< Osee 11 >

1 Early in the morning were they cast off, the king of Israel has been cast off: for Israel is a child, and I loved him, and out of Egypt have I called his children.
“Israaʼel yeroo daaʼima turetti, ani isa nan jaalladhe; ani Gibxii ilma koo waameera.
2 As I called them, so they departed from my presence: they sacrificed to Baalim, and burnt incense to graven images.
Garuu hammuma ani itti deddeebiʼee isaan waamu, isaan narraa fagaachaa deeman. Isaan Baʼaaliif aarsaa dhiʼeessanii fakkiiwwaniif ixaana aarsan.
3 Yet I bound the feet of Ephraim, I took him on my arm; but they knew not that I healed them.
Kan irree isaanii qabee Efreemin miillaan deemuu barsiise anuma; isaan garuu akka ani isaan fayyise hin hubanne.
4 When men were destroyed, I drew them with the bands of my love: and I will be to them as a man striking [another] on his cheek: and I will have respect to him, I will prevail with him.
Ani funyoo gara laafina namaatiin, hidhaa jaalalaatiinis isaan nan harkise; ani morma isaanii irraa waanjoo fuudhee isaan sooruuf gadan jedhe.
5 Ephraim lived in Egypt; and [as for] the Assyrian, he was his king, because he would not return.
“Isaan qalbii jijjiirrachuu waan didaniif Gibxitti hin deebiʼan; Asoor garuu isaan bulcha.
6 And in his cities he prevailed not with the sword, and he ceased [to war] with his hands: and they shall eat [of the fruit] of their own devices:
Goraadeen magaalaawwan isaanii keessatti balaqqisa; raajota sobduu isaanii ni barbadeessa; karoora isaaniis ni fashaleessa.
7 and his people [shall] cleave fondly to their habitation; but God shall be angry with his precious things, and shall not at all exalt him.
Sabni koo narraa deebiʼuuf kutateera. Yoo isaan Waaqa Waan Hundaa Olii waammatan iyyuu inni gonkumaa ol isaan hin qabu.
8 How shall I deal with you, Ephraim? [how] shall I protect you, Israel? what shall I do with you? I will make you as Adama, and as Seboim; my heart is turned at once, my repentance is powerfully excited.
“Yaa Efreem ani akkamiinan dandaʼee si dhiisa? Yaa Israaʼel ani akkamiinan dabarsee si kenna? Ani akkamiinan dandaʼee akka Adimaa si godha? Akkamiinan akka Zebooʼiim si godha? Garaan koo na keessatti geeddarameera; gara laafinni ani siif qabu guddateera.
9 I will not act according to the fury of my wrath, I will not abandon Ephraim to be utterly destroyed: for I am God, and not man; the Holy One within you: and I will not enter into the city.
Ani dheekkamsa koo sodaachisaa sana gad hin dhiisu; yookaan ani deebiʼee Efreemin hin balleessu. Ani Waaqa malee nama miti; ani Isa Qulqulluu gidduu kee jiruu dha. Ani dheekkamsaan hin dhufu.
10 I will go after the Lord: he shall utter [his voice] as a lion: for he shall roar, and the children of the waters shall be amazed.
Isaan Waaqayyoon duukaa buʼu; inni akkuma leencaa aada; yommuu inni aadutti ilmaan isaa hollachaa lixa biiftuutii dhufu.
11 They shall be amazed [and fly] as a bird out of Egypt, and as a dove out of the land of the Assyrians: and I will restore them to their houses, says the Lord.
Isaan akkuma simbirroo Gibxi irraa, akkuma gugee ollachaa Asoor irraa dhufu. Ani mana isaanii keessa isaan nan jiraachisa” jedha Waaqayyo.
12 Ephraim has compassed me with falsehood, and the house of Israel and Juda with ungodliness: [but] now God knows them, and they shall be called God's holy people.
Efreem sobaan, manni Israaʼel immoo gowwoomsaadhaan na marse. Yihuudaanis Waaqatti, amanamaa Qulqullicha Sanatti iyyuu fincile.

< Osee 11 >