< Jezekiel 44 >

1 Then he brought me back by the way of the outer gate of the sanctuary that looks eastward; and it was shut.
Sana booddee namichi sun balbala iddoo qulqulluu kan karaa alaatiin gara baʼa biiftuutti garagalutti deebisee na fide; balballi sunis cufamee ture.
2 And the Lord said to me, This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened, and no one shall pass through it; for the Lord God of Israel shall enter by it, and it shall be shut.
Waaqayyo akkana naan jedhe; “Balballi kun cufamee hafa; inni banamuu hin qabu; namni tokko iyyuu achiin hin seenu. Sababii Waaqayyo Waaqni Israaʼel karaa sanaan seeneef, balballi sun cufamee hafa.
3 For the prince, he shall sit in it, to eat bread before the Lord; he shall go in by the way of the porch of the gate, and shall go forth by the way of the same.
Namni fuula Waaqayyoo duratti waa nyaachuuf karra ittiin seenan keessa taaʼuu dandaʼu bulchaa sana qofa. Inni karra ittiin gardaafoo seenan sanaan ol galee achumaan gad baʼuu qaba.”
4 And he brought me in by the way of the gate that looks northward, in front of the house: and I looked, and, behold, the house was full of the glory of the Lord: and I fell upon my face.
Namichi sun karra kaabaatiin gara fuullee mana qulqullummaatti na fide. Anis milʼadheen akka ulfinni Waaqayyoo mana qulqullummaa Waaqayyoo guute arge; adda kootiinis lafattan gombifame.
5 And the Lord said to me, Son of man, attend with your heart, and see with [your] eyes, and hear with your ears all that I say to you, according to all the ordinances of the house of the Lord, and all the regulations thereof; and you shall attend well to the entrance of the house, according to all its outlets, in all the holy things.
Waaqayyo akkana naan jedhe; “Yaa ilma namaa, waaʼee danbiiwwan mana qulqullummaa Waaqayyoo waan ani sitti himu hunda hubadhuu ilaali; sirriitti dhaggeeffadhu; qalbeeffadhus. Waaʼee karra ittiin mana qulqullummaa seenaniitii fi karra ittiin iddoo qulqulluudhaa baʼanii hunda yaadatti qabadhu.
6 And you shall say to the provoking house, [even] to the house of Israel, Thus says the Lord God; Let it suffice you [to have committed] all your iniquities, O house of Israel!
Mana Israaʼel fincilaa sanaan akkana jedhi; ‘Waaqayyo Gooftaan akkana jedha: Yaa mana Israaʼel, hojiin keessan jibbisiisaan sun haa gaʼu!
7 that you have brought in aliens, uncircumcised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in my sanctuary, and to profane it, when you offered bread, flesh, and blood; and you transgressed my covenant by all your iniquities;
Hojiiwwan keessan jibbisiisoo kaan hundatti dabaltanii alagoota yaada garaa fi fooniin dhagna hin qabatin iddoo qulqulluu kootti galchitan; nyaata, coomaa fi dhiiga naaf dhiʼeessuudhaan mana qulqullummaa koo xureessitan; kakuu koos cabsitan.
8 and you appointed [others] to keep the charges in my sanctuary.
Isin itti gaafatamummaa wantoota koo qulqulluu irratti qabdan fiixaan baasuu diddanii iddoo koo qulqulluu irratti alagoota muuddatan.
9 Therefore thus says the Lord God; No alien, uncircumcised in heart or uncircumcised in flesh, shall enter into my sanctuary, of all the children of strangers that are in the midst of the house of Israel.
Waaqayyo Gooftaan akkana jedha: Alagaan yaada garaa fi fooniin dhagna hin qabatin iddoo koo qulqulluu sana seenuu hin qabu; alagoonni Israaʼeloota gidduu jiraatan iyyuu seenuu hin qaban.
10 But as for the Levites who departed far from me when Israel went astray from me after their imaginations, they shall even bear their iniquity.
“‘Lewwonni warri yeroo Israaʼeloonni narraa jalʼatanitti waaqota isaanii duukaa buʼuudhaan jooran cubbuu isaaniitti gaafatamuu qabu.
11 yet they shall minister in my sanctuary, [being] porters at the gates of the house, and serving the house: they shall kill the victims and the whole burnt offerings for the people, and they shall stand before the people to minister to them.
