< Genesis 46 >

1 And Israel departed, he and all that he had, and came to the well of the oath; and he offered sacrifice to the God of his father Isaac.
Israaʼel waan qabu hunda fudhatee kaʼe; yeroo Bersheebaa gaʼettis Waaqa abbaa isaa Waaqa Yisihaaqiifis aarsaa dhiʼeesse.
2 And God spoke to Israel in a night vision, saying, Jacob, Jacob; and he said, What is it?
Waaqnis halkan mulʼataan, “Yaaqoob! Yaaqoob!” jedhee Israaʼelitti dubbate. Innis, “Kunoo ani as jira” jedhee deebise.
3 And he says to him, I am the God of your fathers; fear not to go down into Egypt, for I will make you there a great nation.
Waaqnis akkana jedhe; “Ani Waaqayyo, Waaqa abbaa keetii ti. Gibxitti gad buʼuu hin sodaatin; ani achitti saba guddaa sin taasisaatii.
4 And I will go down with you into Egypt, and I will bring you up at the end; and Joseph shall put his hands on your eyes.
Ani si wajjin Gibxitti gad buʼee deebisee sin fida. Harkuma Yooseftu ija kee walitti siif qaba.”
5 And Jacob rose up from the well of the oath; and the sons of Israel took up their father, and the baggage, and their wives on the waggons, which Joseph sent to take them.
Yaaqoobis Bersheebaadhaa kaʼee qajeele; ilmaan Israaʼelis abbaa isaanii Yaaqoob, ijoollee isaaniitii fi niitota isaanii gaariiwwan Yaaqoobin baachuuf Faraʼoon erge sana irra teessisan.
6 And they took up their goods, and all their property, which they had gotten in the land of Chanaan; they came into the land of Egypt, Jacob, and all his seed with him.
Yaaqoobii fi sanyiin isaa hundis horii isaaniitii fi qabeenya Kanaʼaanitti horatan of faana fudhatanii Gibxitti godaanan.
7 The sons, and the sons of his sons with him; [his] daughters, and the daughters of his daughters; and he brought all his seed into Egypt.
Innis sanyii isaa hunda jechuunis ilmaan isaa, ilmaan ilmaan isaa, intallan isaatii fi intallan ilmaan isaa fudhatee Gibxitti godaane.
8 And these are the names of the sons of Israel that went into Egypt with their father Jacob—Jacob and his sons. The firstborn of Jacob, Ruben.
Maqaawwan ilmaan Israaʼel warra Gibxitti godaanan sanaa jechuunis Yaaqoobii fi sanyiiwwan isaa kanneenii dha: Ruubeen jechuunis ilma Yaaqoob hangafticha.
9 And the sons of Ruben; Enoch, and Phallus, Asron, and Charmi.
Ilmaan Ruubeen: Henook, Faluusoo, Hezroonii fi Karmii.
10 and the sons of Symeon; Jemuel, and Jamin, and Aod, and Achin, and Saar, and Saul, the son of a Chananitish woman.
Ilmaan Simiʼoon: Yemuuʼeel, Yaamiin, Oohad, Yaakiin, Zooharii fi Shaawul ilma dubartii Kanaʼaan sanaa.
11 And the sons of Levi; Gerson, Cath, and Merari.
Ilmaan Lewwii: Geershoon, Qohaatii fi Meraarii.
12 And the sons of Judas; Er, and Aunan, and Selom, and Phares, and Zara: and Er and Aunan died in the land of Chanaan.
Ilmaan Yihuudaa: Eeri, Oonaan, Sheelaa, Faaresii fi Zaaraa. Eerii fi Oonaan garuu biyya Kanaʼaanitti duʼan. Ilmaan Faares: Hezroonii fi Hamuul.
13 And the sons of Phares [were] Esron, and Jemuel. And the sons of Issachar; Thola, and Phua, and Asum, and Sambran.
Ilmaan Yisaakor: Toolaa, Fuwaa, Yoobii fi Shimroon.
14 And the sons of Zabulun, Sered, and Allon, and Achoel.
Ilmaan Zebuuloon: Sered, Eeloonii fi Yahiliʼeel.
15 These [are] the sons of Lea, which she bore to Jacob in Mesopotamia of Syria, and Dina his daughter; all the souls, sons and daughters, thirty-three.
Isaan kunneen intala isaa Diinaa dabalatee ilmaan Liyaan kaaba dhiʼa Phaadaan Arraamitti Yaaqoobiif deessee dha. Ilmaanii fi intallan isaa kunneen walumaa galatti soddomii sadii turan.
16 And the sons of Gad; Saphon, and Angis, and Sannis, and Thasoban, and Aedis, and Aroedis, and Areelis.
Ilmaan Gaad: Ziifiyon, Hagii, Shuunii, Esboon, Eerii, Aroodii fi Ariʼeel.
17 And the sons of Aser; Jemna, Jessua, and Jeul, and Baria, and Sara their sister. And the sons of Baria; Chobor, and Melchiil.
Ilmaan Aasheer: Yimnaa, Yishwaa, Yishwii fi Beriiyaa. Obboleettiin isaaniis Seraa dha. Ilmaan Beriiyaa: Hebeerii fi Malkiiʼeel.
