw’omu maaso,
20 and the array of glorious ornaments, and the armlets, and the bracelets, and the wreathed work, and the finger-rings, and the ornaments for the right hand,
ebyokumitwe, ebyokumikono, ebyomukiwato,
21 and the ear-rings, and the garments with scarlet borders, and the garments with purple grounds, and the shawls to be worn in the house, and the Spartan transparent dresses, and those made of fine linen, and the purple [ones], and the scarlet [ones], and the fine linen, interwoven with gold and purple, and the light coverings for couches.
empeta ez’oku ngalo n’ez’omu nnyindo,
22 And there shall be instead of a sweet smell, dust; and instead of a girdle, you shall gird yourself with a rope; and instead of a golden ornament for the head, you shall have baldness on account of your works; and instead of a tunic with a scarlet ground, you shall gird yourself with sackcloth.
engoye ennungi, n’eminagiro, n’amaganduula, n’obusawo,
23 And your most beautiful son whom you love shall fall by the sword; and your mighty men shall fall by the sword, and shall be brought low.
n’endabirwamu, n’engoye ez’obutimba, n’eza linena, n’ebitambaala eby’oku mitwe ebinaanikiddwa n’amayinja ag’omuwendo, n’engoye ezibabikka.
24 And the stores of your ornaments shall mourn, and you shall be left alone, and shall be levelled with the ground.
Mu kifo ky’akaloosa walibaawo kuwunya kivundu, awandibadde enkoba ennungi wabeewo biguwa, n’awaali enviiri ennongoose obulungi wabeewo kiwalaata, mu kifo ky’engoye babeere mu nziina, n’awaali obulungi waddewo obulambe.
Abasajja bo balittibwa kitala, abalwanyi bo abazira bagwire mu lutalo.
N’enzigi za Sayuuni zirikaaba ne zikungubaga era ekibuga kyennyini kiriba ng’omukazi alekeddwa obwereere ng’atudde mu ttaka.

< Esias 3 >