Isaan itti gaafatamummaa karrawwan mana qulqullummaa qabaachuudhaan, isa keessas tajaajiluudhaan iddoo qulqulluu koo keessa tajaajiluu dandaʼu; qalma gubamu qalanii maqaa uummataatiin dhiʼeessuu, fuula uummataa dura dhaabataniis uummata tajaajiluu ni dandaʼu.
12 Because they ministered to them before their idols, and it became to the house of Israel a punishment of iniquity; therefore have I lifted up my hand against them, says the Lord God.
Garuu sababii isaan fuula waaqota isaanii duratti uummata tajaajilanii mana Israaʼel cubbuudhaan kuffisaniif ani akka isaan cubbuu isaaniitti gaafatamaniif harka ol kaafadhee kakadheera, jedha Waaqayyo Gooftaan.
13 And they shall not draw near to me to minister to me in the priests' office, nor to approach the holy things of the children of Israel, nor [to approach] my holy of holies: but they shall bear their reproach for the error wherein they erred.
Isaan luboota taʼanii na tajaajiluuf natti dhiʼaachuu hin qaban yookaan wantoota koo qulqulluu kamitti iyyuu yookaan aarsaawwan koo kanneen aarsaawwan hunda caalaa qulqulluu taʼanitti dhiʼaachuu hin qaban; qaanii hojiiwwan isaanii jibbisiisoo baadhachuu qabu.
14 They shall bring them to keep the charges of the house, for all the service of it, and for all that they shall do.
Taʼus ani akka isaan itti gaafatama mana qulqullummaa qabaataniif, akka isaan hojii isaa hunda hojjetanii fi waan achi keessatti hojjetamuu qabu hunda hojjetaniif isaan nan muuda.
15 The priests the Levites, the sons of Sadduc, who kept the charges of my sanctuary when the house of Israel went astray from me, these shall draw night to me to minister to me, and shall stand before my face, to offer sacrifice to me, the fat and the blood, says the Lord God.
“‘Luboonni warri Lewwotaa fi sanyii Zaadoq taʼanii fi warri yeroo Israaʼeloonni karaa koo irraa jalʼatanitti hojii iddoo qulqulluu koo amanamummaadhaan deemsisan fuula koo dura tajaajiluudhaaf dhiʼaachuu qabu; coomaa fi dhiigas aarsaa godhanii dhiʼeessuuf fuula koo dura dhaabachuu qabu, jedha Waaqayyo Gooftaan.
16 These shall enter into my sanctuary, and these shall approach my table, to minister to me, and they shall keep my charges.
Iddoo qulqulluu koo isaan qofatu seenuu qaba; isaan qofatu na tajaajiluu fi hojii koo hojjechuuf maaddii kootti dhiʼaachuu qaba.
17 And it shall come to pass when they enter the gates of the inner court, [that] they shall put on linen robes; and they shall not put on woollen garments when they minister at the gate of the inner court.
“‘Isaan yeroo karra oobdii gara keessaatiin seenanitti wayyaa quncee talbaa irraa dhaʼame uffachuu qabu; yeroo karra oobdii gara keessaa dura yookaan mana qulqullummaa keessa tajaajilanitti wayyaa suufii irraa dhaʼame kam iyyuu uffachuu hin qaban.
18 And they shall have linen mitres upon their heads, and shall have linen drawers upon their loins; and they shall not tightly gird themselves.
Isaan marata quncee talbaa irraa dhaʼame mataa isaaniitti maratanii wayyaa jalaa kan quncee talbaa irraa dhaʼame mudhii isaaniitti hidhachuu qabu. Wayyaa isaan dafqisiisu kam iyyuu uffachuu hin qaban.
19 And when they go out into the outer court to the people, they shall put off their robes, in which they minister; and they shall lay them up in the chambers of the sanctuary, and shall put on other robes, and they shall not sanctify the people with their robes.
Isaan yeroo gara oobdii alaa iddoo uummanni jirutti gad baʼanitti uffata ittiin tajaajilaa turan sana of irraa baasanii dareewwan qulqulluu keessa kaaʼuu qabu; akka uffata isaaniitiin uummata hin qulqulleessineefis uffata biraa uffachuu qabu.