18 These [are] the sons of Zelpha, which Laban gave to his daughter Lea, who bore these to Jacob, sixteen souls.
Isaan kunneen ijoollee Ziifaan Yaaqoobiif deessee dha. Ziifaan ishee Laabaan intala isaa Liyaadhaaf kenne sanaa dha. Isaan walumaa galatti kudha jaʼa turan.
19 And the sons of Rachel, the wife of Jacob; Joseph, and Benjamin.
Ilmaan Raahel niitii Yaaqoob: Yoosefii fi Beniyaam.
20 And there were sons born to Joseph in the land of Egypt, whom Aseneth, the daughter of Petephres, priest of Heliopolis, bore to him, [even] Manasses and Ephraim. And there were sons born to Manasses, which the Syrian concubine bore to him, [even] Machir. And Machir begot Galaad. And the sons of Ephraim, the brother of Manasses; Sutalaam, and Taam. And the sons of Sutalaam; Edom.
Minaasee fi Efreem, Aasenati intala Phooxiiferaa lubicha magaalaa Ooni sanaa irraa Gibxi keessatti Yoosefiif dhalatan.
21 and the sons of Benjamin; Bala, and Bochor, and Asbel. And the sons of Bala were Gera, and Noeman, and Anchis, and Ros, and Mamphim. And Gera begot Arad.
Ilmaan Beniyaam: Belaa, Beker, Ashbeel, Geeraa, Naʼamaan, Eehii, Roosh, Muufiim, Hufiimii fi Ardi.
22 These [are] the sons of Rachel, which she bore to Jacob; all the souls eighteen.
Isaan kunneen ilmaan Raahel Yaaqoobiif deessee dha; isaanis walumaa galatti nama kudha afur turan.
23 And the sons of Dan; Asom.
Ilmi Daan: Hushiimii dha.
24 And the sons of Nephthalim; Asiel, and Goni, and Issaar, and Sollem.
Ilmaan Niftaalem: Yahizeel, Guunii, Yeexerii fi Shiileem.
25 These [are] the sons of Balla, whom Laban gave to his daughter Rachel, who bore these to Jacob; all the souls, seven.
Isaan kunneen ilmaan Bilihaan Yaaqoobiif deessee dha; Bilihaan ishee Laabaan intala isaa Raaheliif kenne sanaa dha; isaan walumaa galatti nama torba turan.
26 And all the souls that came with Jacob into Egypt, who came out of his loins, besides the wives of the sons of Jacob, [even] all the souls were sixty-six.
Namoonni Yaaqoob wajjin Gibxitti godaanan utuu niitota ilmaan isaa hin dabalatin sanyiin isaa walumaa galatti jaatamii jaʼa turan.
27 And the sons of Joseph, who were born to him in the land of Egypt, were nine souls; all the souls of the house of Jacob who came with Joseph into Egypt, were seventy-five souls.
Ilmaan Gibxitti Yoosefiif dhalatan lamaan dabalatee miseensonni maatii Yaaqoob warri Gibxitti godaanan walumaa galatti torbaatama turan.
28 And he sent Judas before him to Joseph, to meet him to the city of Heroes, into the land of Ramesses.
Yaaqoobis akka inni dhaqee karaa Gooshenitti nama geessu gaafatuuf Yihuudaa of dura gara Yoosefitti erge. Yommuu isaan Gooshen gaʼanitti,
29 And Joseph having made ready his chariots, went up to meet Israel his father, at the city of Heroes; and having appeared to him, fell on his neck, and wept with abundant weeping.
Yoosef gaarii isaa qopheeffatee abbaa isaa Israaʼel simachuuf Gooshenitti qajeele. Innis akkuma fuula isaa duratti mulʼateen morma isaatti marmee yeroo dheeraa booʼe.
30 And Israel said to Joseph, After this I will [gladly] die, since I have seen your face, for you are yet living.
Israaʼelis Yoosefiin, “Ani sababii akka ati amma iyyuu lubbuun jirtu ofii kootiin argeef siʼachi duʼu illee hin gaabbu” jedhe.
31 And Joseph said to his brethren, I will go up and tell Pharao, and will say to him, My brethren, and my father's house, who were in the land of Chanaan, are come to me.
Yoosefis obboloota isaatii fi warra mana abbaa isaa jiraataniin akkana jedhe; “Ani ol baʼee Faraʼoonitti nan dubbadha; akkanas nan jedhaan; ‘Obboloonni koo fi warri mana abbaa koo jiraatan kanneen biyya Kanaʼaan jiraachaa turan natti dhufaniiru.
32 And the men are shepherds; for they have been feeders of cattle, and they have brought with them their cattle, and their kine, and all their property.
Namoonni kunneen tiksoota; isaan loon tikfatuutii. Isaan bushaayee isaanii, loonii fi waan qaban hunda fudhatanii dhufan.’
33 If then Pharao call you, and say to you, What is you occupation?
Yoo Faraʼoon ofitti isin waamee, ‘Hojiin keessan maal?’ jedhee isin gaafate,
34 You shall say, We your servants are herdsmen from our youth until now, both we and our fathers: that you may dwell in the land of Gesem of Arabia, for every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians.
‘Nu garboonni kee akkuma abbootii keenyaa ijoollummaa keenyaa jalqabnee hamma ammaatti horii tikfachaa turre’ jedhaa deebisaa. Yoos inni sababii tiksoonni hundinuu warra Gibxi biratti jibbamaniif akka isin biyya Gooshen keessa jiraattan isinii eeyyamaa.”

< Genesis 46 >