< Esias 28 >

1 Woe to the crown of pride, the hirelings of Ephraim, the flower that has fallen from the glory of the top of the fertile mountain, they that are drunken without wine.
Waxaa iska hoogay taajka kibirka oo sakhraamiinta reer Efrayim, iyo ubaxa engegay ee quruxdooda weyn oo ku yaal madaxa dooxada barwaaqaysan ee kuwa khamrigu ka adkaaday.
2 Behold, the anger of the Lord is strong and severe, as descending hail where there is no shelter, violently descending; as a great body of water sweeping away the soil, he shall make rest for the land.
Bal eega, Sayidku wuxuu leeyahay mid itaal weyn oo xoog badan. Sida roobdhagaxyaale ah, iyo duufaan wax burburinaya, iyo sida daad biyo xoog badan oo wax qarqinaya ayaa gacantiisu dhulka wax ugu xoori doontaa.
3 The crown of pride, the hirelings of Ephraim, shall be beaten down with the hands and with the feet.
Oo taajka kibirka ee sakhraamiinta reer Efrayim ayaa cagaha lagula tuman doonaa,
4 And the fading flower of the glorious hope on the top of the high mountain shall be as the early fig; he that sees it, before he takes it into his hand, will desire to swallow it down.
oo ubaxa engegay oo quruxdooda weyn oo ku yaal madaxa dooxada barwaaqaysanna wuxuu noqon doonaa sida berdaha beergoosadka hortiis bislaada, oo ku alla kii fiiriyaaba markuu arko iska cuno intuu gacantiisa ku jiro.
5 In that day the Lord of hosts shall be the crown of hope, the woven [crown] of glory, to the remnant of the people.
Oo wakhtigaas Rabbiga ciidammadu wuxuu kuwa dadkiisa ka hadhay u ahaan doonaa taaj sharaf ah, iyo cigaal quruxsan,
6 They shall be left in the spirit of judgment for judgment, and for the strength of them that hinder slaying.
oo kan garsoorid u fadhiyana wuxuu u ahaan doonaa caddaalad, oo kuwa dagaalka iridda ka celiyana wuxuu u ahaan doonaa xoog.
7 For these have trespassed through wine; they have erred through strong drink: the priest and the prophet are mad through strong drink, they are swallowed up by reason of wine, they have staggered through drunkenness; they have erred: this is [their] vision.
Laakiinse kuwaasuba khamri bay ku ambadeen, oo waxay la dhacdheceen wax lagu sakhraamo. Oo wadaadkii iyo nebigiiba waxay ku ambadeen wax lagu sakhraamo, oo waxay aad ugu qasmeen khamri, oo waxay u habaabeen wax lagu sakhraamo. Riyada way ku ambadaan, oo garsooriddana way ku turunturoodaan.
8 A curse shall devour this counsel, for this [is their] counsel for the sake of covetousness.
Waayo, miisaskii oo dhan waxaa ka buuxsamay mantag iyo wasakh, oo xataa meel keliya oo nadiifsan lama arko.
9 To whom have we reported evils? and to whom have we reported a message? [even to those] that are weaned from the milk, who are drawn from the breast.
Bal yuu aqoon bari doonaa? Bal yuuse warka garansiin doonaa? Ma kuwa caanihii laga gudhiyey oo naasaha laga duway baa?
10 Expect you affliction on affliction, hope upon hope: yet a little, [and] yet a little,
Waayo, amarba amar, amarba amar baa lagu daraa, oo qaynuunba qaynuun, qaynuunba qaynuun baa lagu daraa, halkan in yar, halkaasna in yar.
11 by reason of the contemptuous [words] of the lips, by means of another language: for they shall speak to this people, saying to them,
Laakiinse bushimo dad qalaad iyo af kale ayuu kula hadli doonaa dadkan
12 This is the rest to him that is hungry, and this is the calamity: but they would not hear.
uu markii hore ku yidhi, Tanu waa nasasho, ee kuwa daallan ku nasiya, oo tanuna waa isqabowjintii. Laakiinse inay maqlaan way diideen.
13 Therefore the oracle of God shall be to them affliction on affliction, hope on hope, yet a little, [and] yet a little, that they may go and fall backward; and they shall be crushed and shall be in danger, and shall be taken.
Sidaas daraaddeed erayga Rabbigu wuxuu iyaga u noqon doonaa amar amar lagu daray, iyo amar amar lagu daray, qaynuun qaynuun lagu daray, iyo qaynuun qaynuun lagu daray, halkan in yar, halkaasna in yar, si ay intay tagaan dib ugu dhacaan, oo ay u jajabaan, oo ay dabin ugu dhacaan, oo ay u noqdaan kuwa la qabtay.
14 Therefore hear you the word of the Lord, you afflicted men, and you princes of this people that is in Jerusalem.
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed kuwiinna wax quudhsada oo dadkan Yeruusaalem deggan u taliyow erayga Rabbiga maqla.