20 And they shall not shave their heads, nor shall they pluck off their hair; they shall carefully cover their heads.
“‘Rifeensa mataa isaanii haaddachuu yookaan guddisuu hin qaban; garuu rifeensa mataa isaanii murachuu qabu.
21 And no priest shall drink any wine, when they go into the inner court.
Lubni kam iyyuu yeroo oobdii gara keessaa seenutti daadhii wayinii dhuguu hin qabu.
22 Neither shall they take to themselves to wife a widow, or one that is put away, but a virgin of the seed of Israel: but if there should happen to be a priest's widow, they shall take [her].
Isaan haadha hiyyeessaa yookaan niitii dhirsi hiike fuudhuu hin qaban; durba sanyii Israaʼel yookaan niitii lubni irraa duʼe qofa fuudhuu dandaʼu.
23 And they shall teach my people [to distinguish] between holy and profane, and they shall make known to them [the difference] between unclean and clean.
Isaan garaa garummaa waan qulqulluu fi waan qulqulluu hin taʼin gidduu jiru saba koo barsiisanii akka isaan waan xuraaʼaa fi waan qulqullaaʼaa addaan baafatan itti argisiisuu qabu.
24 And these shall attend at a judgment of blood to decide it: they shall rightly observe my ordinances, and judge my judgments, and keep my statutes and my commandments in all my feasts; and they shall hallow my sabbaths.
“‘Falmii kam iyyuu keessatti luboonni akka abbootii seeraatti haa tajaajilan; akka sirna koottis haa murteessan. Isaan seera koo fi ajaja koo kan ayyaana kootiif murteeffame hundaaf kenname sana eeguu qabu; Sanbatoota koos qulqulleessanii eeguu qabu.
25 And they shall not go in to the dead body of a man to defile themselves: only [a priest] may defile himself for a father, or for a mother, or for a son, or for a daughter, or for a brother, or for his sister, who has not been married.
“‘Lubni tokko nama duʼetti dhiʼaachuudhaan of xureessuu hin qabu; haa taʼu malee yoo namni duʼe sun abbaa isaa yookaan haadha isaa, ilma isaa yookaan intala isaa, obboleessa isaa yookaan obboleettii isaa kan hin heerumin taʼe garuu inni of xureessuu dandaʼa.
26 And after he has been cleansed, let him number to himself seven days.
Inni erga qulqullaaʼee booddee guyyaa torba eeguu qaba.
27 And on whatever day they shall enter into the inner court to minister in the holy place, they shall bring a propitiation, says the Lord God.
Innis gaafa iddoo qulqulluu keessa tajaajiluuf oobdii iddoo qulqulluu isa gara keessaa seenutti aarsaa cubbuu waaʼee ofii isaatiif dhiʼeessuu qaba, jedha Waaqayyo Gooftaan.
28 And it shall be to them for an inheritance: I am their inheritance: and no possession shall be given them among the children of Israel; for I am their possession.
“‘Dhaalli luboonni qaban anuma qofa. Isin Israaʼel keessatti qabeenya tokko illee isaaniif kennuu hin qabdan; ani qabeenya isaanii nan taʼa.
29 And these shall eat the meat-offerings, and the sin-offerings, and the trespass-offerings; and every special offering in Israel shall be theirs.
Isaan kennaa midhaanii, aarsaa cubbuutii fi aarsaa yakkaa ni nyaatan; wanni Israaʼel keessaa Waaqayyoof kenname hundi kan isaanii ni taʼa.
30 [And] the first fruits of all things, and the firstborn of all [animals] and all offerings, of all your first fruits there shall be [a share] for the priests; and you shall give your earliest produce to the priest, to bring your blessings upon your houses.
Mataa oomisha midhaanii keessaa filatamaan hundii fi kennaan keessan kan addaa hundinuu kan lubootaa ti. Akka eebbi warra mana keessan jiraataniif dhufuuf, daakuu keessan keessaa kan jalqabaa isaaniif kennuu qabdu.
31 And the priests shall eat no bird or beast that dies of itself, or is taken of wild beasts.
Luboonni simbira yookaan horii, waan duʼee argame yookaan kan bineensi madeesse kam iyyuu nyaachuu hin qaban.

< Jezekiel 44 >