< Genesis 42 >

1 And Jacob having seen that there was a sale [of corn] in Egypt, said to his sons, Why are you indolent?
Yaaqoob yommuu akka Gibxi keessa midhaan jiru dhagaʼetti, ilmaan isaatiin, “Isin maaliif wal ilaaltu?” jedhe.
2 Behold, I have heard that there is corn in Egypt; go down there, and buy for us a little food, that we may live, and not die.
Itti fufees, “Kunoo ani akka Gibxi keessa midhaan jiru dhagaʼeera. Akka nu duʼa jalaa baanee jiraannuuf gad buʼaatii achii midhaan nuu bitaa” jedhe.
3 And the ten brethren of Joseph went down to buy corn out of Egypt.
Obboloota Yoosef keessaa kudhan Gibxi keessaa midhaan bituuf gad buʼan.
4 But [Jacob] sent not Benjamin, the brother of Joseph, with his brethren; for he said, Lest, haply, disease befall him.
Yaaqoob garuu balaatu isa irra gaʼa jedhee waan sodaateef obboleessa Yoosef Beniyaamin isaan wajjin hin ergine.
5 And the sons of Israel came to buy with those that came, for the famine was in the land of Chanaan.
Beelli biyya Kanaʼaan keessa waan tureef ilmaan Israaʼelis warra midhaan bitachuu dhaqan wajjin deeman.
6 And Joseph was ruler of the land; he sold to all the people of the land. And the brethren of Joseph, having come, did reverence to him, [bowing] with the face to the ground.
Yoosefis bulchaa biyyattii kan uummata biyyattii hundatti midhaan gurguru ture. Obboloonni Yoosefis yommuu achi gaʼanitti fuula isaaniitiin lafatti gombifamanii sagadaniif.
7 And when Joseph saw his brethren, he knew them, and estranged himself from them, and spoke hard words to them; and said to them, Whence are you come? And they said, Out of the land of Chanaan, to buy food.
Yoosef akkuma obboloota isaa argeen isaan beeke; garuu akkuma nama isaan hin beekneetti afaan hamaa isaanitti dubbatee, “Isin eessaa dhuftan?” jedhee isaan gaafate. Jarris, “Midhaan bitachuuf jennee Kanaʼaanii dhufne” jedhanii deebisan.
8 And Joseph knew his brethren, but they knew not him.
Yoo Yoosef obboloota isaa beeke iyyuu jarri isa hin beekne.
9 And Joseph remembered his dream, which he saw; and he said to them, You are spies; to observe the marks of the land are you come.
Innis abjuu waaʼee isaanii abjoote sana yaadatee, “Isin basaastota dadhabbii biyyattii basaasuuf dhuftanii dha!” jedheen.
10 But they said, Nay, Sir, we your servants are come to buy food;
Isaan immoo akkana jedhanii deebisan; “Yaa gooftaa akkas miti; nu garboonni kee midhaan bitachuu dhufne.
11 we are all sons of one man; we are peaceful, your servants are not spies.
Nu hundi ilmaan abbaa tokkoo ti; nu garboonni kee namoota amanamoo dha malee basaastota miti.”
12 And he said to them, Nay, but you are come to observe the marks of the land.
Innis, “Akkas miti; isin dadhabbii biyyattii basaasuu dhuftan” jedheen.
13 And they said, We your servants are twelve brethren, in the land of Chanaan; and, behold, the youngest is with our father today, but the other one is not.
Isaan garuu akkana jedhanii deebisan; “Nu garboonni kee obboloota kudha lama, ilmaanuma abbaa tokkoo kan biyya Kanaʼaan jiraatuu ti. Kunoo quxisuun hunda keenyaa amma abbaa keenya bira jira; inni tokko garuu hin jiru.”
14 And Joseph said to them, This is it that I spoke to you, saying, you are spies;
Yoosef garuu akkana jedheen; “Akkuma ani isiniin jedhe sana isin basaastota!
15 herein shall you be manifested; by the health of Pharao, you shall not depart hence, unless your younger brother come here.