15 Because you have said, We have made a covenant with Hades, and agreements with death; if the rushing storm should pass, it shall not come upon us: we have made falsehood our hope, and by falsehood shall we be protected: (Sheol h7585)
Idinku waxaad tidhaahdeen, Axdi baan geerida la dhigannay, oo She'oolna heshiis baannu la nahay, oo markii belaayada wax qarqinaysa ay dhacayso na soo gaadhi mayso, waayo, been baannu gabbaad ka dhigannay, oo waxaannu ku hoos dhuumannay daacadla'aan, (Sheol h7585)
16 Therefore thus says the Lord, [even] the Lord, Behold, I lay for the foundations of Sion a costly stone, a choice, a corner-stone, a precious [stone], for its foundations; and he that believes [on him] shall by no means be ashamed.
sidaas daraaddeed Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Bal eega, Siyoon dhagax baan aasaas uga dhigay, waana dhagax la tijaabiyey, waana dhagax geeseed oo qaali ah oo aasaas la hubo ah, oo kii isaga rumaystaana ma degdegi doono.
17 And I will cause judgment [to be] for hope, and my compassion shall be for [just] measures, and you that trust vainly in falsehood [shall fall]: for the storm shall by no means pass by you,
Oo caddaaladna waxaan ka dhigi doonaa xadhig qiyaaseed, xaqnimona waxaan ka dhigi doonaa xadhig miisaan leh, oo roobdhagaxyaaluhuna wuxuu xaaqi doonaa gabbaadka beenta, oo biyuhuna waxay qarqin doonaan meesha dhuumashada.
18 except it also take away your covenant of death, and your trust in Hades shall by no means stand: if the rushing storm should come upon you, you shall be beaten down by it. (Sheol h7585)
Oo axdigii aad geerida la dhigateenna waa la burin doonaa, oo heshiiskiinnii aad She'ool la lahaydeenna ma hagaagi doono, oo markii belaayada wax qarqinaysa ay dhacaysona way idinku tuman doontaa. (Sheol h7585)
19 Whenever it shall pass by, it shall take you; morning by morning it shall pass by in the day, and in the night there shall be an evil hope. Learn to hear,
Oo markay dhacaysoba way idin kaxaysan doontaa, waayo, waxay dhici doontaa subax ka subax, iyo habeen iyo maalinba, oo in warka la garto waxay noqon doontaa cabsi uun.
20 you that are distressed; we can’t fight, but we are ourselves too weak for you to be gathered.
Waayo, sariirtu way ka gaaban tahay in qof isku kala bixin karo, oo aad buu uga yar yahay wax qof huwan karo.
21 The Lord shall rise up as a mountain of ungodly [men], and shall be in the valley of Gabaon; he shall perform his works with wrath, [even] a work of bitterness, and his wrath shall deal strangely, and his destruction shall be strange.
Waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu u soo kici doonaa siduu Buur Feraasiim ugu kacay, oo wuxuu u cadhoon doonaa siduu dooxada Gibecoon ugu cadhooday, inuu sameeyo shuqulkiisa, waana shuqulkiisa yaabka leh, iyo inuu falintiisa falo, waana falintiisa aan la fillayn.
22 Therefore do not you rejoice, neither let your bands be made strong; for I have heard of works finished and cut short by the Lord of hosts, which he will execute upon all the earth.
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed ha noqonina kuwa wax quudhsada yaan waxa laydinku xidhay idinku sii adkaynine, waayo, Sayidka ah Rabbiga ciidammada waxaan ka maqlay xukunkii baabbi'inta ee uu dhulka oo dhan la damacsan yahay.
23 Listen, and hear my voice; attend, and hear my words.
Dhegta ii dhiga, oo codkayga maqla, dhegaysta oo hadalkayga maqla.
24 Will the plowman plow all the day? or will he prepare the seed beforehand, before he tills the ground?
Kan beerta jeexa miyuu had iyo goorba beerta u jeexaa inuu wax abuuro aawadeed? Oo miyuu had iyo goorba beertiisa sii qodaa oo sii jeexaa?
25 Does he not, when he has levelled the surface thereof, then sow the small black poppy, or cumin, and afterward sow wheat, and barley, and millet, and bread-corn in your borders?
Markuuse beerta ciiddeeda oo dhan wada simo miyuusan ku firdhin kabsarmadowda, oo miyuusan kamuunta firdhin, oo sarreenkana miyuusan safsaf u beerin, iyo shaciirkana meeshiisii, iyo heeddana xagga darafka?
26 So you shall be chastened by the judgment of your God, and shall rejoice.
Waayo, caqligaas Ilaahiisaa ku tacliimiya, oo isaga bara.
27 For the black poppy is not cleansed with harsh treatment, nor will a wagon-wheel pass over the cumin; but the black poppy is threshed with a rod, and the cumin shall be eaten with bread;
Waayo, kabsarmadowda wax af leh laguma tumo, oo giringirta gaadhiguna kamuunta kuma kor wareegto, laakiinse kabsarmadowda siiqaa lagu garaacaa, oo kamuuntana ul baa lagu tumaa.
28 for I will not be angry with you for ever, neither shall the voice of my anger crush you.
Hadhuudhka kibista waa la tumaa, laakiinse had iyo goorba siima uu tumi doono, oo ma uu burburiyo in kastoo giringirta gaadhigiisa iyo fardihiisuba ay ku tuntaan.
29 And these signs came forth from the Lord of hosts. Take counsel, exalt vain comfort.
Oo taasuna waxay ka timaadaa Rabbiga ciidammada, kaasoo xagga talada yaab miidhan ah, oo xagga xigmaddana aad ugu weyn.

< Esias 28 >