Akki isin ittiin qoramtan kana; ani maqaa Faraʼooniin nan kakadha; yoo obboleessi keessan quxisuun sun as dhufe malee isin asii hin sochootan.
16 Send one of you, and take your brother; and go you to prison, till your words be clear, whether you speak the truth or not; but, if not, by the health of Pharao, verily you are spies.
Akka inni dhaqee obboleessa keessan fiduuf of keessaa nama tokko ergaa; isin warri haftan immoo mana hidhaatti galfamtu; akkasiinis dubbiin keessan qoratamee akka dhugaa taʼee fi akka dhugaa hin taʼin ni ilaalama; yoo kanaa achii, ani maqaa Faraʼooniin nan kakadha; isin dhugumaan basaastota!”
17 And he put them in prison three days.
Innis hunda isaanii guyyaa sadii mana hidhaa keessa turse.
18 And he said to them on the third day, This do, and you shall live, for I fear God.
Guyyaa sadaffaatti Yoosef akkana isaaniin jedhe; “Isin waan kana godhaa; ni jiraattu; ani Waaqa nan sodaadhaatii.
19 If you be peaceful, let one of your brethren be detained in prison; but go you, and carry back the corn you have purchased.
Isin yoo namoota amanamoo taatan obboloota keessan keessaa tokko as mana hidhaa haa turu; warri kaan garuu deemaa; maatii keessan kanneen beelaʼaniif midhaan geessaa.
20 And bring your younger brother to me, and your words shall be believed; but, if not, you shall die. And they did so.
Garuu obboleessa keessan quxisuu naa fidaa; akkasiin dubbiin keessan ni mirkaneeffama; isinis hin duutan.” Isaanis akkasuma godhan.
21 And each said to his brother, Yes, indeed, for we are in fault concerning our brother, when we disregarded the anguish of his soul, when he implored us, and we listened not to him; and therefore has this affliction come upon us.
Isaanis akkana waliin jedhan; “Nu dhugumaan sababii obboleessa keenyaatiif adabamaa jirra. Yeroo inni nu kadhatetti lubbuun isaa hammam akka dhiphachaa turte argineerra; nu garuu isa dhagaʼuu didne; dhiphinni kun kanaaf nutti dhufe.”
22 And Ruben answered them, saying, Did I not speak to you, saying, Hurt not the boy, and you heard me not? and, behold, his blood is required.
Ruubeen immoo, “Ani, ‘Gurbaa kana hin miidhinaa’ jedhee isinitti hin himnee? Isin garuu na dhagaʼuu diddan! Kunoo nu dhiiga isaatti ni gaafatamna” jedhe.
23 But they knew not that Joseph understood them; for there was an interpreter between them.
Sababii Yoosef karaa nama afaan hiikuutiin isaanitti dubbachaa tureef isaan akka inni waan isaan dubbatan hubatu hin beekne.
24 And Joseph turned away from them, and wept; and again he came to them, and spoke to them; and he took Symeon from them, and bound him before their eyes.
Yoosef achi isaan irraa garagalee booʼuu jalqabe; ergasii immoo isaanitti garagalee isaanitti dubbate. Simiʼooninis isaan keessaa baasisee fuuluma isaanii duratti hiisise.
25 And Joseph gave orders to fill their vessels with corn, and to return their money to each into his sack, and to give them provision for the way; and it was so done to them.
Yoosef akka qalqalloo isaaniitti midhaan guutaniif, akka meetii tokkoo tokkoo isaanii deebisanii qalqalloo isaanii keessa isaaniif kaaʼanii fi akka karaa isaaniitiif galaa isaaniif kennan ajaje. Erga wanni kun isaaniif godhamee booddee
26 And having put the corn on the asses, they departed thence.
jarri midhaan isaanii harroota isaaniitti feʼatanii qajeelan.
27 And one having opened his sack to give his asses fodder, at the place where they rested, saw also his bundle of money, for it was on the mouth of his sack.
Isaan keessaa inni tokko iddoo bulanitti harree isaatiif nyaata kennuuf jedhee qalqalloo isaa bane; kunoo afaan qalqalloo keessattis meetii isaa argate.
28 And he said to his brethren, My money has been restored to me, and behold this is in my sack. And their heart was wonder-struck, and they were troubled, saying one to another, What is this that God has done to us?
Innis obboloota isaatiin, “Meetiin koo naa deebiʼeera; kunoo qalqalloo koo keessa jira” jedhe. Kana irratti isaan naʼanii walitti garagalanii hollachaa, “Wanni Waaqni nutti hojjete kun maali?” jedhan.
29 And they came to their father, Jacob, into the land of Chanaan, and reported to him all that had happened to them, saying,
Isaanis gara biyya Kanaʼaan abbaa isaanii Yaaqoob bira dhufanii waan isaan irra gaʼe hunda isatti himan; akkanas jedhan;
30 The man, the lord of the land, spoke harsh words to us, and put us in prison as spies of the land.
“Namichi gooftaa biyya sanaa taʼe afaan hamaa nutti dubbatee akka waan nu biyyattii basaasuu dhaqneetti nu lakkaaʼe.
31 And we said to him, We are men of peace, we are not spies.
Nu garuu akkana jenneen; ‘Nu namoota amanamoo dha malee basaastota miti.
32 We are twelve brethren, sons of our father; one is not, and the youngest is with his father today in the land of Chanaan.
Nu obboloota kudha lama ilmaanuma abbaa tokkoo ti; inni tokko hin jiru; quxisuun hunda keenyaa immoo abbaa keenya bira biyya Kanaʼaan jira.’
33 And the man, the lord of the land, said to us, Herein shall I know that you are peaceful; leave one brother here with me, and having taken the corn you have purchased for your family, depart.
“Namichi gooftaa biyya sanaa taʼe immoo akkana nuun jedhe; ‘Akki ani akka isin namoota amanamoo taatanii fi hin taʼin ittiin beeku kana; obboloota keessan keessaa isa tokko as na biratti dhiisaatii maatii keessan kan beelaʼaniif midhaan geessaa.
34 And bring to me your younger brother; then I shall know that you are not spies, but that you are men of peace: and I will restore you your brother, and you shall trade in the land.
Garuu akka ani akka isin namoota amanamoo malee basaastota hin taʼin beekuuf obboleessa keessan isa quxisuu sana naa fidaa. Ergasii ani obboleessa keessan deebisee isinii kenna; isinis biyya kana keessatti daldalachuu ni dandeessu.’”
35 And it came to pass as they were emptying their sacks, there was each man's bundle of money in his sack; and they and their father saw their bundles of money, and they were afraid.
Yommuu isaan qalqalloo isaanii keessaa midhaan garagalchanitti, kunoo meetiin tokkoo tokkoo isaanii hidhaa hidhaan qalqalloo isaanii keessa ture. Isaanii fi abbaan isaanii yeroo meetii hidhame sana arganitti ni rifatan.
36 And their father Jacob said to them, You have bereaved me. Joseph is not, Symeon is not, and will you take Benjamin? all these things have come upon me.
Abbaan isaanii Yaaqoobis, “Isin ijoollee koo na dhabsiiftan. Yoosef hin jiru; Simiʼoonis hin jiru. Amma immoo Beniyaamin fudhachuu barbaaddu. Wanni hundi natti hammaateera!” jedheen.
37 And Ruben spoke to his father, saying, Slay my two sons, if I bring him not to you; give him into my hand, and I will bring him back to you.
Ruubeen immoo abbaa isaatiin, “Yoo ani deebisee isa siif fiduu baadhe ilmaan koo lamaan ajjeesuu ni dandeessa; isa imaanaa natti kenni; ani deebisee isa nan fida” jedhe.
38 But he said, My son shall not go down with you, because his brother is dead, and he only has been left; and [suppose] it shall come to pass that he is afflicted by the way by which you go, then you shall bring down my old age with sorrow to Hades. (Sheol h7585)
Yaaqoob garuu akkana jedhe; “Ilmi koo isin wajjin achi gad hin buʼu; obboleessi isaa duʼeera; isa qofatu hafe. Yoo karaa keessan irratti balaan isa irra gaʼe, isin akka arriin koo gaddaan awwaala seenu gootu.” (Sheol h7585)

< Genesis 42 >